Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 105 The teeth of the zombie king! Uncle 9 was shocked!

Chapter 105 The teeth of the zombie king!Uncle Jiu was shocked!


At this time, Partu Gu held her head, feeling like she was about to lose consciousness in a trance.


She was about to find a way to break through from the outside and help Qin Ze break the evil aura pattern, but she happened to see an astonishing aura erupting from Qin Ze.

Then I felt confused and dizzy.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a short while and then disappeared.

However, this couldn't help but make her secretly marvel at the magic.


Aunt Partridge shook her head vigorously, her mind returned to clarity, and she was too lazy to think about it so much. She had better help her junior brother to solve the trouble first.

Thinking like this, partridge girl raised her head and looked at the red and white double evil situation again.


When you see the scene in front of you.

The partridge girl stopped moving, dumbfounded.

The evil spirit, which was called a great evil, had disappeared at this moment. Instead of doing anything, Qin Ze was wandering among the red and white evil spirits, killing them.

In Qin Ze's hands, there is no difference between a evil spirit and a little chicken.

One punch at a time, the ghosts were beaten to pieces.

It only takes less than 1 minute.

Qin Ze solved everything.

The situation between the red and white demons has been broken. No, it’s not broken. It’s been destroyed directly.
"Good guy!"

"No need to help at all!"

Aunt Partridge swallowed her saliva and took a while to come back to her senses. She looked at Qin Ze as if she were looking at a monster.

She thought she had overestimated him enough.

Didn't expect it, still underestimated. !
"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you killed the red and white ghosts and gained a total of 5500 merit points!"

Qin Ze exhaled a hot breath, looked at the red and white ghosts that had been killed, and raised his eyebrows.

5500 merit points is not bad.

These evil ghosts are actually not very powerful when taken alone, and the merit points they can contribute are limited.

It's just that in a special place, at a special time, under a special environment, they came together to form a rare pattern and erupted with unprecedented heavy evil energy, which made them extremely difficult to deal with.

Of course, this is only difficult for other people.

Qin Ze solved the situation without much pressure.

"Senior brother!"

Partridge Gu's voice pulled Qin Ze out of his thoughts.

Looking at Partridge Girl who was walking towards her with her smiling eyes narrowed to a slit, Qin Ze waved his hand and said, "The situation has been solved, senior sister, you can continue on your way!"

"You boy!"

Aunt Partridge looked at Qin Ze, couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and responded with a smile: "Well! Let's continue on our way!"

At this time, Nianying and Qiu Sheng also came over.

"Uncle Junior, has it been solved?"

Qiu Sheng looked left, then again, and asked excitedly.

In his opinion, when Qin Ze faces this red and white devil, it is never a problem that cannot be solved, but a problem that takes how much time to solve.

Qin Ze patted Qiu Sheng and said angrily: "I'll let you do it by yourself next time!"


Qiu Sheng shrank his neck and said with a smile to Nianying beside him: "I'm right, I'm sure there will be no problem if my junior uncle is here. That's indeed the case!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"You also have some credit for this!"

Nianying laughed and teased Qiu Sheng. The matter was solved perfectly, and her mood was naturally much better.

"Let's go!"

The partridge girl said hello, and the group continued on their way.

In the Marshal's residence.

Uncle Jiu was anxiously waiting for Qin Ze's return in the Marshal's lobby.

Marshal Jiang Dalong was sitting on the side, his face getting darker and darker, his whole body covered in cold sweat, his brows furrowed tightly.

"Uncle Ninth, why haven't you come back yet? You must have colluded to squander your fortune, right?"

Jiang Dalong was scratching his ears and cheeks at this moment, with tingling all over his body.

He was a little trembling when he spoke.I went there yesterday, but I haven't received a letter yet.

Logically speaking, with the speed of two horses, he would be back in the middle of the night at most.

After all, the purpose of going to Tengteng Town was not to kill zombies, but to steal a zombie's teeth.

He now had reason to doubt.

Uncle Jiu wanted to deliberately stall for time, then get rid of his underestimated enemy, and then take advantage of the danger to fly away with Lian Mei.

Uncle Jiu knew that Jiang Dalong was thinking wildly, so he shook his head and explained.

"Commander, don't worry, my junior brother will be back!"

Even though he said that, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, the situation in Tengteng Town is too dangerous.

If you accidentally steal a tooth, it will easily trigger a zombie swarm.

One against one, or even ten against one.

He didn't think Qin Ze would be at a disadvantage.

But there is still a zombie king among the zombies.

There is a group of corpses led by the Zombie King.

The overall strength will be improved to a higher level. .

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but regret letting Qin Ze and Qiu Sheng go there. He had known that he would accompany them.

The feeling of waiting is really uncomfortable.

Jiang Dalong opened his mouth, unable to say anything else, so he could only wait quietly with Uncle Jiu.

"Big guy!"

"Daochang Qin is back!"

After a while, a soldier suddenly walked into the house and reported the good news to Jiang Dalong.

finally come back!
Jiang Dalong immediately stood up and prepared to greet him personally.

But before they went out, they saw Qin Ze, Qiu Sheng, and Partridge Aunt who came with them, Nianying stepping into the lobby.

"Taoist Master Qin, you are finally back!"

"I miss you so much!"

Jiang Dalong's slightly complaining expression suddenly changed after seeing Qin Ze, and he greeted Qin Ze with a smile on his face.

Uncle Jiu saw that Qin Ze was safe and sound, and his worries disappeared. Then he looked at Aunt Partridge, who smiled at Uncle Jiu and then gave him a wink.

Uncle Jiu's eyes dodge and he quickly walks up to Qin Ze: "Junior brother, is everything going well?"

Qin Ze nodded: "Success, I got the zombie tooth!"

At Qin Ze's signal, Qiu Sheng took out the Zombie King's fangs from his pocket and showed it to Uncle Jiu: "Master, these teeth were obtained with great difficulty!"

Uncle Jiu's eyes were attracted by the fangs, and his eyes gradually became a little weird.

The length of this fang is not like that of ordinary zombies.

Why do they look like the teeth of a zombie king?

Qin Ze saw the doubt in Uncle Jiu's eyes and explained: "I thought the Zombie King's teeth were good and large, so I pulled them out! It's more than enough to cure the Marshal's disease!"

Uncle Jiu thought thoughtfully: "Are they really the teeth of the Zombie King?"

Doesn’t that mean that the Zombie King in Tengteng Town has now been eliminated?

"Hey, master!"

Qiu Sheng touched his head and asked for credit with a smile: "This time, I have a lot of credit for destroying the zombies in Tengteng Town!"

After hearing Qiu Sheng's words, Uncle Jiu's suspicion was confirmed, and his expression paused.

Just now, he was worried that Qin Ze would be harmed by the zombies in Tengteng Town.

How can you think.

The transformation happened so quickly.

The zombies in the town were wiped out by the group in one night?

As for the merit mentioned by Wen Cai, Uncle Jiu didn't believe it. He knew very well what his apprentice was like.

"Zombie King's teeth?"

When Jiang Dalong heard that the teeth Qin Ze brought were from the Zombie King, he rushed forward with two big eyes, looking left and right.

"Good good!"

"The Zombie King has great teeth!"

"Now I'm saved!"

(End of this chapter)

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