In the Demon God Realm, Gu Yuan told the story about Tuoshe Ancient Emperor and the jade fragments.

Only then did Demon God Qian Nuo remember this matter.

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade is the main plot of Dou Qi Continent.

It is also the key to everything.

But now that I have a cultivation level that surpasses Dou Emperor, it is still a simple matter to open a Dou Emperor cave.

"I can open it without a token."

"Take credit from you."

Qian Nuo nodded.

"But we don't know the location of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's cave. We need to collect eight fragments to summon it."

Gu Yuan was secretly happy and said again.

"The fragments are in your hands, let them hand them over."

"We have seven pieces in hand, and the last piece is with the Xiao family. Xiao Xuan happens to be going there, so he can bring it back."

Gu Yuan said immediately.

"it is good."

Qian Nuo nodded.

Although he knew the location of Emperor Tuoshe's cave, he was not in a hurry.

Soon, the clan leaders who received the order took the initiative to hand over the fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in their hands.

Demon God Qiannuo easily obtained seven fragments of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

Unexpectedly, the fragments that had been fought over by the eight ancient tribes for so long were now so easily collected by Qian Nuo.

And Xiao Xuan also received the message.

After finding the Xiao family, take it back.

At the same time, the seven ancient tribes took action one after another.

Overnight, Zhongzhou Continent will usher in unprecedented turmoil and changes.

Starting tonight, many people are destined to die.

Northwest continent, Jiama Empire, over Wutan City.

A space fluctuation opened a hole.

A figure with long hair in white clothes emerged from the sky.

It was Xiao Xuan who came from Zhongzhou.

He came here by opening a wormhole in the void based on the coordinates given by that guy Gu Yuan.

After so many years, he could not wait to meet the younger generation of the Xiao family.

Although those people are not good at cultivation, they are the only descendants of the Xiao family.

If he doesn't support him, he will never have a chance to recover.

So no matter what, he must support it.

With him here, these are no troubles.

"Well, is this news from the leader?"

However, the next second, Xiao Xuan received information from the Demon God Realm.

It was from the alliance leader Qian Nuo.

The content of the message is to find the Xiaojiatuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade and hand it over, to unify the northwest continent and the neighboring continents, and then hand it over together.

The following words were what Qian Nuo suddenly remembered.

Since the other party has already gone to the Northwest Continent, Xiao Xuan will be allowed to unify the Northwest Continent and the surrounding continents.

Relying on the opponent's half-step Dou Di cultivation level, it is completely a small problem.

When the Douwu Empire army arrives, they can hand over directly, which can save a lot of time.

The Xiao family is in a very bad situation now. The engagement was just broken off in public.

Xiao Yan also created a thirty-year Hedong thirty-year Hexi.

But there was nothing he could do.

He could only enter the back mountain, and finally met his own grandfather Yaochen.

Naturally, such a big thing could not be hidden from Xiao Xuan’s ears.

"The Yunlan Sect is so bold, he actually let people break off the engagement in public, and slapped my Xiao family in the face like this. I didn't expect that my Xiao family has fallen into such a low situation now."

"The Yun Lan Sect is just a force in the Jia Ma Empire that even the Dou Sect does not have. If placed in Zhongzhou, it is considered an inferior sect. It is really so prestigious!"

"That's all, let's go back and take a look first."

"A tiger falls flat and is bullied by a dog."

Xiao Xuan shook his head.

He did not directly go to Yunlan Sect to destroy the other party. But I plan to go back and take a look.

He was very interested in this former young genius of the Xiao family.

He is a half-step fighting emperor, so he can definitely see some tricks.

As long as he is cured, with his resources, his own teachings, and Xiao Yan's own talent, he will definitely be able to become a powerful being in a very short period of time.

At that time, it will be Yun Lanzong's turn to regret.

Such a good opportunity to join their Xiao family was missed in vain.

If the other party knew about it, they would definitely regret it to death.

It is not necessary to have the status of a royal palace, but to be a slave.

In this case, Xiao Xuan intends to fulfill the Yunlan Sect, so let them be the slaves of his Xiao family.

The mountain behind the Xiao family.

"Now that I have completed my apprenticeship, it's time for you to make me a strong man!" Xiao Yan looked at the old man's soul floating in front of him and asked with some anticipation.

The old guy in front of him has absorbed his fighting spirit for three years and made himself look down upon. He wants to grow up quickly and slap those guys in the face who look down on others.

And whip it hard!

"Haha, don't worry, don't worry, you need to find the medicinal materials on this list first, and then we'll talk about it later."

Yao Lao sold it out.

Then a list was dropped.

"I never expected that the soul body of the ninth-level peak Douzun would appear in such a remote place."

"It seems that you are the culprit who caused Xiao Yan's cultivation to regress."

However, at this moment, the void in the back mountain of the Xiao family was blocked, and a voice with no specific emotion sounded in the space.

As soon as this voice came out, Xiao Yan and Yao Chen immediately showed different expressions on their faces.

Xiao Yan was confused, sluggish, puzzled, and confused.

Yao Chen was shocked, frightened, and confused.

He realized that the void in the sky was actually blocked.

Such a large-scale solid blockade is not something that ordinary Douzong can do, not even Douzong. I'm afraid it can't be done.

Even he couldn't do it so solidly, neatly and with such huge energy.

So it is very likely that he is a semi-saint or even a fighting saint.

"Could it be that the family behind that girl noticed me?"

"Or are you saying that the Soul Clan is chasing after you?"

Yao Chen's inner thoughts were going crazy.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Today's Yaochen is a soul body and is still very weak.

It is impossible to be the opponent of such a terrifying unknown enemy.

Today he will either be captured or killed.

This was the only thing he could think of.

The next second, he saw a figure in white standing with his hands behind his back, his feet in the void, looking at them quietly.

"Although it is very thin, it is indeed the blood of my Xiao family, and it has been sensed."

Xiao Xuan's eyes looked at Xiao Yan, and then moved to Yao Chen.

I heard that this junior Xiao Yan joined the Dou Zhe family at the age of ten.

After that, his fighting spirit cultivation inexplicably regressed from three years ago until now.

Now, I didn't expect that he would find the answer as soon as he came.

It turns out that there is a soul body of a nine-turn Dou Zun at the peak, residing in his ring, slowly absorbing Xiao Yan's fighting spirit.

At first he was quite curious, but now he is no longer curious.

There is only a hint of coldness and murderous intent.

"You are so brave, you dare to absorb the fighting spirit of my descendants of the Xiao clan. Do you want to die as a soul?"

Xiao Xuan's cold voice sounded.

"A descendant of the Xiao clan?"

"Could it be the Xiao clan of the eight ancient clans?!"

After listening to Xiao Xuan's words, Yao Chen was frightened.

Why is the Xiao family in the small northwest continent the ancient Xiao family?

No wonder they both had the same surname: Xiao, and they thought it was just a coincidence that they had the same name.

I didn't expect that there would be such a relationship.

Really bloody. (End of chapter)

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