"Bow down to the dock and acknowledge me as your Lord."

Demon God Qian Nuo said.

Everyone's expressions changed.

They are high-ranking and powerful people, and it is really shameful for them to recognize others as their masters now.

I wanted to shout out directly, but it was impossible!

But think about it, even Gu Yuan and Emperor Hun Tian have become like this.

It seems that recognizing each other is not something to be ashamed of.

So they all nodded: "Okay, we agree!"

It is also a good thing to have a strong Emperor Fighter as the boss.

Maybe this is a good opportunity for them to improve again.

"Very good. Next, I want you to mobilize your family to unify Zhongzhou first."

"Anyone who disobeys will be killed directly."

"Now, I will first give you half-step of Dou Di's cultivation."

"Don't ruin the face of our Alliance of All Realms."

As he spoke, Qian Nuo raised his hand in the air, and five rays of light shot into their bodies, quickly making their cultivation levels soar.

The five clan leaders all became Half-Step Fighting Emperors in a short period of time!

"Is this the Half-Step Fighting Emperor?"

"It's really powerful!"

The five clan leaders gasped.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, his eyes were full of excitement.

They thought there was no hope of further progress.

Even if you worship the dock, it won't improve that quickly. Even if it can be improved, it won't be improved too much.

But it has improved so much in a short period of time, which is really great!

"Yes!" Everyone saluted.

Soon, everyone left the hall.

This hall is the void realm that Qian Nuo opened at will.

After everyone left, at this time, a voice came from behind.

"Everyone, long time no see."

The seven people looked over and saw that the person coming out turned out to be a familiar figure.

"Are you Xiao Xuan?!"

Everyone was shocked.

Gu Yuan and Emperor Hun Tian recognized it immediately.

"Yes, it's me!" Xiao Xuan nodded.

"Didn't you already fall? Why are you here? And your cultivation level has reached the half-step Dou Di level!"

Everyone was shocked and asked this question.

But they also guessed a few things.

"You already have the answer in your mind."

"My ability to be resurrected is naturally a gift from the leader of the alliance, and so is my cultivation."

"Like you all, I am a member of the Alliance of All Realms."

"Emperor Soul Heaven, for the sake of the alliance leader, I won't argue with you about what happened back then. Let him let the past matter go by."

Xiao Xuan's tone was calm, but only he knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Everyone was surprised.

I didn’t expect Xiao Xuan to say this.

But I have to admire it.

"Haha, it's all over." Emperor Hun Tian said with a smile.

"Brother Gu, I want to talk to you alone." Xiao Xuan looked at Gu Yuan with a half-smile.

Gu Yuan was like a person who had done something wrong and began to feel guilty inside.

Everyone left.

ancient world.

"Brother Xiao, I am really happy for you that you can be resurrected."

Gu Yuan took the initiative to smile and congratulate.

"Brother Gu, there's no nonsense. If you eat something from my Xiao family, take it out and pretend that this never happened."

Xiao Xuan stretched out his hand, his eyes calm.


Gu Yuan was a little embarrassed and guilty. "Why not?"

"You promised me to take care of the Xiao Clan back then, but now the Xiao Clan is gone."

"I also gave you a share, but you swallowed the rest. Do you really think that I, Xiao Xuan, am easy to bully?"

"Even if we are both half-step fighting emperors, I don't mind squaring off with you."

Xiao Xuan's voice became colder.

This damn guy made him feel even more hateful than Soul Emperor.

He even swallowed up everything he left for the Xiao clan.

"Haha, Brother Xiao, don't be angry. I'm just helping the Xiao Clan keep it. The Xiao Clan was already weak at that time. If you hold so many resources, they will definitely be coveted by other forces. I am doing this for the Xiao Clan's good."

"Moreover, the Xiao clan is not completely gone. There is still a small branch in the northwest continent, but it is not the Xiao clan but the Xiao family."

"Even if I do give these things to them, they won't be able to keep them and may face catastrophe."

Gu Yuan coughed dryly and immediately argued.

He spoke righteously, and everything on his face said, "I am thinking about the Xiao clan and the Xiao family."

"Haha, that really cost you a lot of effort."

"Now that I'm back, I have the strength to hold on, so take it out."

Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

"alright, please wait."

Gu Yuan sighed inwardly.

What he had eaten, he would eventually vomit out.

But fortunately, not a lot of them are used, because the ancient clan itself is very wealthy.

Moreover, he did not want to be an enemy of Xiao Xuan.

This guy has become a half-step fighting emperor, and his strength is still terrifying.

What's more, there is also the constraint of the Alliance of All Realms.

If the trouble goes to the top, he will also be the one who suffers.

So he was very sensible and took out the things and returned them to Xiao Xuan. At the same time, he also took some things to compensate for the used parts.

As for the share he wanted to give to the ancient clan, Xiao Xuan did not take it.

Looking at the large amount of resources piled in the Najie, Xiao Xuan was very emotional, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, after a thousand years, I saw it again.

With these resources, he can quickly cultivate the Xiao family, which is now in a state of decline.

"Your main soul has been destroyed. Could it be that you who are resurrected now are the remnants of the soul in the tomb?" Gu Yuan asked his doubts.

After Xiao Xuan got his things back, he felt much better. He nodded and said, "Yes, the leader personally went in and resurrected me."

"Also, your current sky tomb has been taken away by the leader of the alliance."

"Really, what!"

Gu Yuan was stunned and quickly came to the place where the tomb was.

That stone tablet is really gone.

"The leader is so powerful, why does he need a stone tablet?"

Gu Yuan asked very puzzledly.

Xiao Xuan shook his head: "I don't know either, but one thing is certain. Since he took away the tomb, it is probably related to the soul of the tomb. After all, you are also a soul that is infinitely close to the imperial realm."

"That's all, let's complete the mission quickly. This continent will undergo huge changes next."

"Shall we go together? Do you want to live in the ancient world recently?"

Gu Yuan said.

"No, I'm leaving now. I plan to go to the Northwest Continent first. My poor descendants of the Xiao family, I have to train them as soon as possible."

Xiao Xuan sighed.

The two chatted some more.

Then Xiao Xuan left the ancient world.

"Clan leader, what should we do next?"

"The fragments of Tuoshe's ancient emperor jade are still in the hands of the Xiao family."

An elder fighting saint next to him came over to talk about this matter.

"Now that we have a real Dou Emperor, and a more terrifying existence than Dou Emperor, why do we need the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade?"

"Others don't need this jade piece to open it. By the way, I should report this news quickly now. Maybe I can be credited with my merits and become the first Dou Emperor among the eight tribes!"

Gu Yuan no longer likes Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, but this is indeed good information.

So he immediately flew to the demon world in the sky. (End of chapter)

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