Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 111 The Qinglong Dojo is opened!

Chapter 111 The Qinglong Dojo is opened!
Qin Ze shrugged and did not worry too much: "The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and the soil will cover it. You don't have to worry, junior brother has his own way!"

There is no way to tell whether the Corpse Refining Sect knows whether it was him or not, but even if they knew, Qin Ze was not afraid.

Evil sects like this who like to hide in the dark do all kinds of bad things.

He comes to kill one, and he comes to kill a pair.

If you are tired of killing.

Then go directly to the sect to prove the Tao.

Let’s see which one is stronger, Corpse Refining Sect or Kaido’s template.

He didn't mind cleaning up the Corpse Refining Sect again for Maoshan.

Uncle Jiu nodded. Things haven't happened yet. No one can predict what the future will be like, and he doesn't think too much about it.

However, he kept an eye on it and planned to contact Mao Shan and secretly investigate the address of the Corpse Refining Sect to prevent any unexpected events.

Without further delving into this topic, Uncle Jiu looked at Qin Ze and asked, "Junior brother! With your current strength, have you ever thought about opening a dojo?"

Almost every Taoist priest who came out of Maoshan would choose to open his own dojo after he was strong enough to protect a place's safety.

Firstly, it is to build a reputation and better solve the problem of door-to-door help.

Secondly, it is to earn daily living expenses and maintain daily expenses.

The third purpose is to spread the branches, recruit disciples, and develop one's own inheritance.

For example, the Yizhuang he opened was a Taoist temple.

Junior Brother Four Eyes’ Four Eyes Dojo is also one of them.

Now that Qin Ze is strong enough, opening a dojo is a good choice.

Open a dojo?
Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

He really hadn't thought about this. Now that Uncle Jiu suddenly brought it up, he couldn't help but fall into thinking.

"Brother, forget it!"

Qin Ze shook his head and said: "Junior brother, you also know my style of conduct. I am unrestrained and used to freedom. It is really boring to open a dojo and stay in one place all the time!"

Although judging from his strength, he is indeed qualified to open his own dojo, but if his future actions are restricted because of this, it will be a loss that outweighs the gain.

Uncle Jiu opened a charity village and stayed in Renjia Town, which is the best proof.

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he couldn't help but laugh: "Junior brother, you are overthinking. Opening a dojo does not mean that you need to stay in the dojo all the time. The world is vast and you can go anywhere! No one has tied your feet!"

"Look at Junior Brother Qianhe, why don't you just travel all over the country and run around!"

"The dojo is just a place to stay!"

In Uncle Jiu's view, Qin Ze will leave Yizhuang sooner or later, so it is better to do it earlier so that he can be of some help.

"Is that so"

Qin Ze weighed it for a moment and made a decision: "Then just listen to senior brother!"

"It's just that my junior brother doesn't understand much about the dojo, so I have to trouble you to take care of it!"

Qin Ze considered two points when making this decision.

First, he needs to take root in the zombie world. He must have his own place. He cannot stay in Uncle Jiu's righteous village all the time.

Second, it is necessary to rely on being present to make a name, which is more conducive to the collection of merit points. Otherwise, some people who want to ask Qin Ze for help will have nowhere to go.

Of course, more importantly.

Uncle Jiu is behind all this, so he doesn't have to spend too much time on it, and he doesn't have to deal with trivial matters in the dojo all the time.

To put it bluntly, it's like buying an apartment in the zombie world and having an extra place to go.

His life has been full of ups and downs, and he cannot escape the fate of buying a house.

Qin Ze's heart opened up.

Uncle Jiu laughed: "Don't worry, leave this matter to me, senior brother!"

"But junior brother, you have to think of a name for the dojo!" Qin Ze thought for a while, and then said: "Let's call it Qinglong Dojo!"

Kaido is the Blue Dragon Fruit, and he can turn into a Blue Dragon in the end. This name is perfect.

Azure Dragon Dojo?

Uncle Jiu murmured in his heart.

I am curious why my junior brother chose to name the dojo after the word Qinglong.

But he didn't think much about it. After all, there was someone named Taoist Dragon Slayer. Maybe it was just that his junior brother liked the legendary Qinglong.

"That's great. Junior Master Uncle also has his own dojo. Then I can run on both sides!"

“You can live wherever you want!”

Wencai looked even more excited than Qin Ze, as if he wanted to open this dojo.

Qiu Sheng was equally excited, thinking that he would have a suitable reason to fish in the future. After being scolded by his master, he hid in his uncle's place for a few days, which was not very satisfying.

Uncle Jiu knocked the two apprentices on the head and said angrily: "Why are you so excited?"

"You can't go anywhere without my permission!"

The two apprentices had no other abilities, but they were more than capable of causing trouble.

Not only are you causing trouble everywhere, but you still want to influence your junior brother?Of course he doesn't allow it.

However, daily visits are still possible.


Qin Ze's plan to start something that happened after he returned to Renjia Town was like throwing a huge boulder on the calm sea, causing thousands of waves to rise immediately.

In less than half a day, word spread throughout Ren's town.

Since he helped the town tide over the difficulties last time, Qin Ze's reputation has been unparalleled in Ren's town. When people heard about it, they spread the news by word of mouth and their attitude was extremely enthusiastic.

There was talk everywhere about the opening of the dojo.

After all, this is a good thing for the townspeople.

If there is any trouble in the future, you can go to Uncle Jiu or Qin Ze.

Simply not too fragrant.

After careful consideration, Qin Ze chose a relatively remote location for the Qinglong Dojo. It was quiet, had a good environment, and was not far from Jiu Shu Yizhuang.

Originally, this land belonged to Mr. Ren’s family.

But when Master Ren heard that Qin Ze wanted to open a dojo in Ren's town, he was very arrogant. He directly told Qin Ze that he would help get it wherever he liked it.

That posture made it seem as if Qin Ze had taken a liking to the Ren Mansion, and Mr. Ren would throw it right in Qin Ze's face without saying a word.

For him, a mansion is nothing compared to the grace of saving his life.

Also thanks to Master Ren's help, Qin Ze's dojo was built in less than a week. It is located in Renjia Town, low-key yet unique.

"Tomorrow is the day when the dojo is officially opened. Junior Brother Four Eyes should be able to come over!"

In the Qinglong Dojo, Uncle Jiu wrote congratulations. Wencai and Qiu Sheng stood beside him, one studying ink and the other arranging red paper.

Naturally, he had to inform Junior Brother Simu and others about Qin Ze's opening of a dojo.

"Don't worry, master!"

"Maybe they are already on the way and will be here soon!" Qiu Sheng said with a smile.

Uncle Jiu nodded, and after finishing writing, he asked Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to post it.

"It looks so good!" Qin Ze stood at the door of the dojo.

Originally, Uncle Jiu wanted to arrange the dojo like a Taoist priest, such as talismans, copper coins, swords, Taoist yellow cloth, and various Taoist utensils. However, considering that Qin Ze didn't know Taoism at all, he didn't do it that way.

Under Qin Ze's personal control, the dojo has a rather modern feel, which makes people's eyes shine.

(End of this chapter)

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