Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 204 204 Recognize Luo Feng as the fourth brother

Over Hongning Base City, Honghuang fighter jets landed.

Luo Feng came out and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

This base city is really big.

Seeing him for the first time in his life.

Enter the floor, go to the top, and enter the room.

Along the way, Luo Feng looked at the baby curiously.

In the room, Qiannuo was sitting on the sofa chair, watching TV, eating melon seeds and drinking tea.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the world of modern society is still suitable for him.

In those two ancient worlds, I always felt out of touch with modern people.

The life here now made him understand that he still had to live in a modern society to suit him.

"Brother! Luo Feng brought it."

Hong and Lei Shen smiled slightly.

"Okay, sit down."

Qian Nuo nodded and looked at Luo Feng.

It’s similar to what I saw in the anime.

The moment Luo Feng saw Qian Nuo, he was shocked by the inexplicable invisible power in him.

All of a sudden, I felt that the other party was mysterious and huge, and I was incomparably small.

He was very nervous and struggled with what to call the person in front of him.

Also called big brother?

"Hello, sir, I wonder what you want from me?" Luo Feng raised his hands and asked with a worried expression.

"You have a good talent."

"Don't you know? In addition to being a warrior, he is also a spiritual master."

Qian Nuo looked at Luo Feng and said.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Feng's expression changed drastically.

The spiritual master is his biggest secret, but the other party is so powerful.

There is nothing strange about knowing that.

The most shocking thing is that even Hong, the strongest person in the world, and Thor, the second strongest person in the world, call the man in front of him Big Brother.

What does this mean?

Does it mean that the person in front of you is the real strongest person on earth?

So who is this young man in front of me?

Moreover, he felt an extremely powerful emperor's majesty from the other party.

It seems that he was born to be an emperor, and he was born to be a minister.

The current scene was like the awe the courtiers had when they saw the emperor.

There is no thought of resistance.

"I didn't expect you to hide this trick. Just now I couldn't figure out why you could kill Li Wei with the strength of a senior warrior. After all, the opponent must have brought a warrior-level bodyguard with him when he went out. It seems that all the mysteries have been answered now. ."

It dawned on both Hong and Thor.

The opponent is a spiritual master, and coupled with the basic level of a high-level warrior, the power finally exerted is definitely at the level of a warrior.

Moreover, the other party may not be an ordinary spiritual master.

How could it be hidden for so long.

"Why didn't you tell us at Extreme Martial Arts School that you were a spiritual master early on? The contract you could get would be even bigger, and your talent as a warrior is also very good."

Hong said.

"In this world, hiding talents is actually a waste of talents. We will give priority to high-quality resources to people with good talents. The better your capital, the more you will get."

"Maybe you will grow faster than you do now."

Thor also said.

"There are many bad people in the world, and I also want to leave a backup for myself. Just like the Li Wei disaster this time, the opponent had several generals. If I hadn't concealed the talent of the spiritual master, the opponent would definitely Be more careful, I have no chance of winning the counter-attack, it’s me who will die.”

Luo Feng sighed and said.

You still have to be wary of outsiders.

"Not knowing how dangerous this society is, it's not wrong for him to be more vigilant," Qian Nuo said.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Qian Nuo, the eldest brother of Hong He Lei Shen, also known as the Demon God."

"He is also the strongest person in the world who has not shown up."

Qian Nuo looked at Luo Feng and said lightly.

Luo Feng was very shocked: "I've seen the devil!"

When you hear this title, you feel that he is not a decent person, but the other person did not destroy the earth and committed crimes indiscriminately, so he should be a good person.

A title still doesn't mean much.

Today's Qian Nuo can perfectly contain the power of evil. As long as he does not actively leak the power of evil, it will not be felt by outsiders.

"Luo Feng, are you willing to recognize me as your eldest brother?"

Demon God Qian Nuo looked at Luo Feng.

When he was in Douluo Star, he killed the hypocritical Tang San, and his character was not good. When he was a Dou Qi star, he didn't pay much attention to Xiao Yan. Both of them had shortcomings.

If we compare the two, Xiao Yan is much better than Tang San.

But Luo Feng is a completely decent person with few stains. He is a very suitable character to be his little brother.

The future Lord of Luo City will surpass the existence of the God King.

And now he doesn't know what his specific cultivation level is, and he has some expectations.

Moreover, he thought of a way to quickly improve his strength.

That is to continuously refine the planet into his own divine realm. The stronger the center of the divine realm, the stronger his strength will be.

Swallowing Starry Sky is a very vast and huge science fiction world, with countless planets, enough for him to devour and refine.

So this world is perfect for him.

This world is very suitable for him when he is not looking for a way to another world.



Luo Feng was stunned.

Hong and Lei Shen were also confused.

Looking at Luo Feng, he was a little confused.

Why can the other party be treated so well?

What kind of virtue and ability does the other party have?

"Lord Demon God, how can I be so virtuous and capable?"

"I don't know what you like about me."

Luo Feng was really confused and confused.

My mind is full of questions.

If I don't ask clearly, I always feel uneasy.

Of course, he did not intend to give up such a good opportunity. By recognizing the young man in front of him as his elder brother, he would have a strong backing.

There is no need to worry about the revenge of Li Yao and his wife.

My family is also safe.

The most important thing is that maybe the other party has a way to help his brother Luo Hua regain his legs and no longer feel inferior!

No matter what, he will admit it!

But he was really confused, so he asked.

"You are very talented, and you are also very upright. I like you very much."

"Your potential is also huge."

"How about this reason?"

Qian Nuo showed a rare smile.


Luo Feng was immediately embarrassed by the praise and felt a little thin-skinned.

"I am willing!"

"My eldest brother, please accept my respects from my younger brother Luo Feng!"

After speaking, Luo Feng made a ninety-degree bow to Qian Nuo.

"Very good. From now on, you are our fourth brother."

Qian Nuo nodded with satisfaction.

"These two will also be your big brothers from now on."

"There are some good things here, take them back and use them."

"As for the matter regarding Li Yao and his wife, there will be a result soon. You don't need to worry."

Qian Nuo said.

The next second, a soul guide ring was thrown out and handed to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng took it and looked at the ring curiously. After hearing what his elder brother said, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "Brother, how do you use this ring?"

Are the training resources here?

Qian Nuo said: "You only need to penetrate your mental power into it. This is a storage ring with a lot of space inside."

Space rings are difficult to obtain in this world.

And very valuable.

You also need to cut out a space cube and put it in.

But it is not difficult to do it in Dou Qi Star and Dou Luo Star. This is also the difference between the two.

He has countless things like this here.

In the future, after the Martial God Empire is established, it can be sold. (End of chapter)

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