"Two museum owners, what should I do now?"

Regarding the attitude of the two people, Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said.

The two people in front of him really weren't here to catch him.

"Come with us to meet someone. Your problem is a small one. Soon the earth will be cleansed. I think these people with bad moral character will become the targets of the cleansing." Hong said.

Luo Feng was very shocked after hearing this.

Earth cleansing!


Is this really news he can hear?

You won't be silenced, right?

After all, he didn't understand the two people in front of him or the people behind him at all.

But according to what the other party just said, he should not be a heinous person. If he were, he would not restore order to the earth.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Luo Feng nodded.

Now the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

The three of them entered the Honghuang fighter plane and flew towards the Hongning base city.

The move was not glossed over.

It was quickly seen by the HR Alliance satellite.

In a luxurious villa, an old man with artificial projection appeared: "Sir, the satellite captured the Prehistoric Fighter Plane appearing in the wilderness area where Master Li Wei was involved in the accident. This is the picture taken."

With that said, the picture came out.

It was Hong and Lei Sheng, followed by a boy they didn't recognize.

Venina said: "Yao, what do you mean when you say that at this juncture, Hong and Lei Shen appeared in this wilderness area at the same time?"

Li Yao shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it's a coincidence."

Issued an order: "Check the information of that boy for me immediately!"

Now Luo Feng's information is not encrypted.

appeared soon.

The other party's information shows that he is a high-level warrior.

Very common.

"It is impossible for a high-level soldier to kill Li Yao, and when the incident happened, his position was far away from Li Yao."

"It's impossible to appear thirty kilometers away in such a short time."

Li Yao said.

"No, it is possible if he is a spiritual master."

"We didn't issue a wanted notice. Hong and Lei Shen didn't show up. Now they show up and picked him up. I suspect this person is related."

"This matter involves Hong and Lei Shen, so it's a bit troublesome and not easy to investigate."

"Hopefully it's just speculation on our part."

"All the previous suspects will be executed secretly. No one will be left alive. We would rather kill by mistake than let anyone go!"

Li Yao and Venina were talking.

"Well, I have arranged for someone to take care of it. Thank you very much Touwei. Those people are indeed not the murderers of Li Wei, so this person is the only one who is very suspicious."

"No matter what, we must find out and ask Hong and Lei Shen to come and pick him up in person. His identity must be unusual. Li Yao must have been killed by himself!"

Venina said crazily.

Now all she can think about is revenge for her child.

They will not care whether their son made a mistake first, because there is no need at all, this world respects strength!

The strong kill the weak without any reason!

If it weren't for Hong and Lei Shen, they could kill those ordinary people at will!

The HR alliance itself is not a clean existence.

It's just that some alliances of forces from three religions and nine streams gathered together to keep warm. It's not a good thing in itself.

What's more, as long as it doesn't interfere with the Extreme Martial Arts School and the Thunderbolt Martial Arts School, the HR Alliance is also the strongest.

Of course, they also need to be wary of the Huaxia Military Region, which also has a strong presence.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to investigate clearly. I don't believe that he has been with Hong and Lei Shen all the time. As long as he leaves, we will follow him. Moreover, the information about his family is that of ordinary poor people without any background. Although we can’t do it openly, we can threaten him secretly.”

"It's best not. We don't want to cause too much trouble. If it is, then we can only lure him to the wilderness area and kill him."

When Li Yao saw that his wife was almost going crazy because of his son, and was so overwhelmed by hatred that she lost her calm thinking, he immediately put her head in his arms to comfort her.

"That's all for now."

"Our strength is still too low. If we can break through to the level beyond the God of War, then we don't need to be angry with this bullshit. If we doubt who did it, we can just arrest and kill it. There is no need to be like this now. Worrying about this and that, there are too many worries." Li Yao sighed, his eyes becoming fierce.

"Can you break through that realm?" Venina looked at Li Yao, her lover, and asked.

Li Yao looked solemn: "It's difficult, it's too difficult. I'm already working hard. Don't worry, although it's difficult, I will definitely make a breakthrough. As long as I find an opportunity, I will never let it go!"

He clenched his fists.

They must have the combat power of the Speaker level. Now they are all members of the Council. In the Palace of the God of War, they do not have much say at all.

Only when you reach the speaker level can you have the real right to speak.

But the level of speaker is really difficult.

He worked hard for so long, but in the end he still didn't make a breakthrough, but he saw hope of advancement, but it required a little too much energy.

It will be impossible to break through for a while.

He estimated that it would take at least another three years.

Originally this was a very happy event, but after hearing about the death of his son, this happy event that had not yet arrived turned into a funeral.

After Hong and Lei Shen received the order, they upgraded Luo Feng's file information to the maximum level of confidentiality.

And arrange for someone to protect the other person's family.

Qian Nuo planned to be polite first and then attack.

First, hold a meeting at the God of War Palace.

Then it’s time to deal with the people on the list.

Now that Qian Nuo is in charge of Blue Star, those scum can be cleared away easily.

Previously, Hong and Lei Shen were reluctant to kill because there were very few powerful people on Earth and each one was precious. It was impossible to kill them unless they had to, so they were very worried.

After all, if the earth is exposed to the eyes of other civilizations in the universe and is invaded, every strong person on earth will be a powerful fighting force.

But now that they have Brother Qiannuo, their pressure is instantly reduced, and even these worries can be cleared away.

Only through peaceful reunification can mankind become stronger quickly.

Only by bringing all talents and strengths together can this plan be quickly realized.

If there are mice droppings that cause trouble, they can only be killed.

In fact, the forces also quickly learned that the Honghuang fighter plane appeared in that wilderness area.

Hong and Thor were photographed with an imp.

Some people with fast hands found out that it was Luo Feng, while some people with slow hands wanted to find it. The information had become top secret and could not be found.

Even the person I was looking for before has become the most confidential interface and I can't continue to look at it.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood that this boy named Luo Feng was not simple.

Anyone who can be related to Hong and Lei Shen is not something they can mess with.

Of course, they were also confused because the other party was just a high-level warrior with a simple family background. (End of chapter)

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