Chapter 10 Ren Tingting is here!
Uncle Jiu was a little puzzled.

I have been a Taoist priest for many years and have never encountered such a thing.

Could it be an accidental collision?
"Yes, yes, my little friend is right!" Mr. Tan's eyes suddenly lit up, as if seeing a life-saving straw, he looked at Qin Ze and said excitedly.

These words spoke to the deepest part of his heart.

At this moment, he was like a seriously ill patient seeing a doctor. When a patient speaks his first words to the doctor, he can accurately tell the pathology. How can there be a greater sense of security than this?

This is how Mr. Tan feels at the moment.

If someone says it right at a glance, it means that the matter should not be so bad and can be solved.

Mr. Tan continued: "Actually, it's not that we didn't find other people during this period, but they all took the money and did nothing. They have always heard that Uncle Jiu's Taoism is profound, so they came here specially this time!"

The charlatans he found were all useless. They did nothing but win cards.

"By the way, may I ask what I call this little friend?"

Master Tan looked at Uncle Jiu and quickly asked his name.

Uncle Jiu said with a smile: "I forgot to introduce you, this is a disciple of Maoshan, my junior brother Qin Ze!"

"I didn't expect that my friend, at such a young age, is actually a disciple of Maoshan. You really can't be judged by appearance!" Mr. Tan said respectfully with his hands raised.

When he first entered the door, he noticed Qin Ze. After all, it was difficult not to notice him because of his tallness. However, at the time, he thought he was a disciple of Uncle Jiu, who was similar to the two people next to him, so he automatically ignored it. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Mao Shan. Taoist priest.

No wonder you can see your own situation at a glance.

Master Ren was also a little surprised and said with a smile: "It seems that Maoshan has another good disciple!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Qin Ze a few more times. He could tell what happened to Mr. Tan at a glance, so he must be quite capable. Maybe he could talk about his family's affairs here.

Uncle Jiu smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to answer. He knew that his junior brother had no cultivation. Although he didn't know why he didn't have cultivation, he could see these evil spirits.

But being able to see it doesn't mean it can be effectively solved. This kind of thing needs to be done by someone with cultivation.

"Tell me, what exactly does Master Tan want us to do this time?" Uncle Jiu said straight to the point.

Mr. Tan stated his purpose: "To be honest, I came to Renjia Town this time just to invite you to come to Tan Mansion to eliminate ghosts. After the task is completed, the reward will definitely not be less. It will be paid at three times the market price. You What do you think?"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng on the other side have big mouths. At three times the market price, they can get a lot of money!
Master Tan is indeed a rich man, and his spending is generous.

Uncle Jiu pondered for a while. Money didn't mean much to him, so he turned to ask, "Have these ghosts hurt you or your family during this time?"

He has been staying at Mr. Tan's house. Although he has disturbed his rest, no murder has occurred. He guesses that these ghosts are not bad in nature.

In this case, you still have to ask clearly before speaking, and don't jump to conclusions.

"That's not true. They usually show up to scare us or play tricks on my family. As for other things, they haven't done anything else!"

Mr. Tan shook his head helplessly. There was a reason for this, and he told what happened.

It turns out that these ghosts appeared just after his family's new house was built, but the house was built on top of someone else's ancestral grave.

Although the entire procedure was legal and compliant without any problems, this kind of thing was indeed disgraceful.

"In this case, forgive us for not being able to do anything. Mr. Tan should ask someone else to do it!" Uncle Jiu refused decisively after hearing the whole story.

"Uncle Jiu, why is this?" Master Tan suddenly became anxious when he heard this.

It was not easy to find a capable person who could solve the incident in the house, but he was gone in the blink of an eye. It was like a cooked duck flying away.Not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

"Is it a matter of money? If Uncle Jiu thinks it's less, how about I double it?"

Master Tan said quickly.

Uncle Jiu shook his head: "It's not about money!"

"As a cultivator, I have always been clear about good and evil, and have my own rules for dealing with people. This is true for people and ghosts. In this matter, it was Mr. Tan who was wrong first, and the female ghost family is happy In the past two years, he has not harmed your family! This shows that his nature is not bad! He is not a vicious ghost!"

"They were just suppressed on the grave, which caused their ghosts to linger and become a little temperamental!"

"And that place was originally someone else's territory. Even though I am a cultivator, I can't go there and just drive people away!"

"If that's the case, what's the difference between it and a horse bandit? It's very easy to lose your moral character by doing this kind of thing!"

"So, please ask Mr. Tan to hire another Gao Ming!"

Uncle Jiu explained his reasons one by one. Although he learned a lot of skills, he was never pedantic.

Qin Ze didn't say anything. If he refused, would it mean that the plot of Mr. Ling Huan had not started?

Let's take another look.

"Then, what should we do?" Mr. Tan panicked. Will the house he spent thousands of dollars to build a new house be so abandoned?
"Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Qin, please think of a solution!" Mr. Tan almost knelt down.

Master Ren looked at it and said, "Please ask the two fellow Taoists to think of something!"

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but frowned. After thinking for a while, he came up with a compromise: "Let's do it this way. You won't kill me if you kill me. I'll take some time to go to your place and see if I can get along with you." Let’s talk to the ghosts and see if we can reincarnate them!”

Master Tan nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice: "Okay, okay, just do what Uncle Jiu said!"

At this point, as long as he can solve the problems in the house, it doesn't matter what method he uses.

"However, if they don't want to, we won't force them!" Uncle Jiu continued.

Master Tan understood what Uncle Jiu meant, and he couldn't help but glance at Qin Ze: "Well, how about Taoist Qin come over with us then? I'm willing to double the reward!"

He still remembered what Qin Ze had said at the beginning. If Qin Ze was with him, his confidence would definitely be much higher.

Naturally, Qin Ze would not refuse. He would surely gain some merit points by dealing with these female ghosts, so he nodded immediately: "I will go there in person when the time comes!"

Considering the situation of his junior brother, Uncle Jiu subconsciously wanted to say no, but he thought that these ghosts did not have any malicious intent, but it was an opportunity for them to practice, so he did not say anything more.

"Then thank you very much!"

When Mr. Tan saw this, his mood obviously improved a lot.

Master Ren nodded, seeing that there was no problem with this matter, and thinking that everyone was here, he was ready to talk about his own affairs.

He came here to wait for Uncle Jiu, not just to meet him.

However, just when he was about to speak, the door was suddenly pushed open
Everyone looked over.

I saw a woman with delicate features and wearing a Western skirt walking in. It was Master Ren's daughter Ren Tingting.

(End of this chapter)

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