Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 108 Conquer the Demon Infant!

Chapter 108 Conquer the Demon Infant!

Devil baby?

Upon hearing this, Uncle Jiu suddenly turned his head to look along Qin Ze's line of sight, pinched the magic spell with his hand and opened the eyes with magic eyes.

A child wearing a bellyband and a dark face came into view, his whole body shrouded in demonic aura.

Aunt Partridge frowned and said, "It is indeed the Demon Infant, and its strength has increased a lot!"

Jiang Dalong and literary talent Qiusheng looked confused.

With their current strength, they are still unable to see clearly this evil thing.

Why do Master and Qin Ze have such expressions?

Uncle Jiu took out a few willow leaves and rubbed them on their eyes, giving them the ability to see evil things for a short time.

When they actually saw the demon baby, Wencai and Qiu Sheng were better off, but Jiang Dalong was almost frightened and staggered to the ground.

Now he finally understands what the devil baby he just mentioned is, isn't this thing just a little devil?
At the same time, I realized belatedly that Michelin's stomachache was related to the imp.

"Hey hey hey!"

"It came just right!"

"Play with me!"

The devil's baby's harsh voice sounded.

He looked like a kid, but the things he said were creepy.

Not long after he finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of babies crying around the Marshal's Mansion, and the sky darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Among them, the maid who had served Michelin before walked out from one side, followed by a large group of spirit children, and Qin Ze and others were surrounded by a huge crowd.

"You are too violent. Reborn as a human being, you are just accumulating sins for yourself!"

Looking at the demon infant who was covered in black gas, Partridge Gu looked solemn and spoke.

"Come back with me. In three days at most, I can help you get rid of your anger. At that time, I will help you choose a good family and let you be reincarnated as a new person!"

The Demon Infant's face was cold, and he did not have any intention of compromising because of Partridge Gu's words: "Hehehehe!"

"What's the fun in being an ordinary person? If I were born today, I would be a magical boy with powerful magic!"

"Maybe he can grow into an immortal demon boy, wouldn't it be better!"

"You annoying flies, every one of them will die!"

The Demon Infant now only has infinite resentment towards people, and will not be swayed by just one or two words.

The reason why Michelin possessed Michelin was because he was once a monk and his body was stronger than that of ordinary people, so he could become a springboard for his own reincarnation.

As soon as the hour comes.

After it is born, it no longer needs to rely on that physical body, just kill it directly.

A springboard to life and death.

What does it have to do with it.

"And you have to ask them first if they agree!"

The demon infant laughed sadly.

The purple arrogance on those spirit children increased greatly.

"not good!"

Partition Girl's face became more solemn: "These are all spirit babies, controlled by the demon babies!"

The difference between a spiritual infant and a demon infant is that the former is a child who is ready to be reincarnated. He has no resentment and will not take the initiative to harm others.

But it was obvious that the demon infant was behind this group of children surrounding them.

Uncle Jiu realized the seriousness of the problem. If it were an ordinary evil baby, it would be okay, but if it couldn't be killed, it would be fine. But a spiritual baby could not be killed. Every reincarnation was a life.

"Wen Cai, take the Taoist robe as a master!"

Uncle Jiu's face was serious.

Wen Cai stepped forward quickly and handed Uncle Jiu a yellow Taoist robe.

Uncle Jiu put on his Taoist robe, and his demeanor immediately changed. He held a talisman in his left hand and a copper coin sword in his right hand.

Uncle Jiu was full of righteousness, and his brows were full of power.

Gu Gu knew that there was no more talk, so she had no choice but to take action. She also showed her skills and took out a cloth bag specially designed to capture spirit babies from her arms, preparing to put all these spirit babies into the bag.

"Hey hey hey!"

"There is no use in collecting the spirit baby's bag now!"

The demon baby didn't take it seriously.

He took advantage of the weaknesses of Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge. He did not dare to kill them easily and could delay them for a lot of time.

After a few hours, he can kill him with his magic power.

"Little brat!"

"You think too well of yourself!"

Qin Ze looked at the Demon Infant calmly and said noncommittally.

this rule.

That doesn't apply to him.

Since these spiritual infants cannot be killed.Then just let them fall into a coma!

Although Bawang Color Haki cannot control the accuracy, it can control the intensity!The spirit infant is no better than a ghost, and is much inferior in terms of mental strength. He can use about five points of strength.

With this level of domineering aura, a normal person would just feel dizzy.


Thinking of this, Qin Ze looked at Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge: "Senior brother, senior sister!"

"I'll knock these spirit babies out later!"

"You can collect them all later!"

Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge looked at Qin Ze in confusion at the same time, not knowing why.


It's not that easy.

Spirit babies are different from zombies and other things.

It is a special life form that exists as a soul.

The usual methods don't work at all.

Qin Ze ignored the doubts of Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge, but turned to look at the Demon Infant and issued an ultimatum.

"You stop now, there is still time!"

"last chance!"

Naturally, the Demon Infant would not listen to Qin Ze's warning and found it ridiculous.

They just think that they have no way to deal with the current situation and use this kind of words to fool themselves.

This only made him more certain of his victory.

"Hey, stinky Taoist priest, you want to scare me?"

"Kill you, kill you!"

The demon infant made an extremely harsh sound from its mouth, and its expression became more and more crazy.

Things have come to this point.

It's impossible to stop.

You have to give it a try no matter what.

After success, he is a demon boy, and he may be promoted to an immortal demon boy!
The temptation is not ordinary.

Who wants to give up and become an ordinary person?

Qin Ze sneered, knowing that this demon baby was completely possessed. Now he not only wanted to be reincarnated, but also wanted to have strength that was not his own.

"Kill them!"

Not wanting to wait any longer, the Demon Infant gave the order directly, then turned into a stream of black light and fled towards Michelin's room.


The controlled spirit infants moved toward Uncle Jiu and the others with mechanical steps.

"My God!"

"They're all brats!"

Jiang Dalong was so frightened that he quickly shrank into a corner and hid aside, his usual handsome demeanor shattered to pieces.

He wanted to call his men over now, but ordinary guns were useless against this thing, and calling them over would only increase chaos.


At this time, Qin Ze took action.

An extremely violent momentum erupted from his body.

A terrifying domineering force instantly enveloped the courtyard.

"Senior brother!"

Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge turned around almost at the same time and looked at Qin Ze. They had seen this kind of momentum before.The personal experience is so amazing.

When he released his domineering energy, the waves of energy rushed forward, like waves, rushing towards the spiritual babies that were rushing towards them.

The spirit infant's resistance was about zero at this time. Under the cover of domineering, like dominoes, they fell to the ground one after another and fainted.

"It's done?"

Uncle Jiu was shocked.

"Brother, hurry up!"

Aunt Partridge had quick eyes and quick hands, and threw a special cloth bag to Uncle Jiu.

Now is the perfect time to take care of your spirit baby.

The two looked at each other, immediately opened the cloth bag with both hands, chanted the magic formula, and swept towards the fallen spirit infants one by one.


The unconscious spirit baby who fell to the ground was sucked into the bag.

(End of this chapter)

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