Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 109 Violence is wrong, but sometimes it is useful!Conquer the demon baby!

Chapter 109 Violence is wrong, but sometimes it is useful!Conquer the demon baby!
Chapter 1: Violence is wrong, but sometimes it is useful!Conquer the demon baby!

Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge put away the bulging bags with relief on their faces.

But soon.

His expression tightened again.

Although these spirit infants were solved, the demon infant ran away and most likely returned to Michelin's belly. Uncle Jiu was naturally worried.

"Trash, trash!"

"These things are all rubbish, and they didn't last even a quarter of an hour!"

In Michelian's belly, the demon baby was furious.

I originally thought that the spirit baby that I had finally obtained could be delayed until I was born, unless I actually killed those stinky Taoist priests.



There were so many spiritual infants who persisted for less than a quarter of an hour before being defeated.

The demon baby cursed loudly. He could already feel that Qin Ze and others were coming here.



The Demon Infant gnashed his teeth and looked extremely ferocious as he reluctantly left Michelian's belly.

It was only a few hours before it was born.

I definitely can't stay here any longer.

If I were caught, it would be better to die now than to listen to Partridge Gu reciting those damn scriptures every day.

I have to quickly find a pregnant woman in the town.

Avoid these smelly Taoist priests first, and then make a long-term plan.

Thinking of this, the demon baby, which had just entered Lian Mei's belly for a while, came out again and flew out of the house without looking back.

"Do you still want to run?"

When Qin Ze left, he saw that Se Baqi had locked the Demon Infant. Now seeing that he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, he naturally disagreed.

This requires the demon baby to be safely separated from the body. Who knows which pregnant woman will fall victim to this trick.

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister!"

"The demon baby wants to run away. I will chase him back first. You continue to go to Michiliana. She is probably about to give birth!"

Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu said hello, turned around and rushed towards the direction where the demon baby left.

Before Uncle Jiu and Aunt Partridge could say anything, they only saw Qin Ze's back quickly leaving.

"Junior brother, this efficiency"

Uncle Jiu sighed inwardly, thinking that he really couldn't see through the speed of his junior brother's movements.

At the same time, Uncle Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

The Demon Infant has left Michelin, which means that Sister Lian is completely safe, but as Qin Ze said, Sister Lian is about to give birth, which is also a big deal.

the other side.

Qin Ze chased the demon infant and passed a distance of several hundred meters in no time.


"Where are the pregnant women?"

The figure of the demon baby flew out of the sky, like a child looking for its mother, searching everywhere in the town, looking for the next victim.

It cannot be out of the body for too long.

As time goes by, your physical energy is exhausted, but you can never go back.

He became a lonely ghost, unable to be reincarnated again.

"found it!"

at last.

In a newly married family, the demon baby found the fetus that had temporarily taken up residence.

But just as he was about to fly in.


The hair on the demon infant's body stood on end, and danger signals reverberated crazily in his mind.

It's like being locked by a ferocious beast.

Unable to speak.


"It's that damn Taoist priest again!"

"Why can he chase me?"

The demon baby noticed that Qin Ze was getting closer and closer behind his buttocks, and became irritated.

He is a spirit body, has no weight, and can fly, so he can leave the commander's mansion instantly.

What a stinking Taoist priest.

Why is it so fast.

Why is he?
"Holy shit, what just swished by?"

"I didn't see clearly, it seems to be a person!"

"This is too fast. I'm afraid of the immortal gods!"

At this time in the town, some townspeople wandering around in the street saw a figure suddenly passing by at an extremely fast speed. They were all surprised and surprised.I thought some god had come to this world!

"Damn it!"

The demon baby could only give up the idea of ​​entering the bride's belly, turned around and flew out again.

This time.

He was not in the town, but changed his destination to the mountains and forests.

In the evil-filled mountain, there were so many disturbances that he didn't believe that the smelly Taoist priest could still catch him.

However, the thoughts are full of ideas and the reality is very skinny. As soon as the demon baby stepped out of the town, Qin Ze caught up with him at a high speed.

Without saying a word, Qin Ze activated his armed domineering force, knocked the demon baby out of mid-air, and pinned it to the ground.

The magic baby is not very strong. Before becoming a magic boy, it only had the ability to confuse the mind. The maid and the spirit baby all fell into this trick.

It's just that these things have no effect at all in front of Qin Ze.

Only for beatings.

"Want to run?"

"Do you think you can escape?"

Qin Ze picked up the demon baby with one hand, as if he was carrying a little chicken.

"Stinky Taoist, let me go, let me go!"

"I am going to kill you!"

The demon infant was helpless and furious in Qin Ze's hands, twisting its limbs crazily.

He doesn't understand.

Why would I be captured by Qin Ze when I was a virtual body?

This is unreasonable!
Qin Ze is not used to it.

A slap was thrown over and hit the demon infant.


A slap with an armed and domineering attitude is very useful for dealing with soul-like things, and it comes with penetrating damage.

The critical blow from this big guy is not something that ordinary living beings can withstand.


The Demon Infant was in heart-rending pain, his face was distorted, and he felt as if he was about to be beaten straight to the point of being knocked out of his wits.

Violence is definitely wrong, but it is undeniable that it can be very useful sometimes.

Like now.

After being slapped, the demon baby became obviously much more honest and did not dare to scream. He wilted and was carried back to the Marshal's Mansion by Qin Ze.

"Brother, how is it?"

Seeing that Qin Ze was back, Uncle Jiu immediately stepped forward to ask.

Aunt Partridge stood aside and said nothing, but her eyes also shifted from Michelin to Qin Ze.


Qin Ze stretched out his hand and lifted out the obedient demon infant.

Everyone's expressions froze and they looked at Qin Ze with wide eyes.

I went and really captured the demon baby?

It's too fast!
And why does this demon baby look so wilted? Where has the previous arrogance gone? It has become so real.

Maybe he was beaten down.

"Good good!"

Uncle Jiu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

He was really afraid that the demon baby would escape and then come back to harm others.

Now that I saw him being arrested, my heart dropped.


"I'll leave this devil baby to you!"

Qin Ze handed over the disposal of the demon baby to Partridge Gu.

The trouble should end it.

This thing escaped from Partridge Aunt, and the result of its disposal will naturally be handed over to Partridge Aunt.

"it is good!"

Aunt Partridge glanced at Qin Ze gratefully. The demon baby was lost from her hands. If she had really caused any evil, she would die of guilt in her life.

Now that Qin Ze has subdued him, he has done himself a big favor.

Moreover, the Demon Infant has become more honest and is much easier to put away.

Thinking of this, Partridge Gu took out a clay doll, pinched a spell, and then pointed it at the demon infant.


An inexplicable pulling force came from the doll, and the demon baby was taken in.

At the same time, Partu Gu used a drop of her own blood on the doll and added a few talismans to complete it.

After all this was over, a familiar voice sounded in Qin Ze's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have surrendered a demon baby and will be rewarded with 2000 merit points!"

(End of this chapter)

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