Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 194 Chapter 194 Resurrection of Xiao Xuan, the heads of the eight ancient clans gathered tog

"As long as you surrender and be loyal to me, I can resurrect you and give you a chance to step into the Dou Emperor in the future."

Demon God Qiannuo didn't pay too much attention to Xiao Xuan's problem. In his opinion, this was a small problem that could be solved easily.

"Really!" Xiao Xuan was shocked.

Even though I have been in this state of mind for so many years, at this moment, I still can't help but be moved.

Resurrection, this is what he longs for extremely, and it is also what all dead people long for.

"But I'm just a remnant of my soul."

"I'll take action, you don't have to worry, you just need to answer my questions."

Demon God Qiannuo stopped the other party's words.

"I am willing!"

Xiao Xuan nodded.

As long as he can be resurrected, he is willing to do anything.

Having stayed in this ghost place for too long, he missed the outside world and the current situation of the Xiao clan.

"it is good."

A demon ring enveloped Xiao Xuan.

The technique is reversed and activated.

Great strength manifested itself in him.

The damaged soul is being quickly filled and repaired.

Xiao Xuan could clearly sense this, so he was very shocked.

He thought it was a dream.

He didn't want this to be a dream either.

He was also afraid that this was a dream.

The next second, a physical sensation appeared in the soul.

His body quickly reorganized.

Soon, he was no longer a spirit body, but a physical body.

"My body is back! It's really back!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Xiao Xuan laughed, and the power of the powerful Nine-Star Peak Fighting Saint came out.

The Blood Knife Saint trembled.

As expected of Xiao Xuan, the momentum he exudes after his resurrection is so terrifying!

What a horror!

At least that's what it was like for him.

If compared with the master Qian Nuo, the other party is not worth mentioning.

"The Dou Emperor bloodline in his body has become even richer."

"Sir, I wonder how our Xiao clan is doing now?"

Xiao Xuan clenched his fists and felt the feeling of having a body before asking.

"The Xiao clan no longer exists, but there is still a small tribe. The Xiao clan is still surviving in the northwest continent, and the strongest one is the Great Fighter." Demon God Qiannuo said.

The moment he heard that the Xiao family no longer existed, Xiao Xuan was furious and extremely anxious, but after hearing the following words, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they are not completely wiped out, that's fine.

"All of this has something to do with me. If I hadn't insisted on attacking Dou Emperor, the Xiao clan wouldn't have done this. The strongest person is only the Great Dou Master. What an irony!"

"The Xiao family, so grand and high-spirited back then, is actually struggling to survive in the small northwest continent. Alas, it was me who harmed the descendants!"

"But now that I am resurrected, I must lead the Xiao family to become a big family again!"

Xiao Xuan clenched his fists with firm eyes.

He survived, so there is still great hope for everything that follows!

Revitalize the Xiao clan!

Then let’s start with the northwest continent!

"Damn it, when I died before, I asked Gu Yuan to take care of the Xiao clan and gave him a lot of resources. Is this how this guy took care of me?"

"I want to settle the score with him!"

Xiao Xuan suddenly thought of a question, his face suddenly became gloomy, and a flash of anger flashed across his face.

"You are not his opponent now, he is already half a fighting emperor."

"However, I will let you resolve the grievances between you, but now you are all members of my Alliance of All Realms, so please do not go too far and cause civil strife."

Qian Nuo said.

"I know the alliance leader, I finally resurrected, I will cherish it." Xiao Xuan heard the knock in the other party's words and sighed.

"I wonder what your true purpose is in coming to Dou Qi Continent?"

Xiao Xuan asked.

The other party is from a foreign land, and it is definitely not for him.

"Unify the entire Dou Qi Continent."

"Create a supreme empire, the name of the country is Douwu! Douwu Empire!"

Qian Nuo spoke out her inner thoughts. “It’s really an exciting and exciting future!”

Xiao Xuandao.

"Tian Tomb, are you willing to follow me?"

After leading the two of them away from the Tomb, Xiao Xuan casually asked the consciousness of the Tomb.

The entire celestial tomb is a treasure.

If you cultivate yourself well, you will become a super artifact in the future.

"Yes." Tiandao Consciousness agreed.

This is a being who is stronger than the Dou Emperor level.

Only by following him can you flourish.

Qian Nuo raised his hand, and a black stone tablet appeared in his palm.

It is the true nature of the celestial tomb.

This stone tablet contains a world of space.

Although it is small, it is also genuine.

It is a place that all souls love.

Demon God Qian Nuo began to refine.

Soon, it is easy to refine it into your own treasure.

Under the attack of the ancient clan and the soul clan.

Soon, all the other five ancient families were defeated.

Their senior officials and clan leaders were suppressed and captured.

In the main hall.

Thunder Clan, Medicine Clan, Fire Clan, Stone Clan, Spirit Clan.

The patriarchs and senior officials of these five clans all knelt in the center of the hall as losers.

"Gu Yuan, Soul Emperor! What exactly do you want to do!"

"I didn't expect that you guys were obviously bitter enemies, but now you're joining forces!"

"What do you want to do?"

Everyone roared angrily.

"Nao Nao, now that he is a prisoner, why do you talk so much nonsense?"

"Losers have no right to speak."

Gu Yuan stood on the left and Emperor Hun Tian stood on the right.

On the first seat, Qian Nuo appeared at some point.

Leaning on the seat, crossing his legs, he looked lazily at the group of guys in front of him.

A powerful force suppressed them.

Let them vomit blood directly and feel uncomfortable.

It felt like a huge mountain was pressing down on me. It was really uncomfortable!

"Are you the leader of the alliance they call you?"

The Thunder Clan leader's eyes were full of fear.

As soon as these words came out, the others also recalled the scenes of the previous battle in their minds. What the other party said was 'by the order of the leader of the alliance'

At that time, they were very confused. Both Soul Emperor and Gu Yuan were already at the top of the mainland. Who could become their leader and let them call them adults?

This is a very incredible thing.

But now, I know.

This person is the leader of the alliance in their mouth.

If he could command Gu Yuan and Hun Tiandi to fight against each other, then the mysterious man in front of him must be the Fighting Emperor!

"I wonder, sir, why did you come to us?"

Although the Yao Clan clan leaders were angry and had their own arrogance, they all suppressed it now. No one dared to be arrogant and angry in front of a strong Emperor Dou. This was undoubtedly an act seeking death.

Now, their tribes are all sealed within their own boundaries. If they leave, it will be impossible for anyone to break out and escape.

Their tribesmen will also become their biggest weakness.

It can be killed at any time.

They had tried to escape before, but it was impossible to do so in front of Banbu Doudi.

The person who ran away died immediately.

Even the Dou Emperor projection they summoned was killed.

After all, the other party is just a projection left behind after leaving this world.

After so many years, a lot of it has been lost, and Dou Di’s strength is gone.

However, Gu Yuan and Emperor Hun Tian were genuine half-step fighting emperors, and even the projection could not defeat them, and they eventually lost.

They were also ruthlessly suppressed and captured. (End of chapter)

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