Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 11: What else don’t I know about this kid?

Chapter 11: What else don’t I know about this kid?
"Wow, Master, you are looking at a beautiful girl!"

Wencai's eyes were shining, he pointed at the door and said excitedly.

"Here he comes, he's coming towards me!" Qiu Sheng fiddled with his hair and rubbed his hands slightly nervously.

When the two of them saw Ren Tingting coming in, they immediately came online after being offline for a long time. They had never seen such a girl in Renjia Town for so long.

"As a teacher, I am not blind!" Uncle Jiu was speechless for a while. There was no sound at all when talking about Tan Mansion just now. The two of you were quite active now.

"Dad, didn't you say you were waiting at the original place, why are you here!" Ren Tingting walked in, focusing all her attention on Master Ren, and said with some confusion.

Yesterday, I escaped from the horse bandits. I was still frightened and frightened after I returned. After telling Master Ren the whole story, Master Ren felt heartbroken and wanted to make amends to his precious daughter the next day.

So I took my daughter to the town early in the morning to relax and buy some supplies that girls like.

Of course, Ren Tingting had other thoughts. She was thinking about whether she could see Qin Ze, who saved her yesterday when she was walking around the town. She suddenly remembered that she forgot to ask where Qin Ze was, and she couldn't help but feel a little bit confused. regret.

I don't even have an address when I come to thank someone.

But after going around like this, I didn't see anyone I wanted to see. After buying some rouge and gouache, I came back to find my father.

"Hahaha! Well, I met an old acquaintance, come and sit with me!" Mr. Ren laughed and said dotingly.

Then, he looked at Uncle Jiu and introduced him: "This is my little girl Ren Tingting. She just came back from the provincial capital yesterday!"

"Tingting, this is Uncle Jiu from this town!" After saying that, he looked at Ren Tingting and introduced.

"I've met Uncle Jiu!" Ren Tingting said hello with a smile.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "It turns out that she is the daughter of the Ren family. I have long heard that Master Ren has a precious daughter, but I have never had a chance to meet her. I didn't expect that she is so beautiful now!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng quickly introduced themselves: "Hello, Miss Ren, my name is Wencai and my name is Qiu Sheng!"

The two of them had smiles on their faces. They couldn't let go of this opportunity to get acquainted with such a beautiful girl.

Ren Tingting responded politely.

Uncle Jiu glared at the two of them, then looked at Ren Tingting and continued to introduce: "This is my junior brother Qin Ze. What a coincidence, he also came to Renjia Town yesterday!"

Hearing this, Ren Tingting's face with a standard polite smile changed slightly, and she turned her head to look at Qin Ze who was sitting inside. When she saw the appearance, her eyes immediately stared like bells: "Are you here too? "

Ren Tingting was surprised. She didn't expect to see herself here instead of seeing her outside.

Qin Ze smiled and nodded. What a coincidence: "I didn't expect to meet again!"

He knew there would be a time to meet, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.


"Do you know?"

Master Ren looked a little puzzled when he saw his precious daughter's reaction.

what's the situation?
Didn't you just come back yesterday, how could you know the people in Renjia Town?

"Dad, he is the person I told you yesterday!" Ren Tingting explained.

"What? That person is you."'

Master Ren stood up directly from his chair and couldn't help but exclaimed.

This reaction made Uncle Jiu and his two disciples a little confused, especially Uncle Jiu. Although he admitted that his junior brother was good-looking and a nice person, it was only his first day here. How famous was he? ?
"Master Ren, is there something going on here?"

Uncle Jiu asked doubtfully, there must be something he didn't know about here. "Hahaha, something happened, and it's a big deal!" Mr. Ren laughed.

"If it hadn't been for Daoist Qin, it's not certain whether my daughter could have returned to the Ren family safely!"

Uncle Jiu was even more puzzled.

Wencai, Qiu Sheng, and Master Tan had the same expression.

Is this thing related to your daughter?

When Master Ren saw this, he smiled and told what happened.

What about knocking people tens of meters away with bare hands, about being so fast that you can dodge bullets, and about killing horse bandits with one punch? I didn't know the details and used some exaggerated expressions.

He spoke as if he had experienced it himself.

When this kind of thing was said in front of his face, Qin Ze's mouth twitched. Although what he said was accurate, this kind of scene still made people want to dig out three rooms and one living room.

"Originally, I wanted to thank fellow Taoist Qin in person, but I didn't know where he lived or what his name was. Now I didn't expect to see him here. I'm really lucky!"

"Uncle Ninth, you have a good junior brother!"

Master Ren was a little excited. Although Qin Ze saw what happened to Master Tan before, he felt that this young man was not simple. Now that he knew that he saved his daughter, he even praised him and praised Uncle Jiu.

As soon as he said these words, Uncle Jiu felt light on his face. Good guy, you actually did this.

At the same time, he was also a little shocked. His junior brother seemed to be different from what he imagined. If the weirdness he saw in Master Tan before could be described as coincidence, what about now?
This is a real record!

"This boy really made Maoshan proud!"

Uncle Jiu didn't think too much anymore. This time, his junior brother had indeed gained face for Maoshan, and he smiled with satisfaction.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng on one side couldn't imagine it, mainly because they were dodging bullets and so on, which made them feel very unreal. However, deep down in their hearts, they were filled with envy. The junior uncle saved Miss Ren's family by his own ability. How could he do such a thing on his own? Not encountered.

However, it seems that there is nothing we can do if we encounter it.
They suddenly discovered the importance of strength, and decided in their hearts that they must go back and practice hard to surpass their junior uncle.

"Hahaha, Taoist Master Qin is indeed not a mortal!" Mr. Tan praised him. He was not very surprised by this. The main reason was that Qin Ze could see his own problem, and the other party should have this ability.

As soon as this happened, he felt more and more at ease. It would be no problem to leave his affairs to Qin Ze.

"Taoist Master Qin, thank you again. You must come to my Ren's house when you have time!" Mr. Ren looked at Qin Ze and said with an arched fist.

He was such a precious daughter, and saving her from the bandits was tantamount to saving the lives of their entire Ren family.

Qin Ze said with a smile: "Don't worry too much about easy things!"

"Let's talk about your family!"

Mr. Ren's appearance here would definitely not be just to reminisce with Mr. Tan. Otherwise, the guest, Uncle Jiu, would have said goodbye long ago when he came over, specifying that it was about the relocation of Mr. Ren's grave.

Seeing that Qin Ze could actually see this, Mr. Ren's eyes lit up and he was amazed again and again. When the topic came to him, he simply told the matter as he was told.

"Taoist Master Qin is really clever! I really came here to ask for something!"

These words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Uncle Jiu's expression turned serious. Is there something wrong with Mr. Ren?
In the eyes of everyone, Mr. Ren told the story that Mr. Ren wanted to move his grave.

(End of this chapter)

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