Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 107 The Demon Infant’s plan failed!Furious!

Chapter 107 The Demon Infant’s plan failed!Furious!
Changes will occur later. The demon infant has been reincarnated many times without success, but the resentful spirit that is born will do anything in order to reincarnate smoothly.

He doesn't care about Michelin's life or death.

If the hostility is not eliminated, when the baby is successfully born, it will be a devil child, which will bring chaos and bloodshed.

The devil boy came to the world.

That's not being a normal person.

Just to kill.

And the means are extremely cruel.

Pregnant women are often targeted.

One corpse, two lives!
Thinking of this, Aunt Partridge thought of Qin Ze for no reason, turned to look at Uncle Jiu and said, "Let Junior Brother Qin go there together later!"

"He can destroy the zombies in Tengteng Town, and he can also break the strange situation of the red and white evil spirits!"

"It will definitely help!"

In Part Gu's view, Qin Ze's age is not a problem. His ability is not weaker than any of his predecessors, or even worse.

This is a matter of life and death.

With Qin Ze together, I believe the probability of accidents will be reduced a lot.

"Wait a minute. Did you just say red and white demons?"

Uncle Jiu's face perked up, and he caught the strangeness in Aunt Partridge's words.

The red and white evil spirits are a serious situation.

I accidentally got wrapped up in it.

The probability of making it out alive is extremely low.

It is impossible for ordinary people to encounter it.

He has never seen it until now, and only heard about it in some recorded books.

on the way.

Have you actually come across this thing?
Aunt Partridge patted her head and almost forgot that Lin Jiu didn't know about this.

In very brief words, he explained what happened in the mountains and forests.

Uncle Jiu suddenly realized.

This is how the heart is.

For some reason, he didn't feel surprised when he learned that Qin Ze was the one who broke the situation.

Uncle Jiu sighed inwardly, maybe because too many things happened to him that shocked Qin Ze before, and now he has developed resistance.

This must be the reason.

"I'll call Junior Brother Qin over!"

Uncle Jiu knew that the matter was urgent and went out immediately, planning to let Qin Ze go to see Lian Mei.

"Brother, I'm already here!"

But before Uncle Jiu could go out, Qin Ze had already pushed the door open and came to the two of them with a smile.

The conversation between the two fell into my ears, and Qin Ze appeared in the right way at the right time.

"Just in time!"


"Go to Sister Lian!"

at the same time.

In Michelin's room.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

In the bedroom, Michelian was lying on the bed, holding her stomach, feeling extremely painful, tossing and turning, sweating profusely.

Marshal Jiang Dalong was beside him, and he was running around anxiously.

Just after I was cured of the corpse poison, my wife started to have a stomachache.

He felt like his head was as big as two.

You can ask him to use a gun to seize territory.

Can face the current situation.

There is no way at all.

The feeling of powerlessness welled up from deep inside.

"Don't be afraid, wife, I've already sent someone to call a doctor, please bear with me any longer!"

Jiang Dalong held Michelin's hand, feeling very distressed.

to be frank.

For Michelin, Jiang Dalong's feelings are absolutely sincere.

Since marrying Michelian home, he has not even found a concubine and has always been by his side.


He didn't know that Michelin's stomachache now was because of the devil baby playing tricks in his stomach, rather than any ordinary illness.

"Failed, failed!"

"The red and white demons invited this time were all killed!"

"Damn, damn it!"

The demon baby slowly calmed down after a lot of tossing in Michelian's belly.

just now.

There are still a few hours left before he is born.

that time.

It will be the most perfect moment.

At that time, it will turn into an extremely ferocious devil boy and will definitely kill all the pregnant women in the world. "We have to hold back those stinky Taoist priests!"

The magic baby is in Michelin's belly and can receive information from the outside world.

He knew that several Taoist priests had come to the Marshal's residence, and they were specifically here to deal with him.

Time is tight.

We must create trouble for these people.

call out!
The demon baby temporarily left Michelin's belly.

Under the eyes of Jiang Dalong and Nianying, they strode away.


"No, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

Michelian touched his belly, and the pain on his face reduced a lot.

Just now.

She felt like her stomach was going to burst.

That feeling.

It makes people want to die.


She could also feel that the child in her belly was about to be born.

Jiang Dalong's face lit up: "It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

Jiang Dalong wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was really scared just now. It's okay now.

"Sister, you lie down and rest, I'll get you a cup of hot water!"

Nianying said with concern from the side.


Michillian nodded and rested against the upright pillow.

"Dalong, go and invite Uncle Jiu and others over!"

"I feel a little uneasy in my heart!"

Perhaps it was the intuition of having been a monk.

She felt that her stomach was very abnormal during this period.

It was as if someone had taken away his body.

It just so happens that Uncle Jiu and the others haven't left yet.

Let them come here just in case.

Even if something does happen, I believe it can be solved.

Jiang Dalong nodded. His attitude toward Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze now was completely different from the beginning. He knew that they were capable people, and maybe they would really have a solution.

"Okay, I'll ask Uncle Jiu to come over right now!"

Asking Nianying and the midwife to take care of Michelin, Jiang Dalong strode away.


Looking at Jiang Dalong leaving, Michelin exhaled.

"It's a pity that my talent is limited and I can't continue practicing!"

"Otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome!"

When her cultivation level was not high, she didn't think cultivation talent was very important. However, as time passed and the gap between her and Lin Jiu became wider and wider, she realized that talent turned out to be so valuable.

It was so serious that the two separated, gave up practicing, left Maoshan, and got married.

The relationship between her and Uncle Jiu also ended abruptly at the moment she gave up her practice.


Now, like Uncle Jiu, she also looked away.

"Ninth Uncle, Daoist Qin!"

"I'm going to find you!"

Not long after Jiang Dalong went out, he met Qin Ze and others on the road, and his face suddenly became happy.

"Mei Lian asked me to come here!"

"She had a stomachache for some reason before!"


The expressions of Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge changed: "It seems that the demon baby can't stand it any longer!"

Devil baby?

Jiang Dalong looked puzzled.

He didn't know anything about the demon baby mentioned by Uncle Jiu, so what was it?
Uncle Jiu was too lazy to spend time explaining at this time.

He quickened his pace and walked towards Lian Mei's room.

Seeing that Uncle Jiu ignored him, Jiang Dalong turned his attention to Qin Ze. Qin Ze didn't look at him at all at this time, but focused on another location.

His perception has been greatly improved with the increase in the Haki of Wisdom and Color.

Qin Ze sensed that the demon baby had left the body.


At this time, the demon baby was standing next to the spraying pool, looking at them quietly, with a cold smile on his face.

"Junior brother, what's wrong?" Uncle Jiu couldn't help but asked when he saw Qin Ze not leaving.

Qin Ze: "The devil baby is right there!"

(End of this chapter)

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