Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 104: The overlord is in full bloom!Breaking!

Chapter 104: The overlord is in full bloom!Breaking!

Partridge Gu knew that time was running out, and the distance between the red and white demons was getting closer and closer, so there was no time to waste.

However, she did not intend to let Qin Ze face this situation alone. After sending Qiu Sheng and Nianying away, she came back immediately to break the situation together.

Partu Gu used her hands to make secrets, breaking the momentum along the way. Under the protection of Qin Ze, she found the weak point in the evil spirit pattern, and led Qiu Sheng and Nianying to withdraw from the red and white evil spirits.

The weird thing is.

Facing the departure of Partition Girl and others, Hong Sha and Bai Sha did not stop them at all.

Aunt Partridge understood that Qin Ze was being targeted.

Ghosts are most afraid of people who are full of yang energy, but they are most fond of people who are full of essence.


Qin Ze has them all.

From the evil spirit's point of view, maybe the three of them together are not as alluring as Qin Ze.

"We're leaving, Qin, what will happen to Taoist Master Qin?"

Nianying, who left Hongbai Cangsha, couldn't help but worry about Qin Ze's safety.

Leave Qin Ze alone there.

it's not good!
"Let you go, trust me, little uncle!"

Qiu Sheng didn't care at all and was not worried about Qin Ze's situation at all. He said that he had never seen any big storms and waves, so this would not be difficult for his junior uncle.

There is no way, the previous scenes of Tengteng Town were too impactful.

Killed the zombie king and a group of zombies.

What are a few brats?
"You brat, you really don't worry about your uncle at all!" Aunt Partridge rolled her eyes at Qiu Sheng, saying that ignorant people are fearless.

Then they placed Qiu Sheng and Nianying in a safe area, and after a few words of warning, they turned back.

Those with a strong destiny can still resist the attack, but those with a weak destiny may die suddenly on the spot.

Qiu Sheng is not strong enough, and Nianying is an ordinary person. When encountering the red and white demons, it is easy to be led into them.

The collision of two extreme emotions of great joy and great sorrow may make people go crazy.

So after bringing two people out, we can break the situation.

This is what Aunt Partridge thinks, and she thinks Qin Ze must also think so.

However, what she didn't know was that Qin Ze didn't think that much at all, and simply thought that his domineering look might affect the two of them.

After all, the current level of domineering cannot be used accurately without affecting others.

"very good!"

"To deal with you guys, Overlord color is the best!"

When Qin Ze saw Qiu Sheng, Nianying and the others successfully evacuated, they stood there with calm faces, without the slightest hint of fear.

He even closed his eyes and felt the approaching white and red demons around him.

The weird suona sound is sometimes joyful and sometimes sad.

Qin Ze's actions.

The ghosts surrounding him were all stunned.

An ordinary person, standing in the center of Chongsha, didn't react at all, and even enjoyed it a little?
The red and white demons felt a sense of absurdity in their extremely resentful thoughts.

Killing so many passers-by along the way.

Still the first time.

Meet such a weirdo
However, the footsteps of the red and white demons only stopped for a moment and continued to wander.

The two extreme evil spirits are getting heavier and heavier as the two sides mix and overlap.

When they came into complete contact with each other, the white water ghost and the red resentful ghost suddenly showed a fierce look in their eyes. The coffin and sedan chair they were carrying flew out in an instant, passing through the thick fog, aiming straight at Qin Ze.

Judging from his posture, it seemed that he was going to crush Qin Ze into a pulp.


Qin Ze's expression did not change.

The more difficult the situation, the faster the mood improves.

The red and white evil spirits may be a fatal pattern to others, but to him, it is simply a blessing that comes to his door.

next moment.

Qin Ze's aura gradually lifted, the ground slowly cracked, and his breath blew out like a wind.

In the sedan chair, the face of the Hongsha bride wearing a red wedding dress changed.

Suddenly I felt a heartbreaking momentum coming towards me.

There is no way to hide.

The coffin and the sedan collided.

However.The fleshy flesh that the ghosts expected did not appear. Qin Ze opened his hands, one hand against the coffin and the other against the sedan chair. The strong wind blew, and Qin Ze stood there, motionless, like a supreme sharp knife, his sharp energy soaring into the sky. .

Followed by.

Qin Ze shook his hands hard.


The violent energy is transmitted from the arm to the finger bones, and then acts on the sedan chair and coffin.


The sedan chair and coffin exploded one after another, exploding into a cloud of debris.

If anyone else saw this scene, Fei's jaw would drop in shock, but for Qin Ze now, it would not be too easy to crush the coffin with his bare hands.

That's when the coffin and sedan exploded.

Two figures flew out from inside.

at the same time.

The terrifying evil energy surged and condensed into shape, crashing towards Qin Ze like a surging wave.

The most terrifying thing about the red and white evil spirits is not the attack on the surface, but the evil spirit that exists all the time.

If you relax for a moment, you will be invaded by evil spirits and become a useless person.


The two extreme evil spirits condensed together, and the energy that exploded was huge.

An ordinary person would be instantly turned into an idiot and then bleed to death.

This move of White Demon and Red Demon has been used against countless passers-by, and even monks could not escape death.

They don't think so.

A stinky Taoist priest can get away with it.

"This evil spirit"

At this time, the partridge girl who rushed back suddenly twitched her eyes and her heart was shaken.

Even at a distance, the evil spirit soaring into the sky still made people's hair stand on end and the soles of their feet felt cold.

"Oops, I can't get in."

The evil spirit has gathered to its peak, and she can't get in even if she wants to.
"How dare a group of ghosts act so arrogantly!"

Qin Ze felt the craziness pouring into him, trying to occupy his body, but his face remained calm, even disdainful.

If this thing can affect myself.

Then he can really go back to the drawing board and reinvent himself.

Since there are spiritual and soul-based attacks, we must use mental power to defeat them.

next moment.

Qin Ze is full of domineering looks.

The weak retreat.


The surge of domineering energy turned into an invisible steel knife and stabbed towards the evil spirits.

Domineering power swept over him.

The evil spirit was suppressed.

Faced with this kind of attack that touches the soul, the evil spirits have no ability to resist at all.

They only felt that their souls had been hit hard by something, and their bodies began to stagger, their steps swayed, and their bodies were illusory and unreal.

There is a possibility of dissipating between heaven and earth at any time.

Soon, in the collision of overlord-colored domineering aura, the pattern of evil aura formed by the condensed red and white demons persisted for a few breaths, and then could no longer hold up.

The next moment.

Qin Ze's arms were darkened and his weapons were domineering. He pursued the victory and started a one-sided massacre.

The evil ghosts lose their evil energy and are no different from ordinary ghosts. After being injured by the overlord's domineering energy, they are even more defenseless.

Qin Ze rushed into the crowd and it was easier to kill than zombies.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing a white evil water ghost, you will be rewarded with 200 merit points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing a red evil ghost, you will be rewarded with 200 merit points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing a red evil ghost bride, you will be rewarded with 1000 merit points!"


(End of this chapter)

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