Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 112 Nianying wants to learn Taoism!Senior brother has accepted it for you!

Chapter 112 Nianying wants to learn Taoism!Senior brother has accepted it for you!
this day.

It is the day when the dojo is officially opened.

There was an endless stream of people coming to Qinglong Dojo to congratulate him.

Not only people from Renjia Town, but also many guests from Jiuquan Town next door, some of whom Qin Ze knew, and some who Qin Ze didn't know.

When Qin Ze came to the zombie world, he didn't know many people at all. Most of them came here because they wanted to establish relationships and establish a good relationship with Qin Ze.

Qin Ze will not reject anyone who comes.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that we would meet again in just a few days!" At the door of the dojo, a group of soldiers wearing soldiers' uniforms came and stood in two rows.

Jiang Dalong walked out from the middle with an excited expression. The adjutant came forward and presented a heavy congratulatory gift. Next to him stood Nianying, wearing a purple skirt and her black hair tied up.

Qin Ze looked at Jiang Dalong's demeanor and said jokingly: "You are so high-profile. The army has been mobilized. Are you going to fight?"

Jiang Dalong showed an expression that said: "I won't fight you in a war!"
"I specially selected the elite from among my subordinates, specifically to build momentum for you, Daoist Master Qin!"

"Look at this Doraemon!"

Qin Ze curled his lips. He didn't know whether it was a joke or not, but it did scare others.

"How are Sister Lian doing lately?" Qin Ze asked.

"Except that I can't come to congratulate you in person, everything is fine!"


Qin Ze stretched out his hand: "Please come in!"

As he spoke, Qin Ze let Jiang Dalong in, and asked him to collect the soldiers who looked like they were standing guard. Those who knew it thought they were opening a dojo, while those who didn't knew thought it was too conspicuous to hold a celebration banquet at the regiment building.

When Jiang Dalong entered, he suddenly whispered something in Qin Ze's ear.

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but glance at Nian Ying, but said nothing more.

After a while, Taoist priest Simu arrived with his apprentice Jia Le, as well as the master and Qingqing.

"Junior brother, long time no see!"

"Amitabha, Taoist Master Qin is becoming more and more energetic!"

Taoist priest Simu and the master smiled and greeted each other.

Uncle Jiu personally came out to lead them in.

Jiale looked like he had never seen the world, looking left and right. He had always wanted to go out and see the world, and this time he finally got his wish.

"Taoist Master Qin, congratulations!"

This time it was Annie from Jiuquan Town. She was wearing a fiery red dress, with a red flower in her hair, a rosy complexion and smiling eyes.

"Miss Anne!"

Qin Ze's eyes lit up slightly: "How are you doing lately?"

Annie smiled and said: "There are a lot of chores, but everything has stabilized!"

She is now the alternate mayor of Jiuquan Town. Although she has not officially taken over the position, she still has to deal with many things.

Jiuquan Town was left in ruins because of the inaction and corruption of Mayor Ye.

Processing is time-consuming and laborious.

Fortunately, her father was very aware of the town's affairs, big and small, and could help. He also had a supportive squire, otherwise he might not have been able to find the time to come over.

"Taoist Master Qin, are you really so busy every day?"

Annie looked at Qin Ze and said with some complaints: "I didn't see you going to Jiuquan Town as a guest!"

Qin Ze coughed a few times and spread his hands: "Look, I have too much to do! Now I have to do the dojo things again! How can I find the time!"

"Now this dojo is located on the edge of Renjia Town, and it's also close to Jiuquan Town! It won't be easy to see it in the future!"

"When I have time later, I must go and see how Mayor Anda manages his daily life!"

"Okay, then it's settled!" Annie's eyes lit up and she raised her eyebrows proudly.

Qin Ze led Annie in.

It is worth mentioning that the Catholic priest from Jiuquan Town has also come, but now he is not wearing a Catholic uniform like when we first met him, but is wearing a Taoist uniform that he got from nowhere.

"Father Wu, you..."

"Taoist Master Qin, please give me a different title! Don't call me priest anymore!"

Father Wu said calmly: "Pindao is now known as Taoist Lingji!"

Uh. Qin Ze wanted to complain, but he didn't know how to speak. The visitor was a guest, so he could only lead him in.

Soon, the guests were served.

There are three steps in opening a dojo.

Arrange the reception - celebrate with wine, officially announce the establishment - the banquet is over.

Half a day passed.

In a warm atmosphere, the banquet came to an end. The guests said goodbye to Qin Ze and left one by one.

Qin Ze said goodbye to them with a smile on his face.

Looking at the backs of the departing people, he couldn't help but recall the various events he had experienced in the zombie world. At this moment, the parties involved in those events were magically gathered together.

Qin Ze couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Is this a linkage?

I just don’t know when will we see you next time?
It is worth mentioning that before leaving, Jiang Dalong once again said that he wanted Nianying to learn Taoism from him.

Qin Ze naturally refused, mainly because he didn't know Maoshan Taoism and couldn't teach others?
Even if you have such a heart, you are powerless!
As a result, Jiang Dalong ran directly to talk to Uncle Jiu. What he didn't expect was that Uncle Jiu actually helped Qin Ze come down.

So ever.

Nianying accidentally became the second person in Qinglong Dojo. She will come over in half a month after dealing with the incident in Yuquan Town.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

After sending Jiang Dalong and Nianying away, Qin Ze asked Uncle Jiu with question marks on his face.

Uncle Jiu said with a smile: "Although Nianying has just grown up, she has good bones and excellent talent. She is much better than Lian Mei H! Taking the path of a monk is not a bad thing!"

"Besides, if someone has his own intention, senior brother, how can I still refuse?"

Lian Mei could not continue on the path of becoming a monk. If the younger sister in her family could become a Taoist priest, it would be a kind of inheritance.

Uncle Jiu was naturally happy to hear it.

When Qin Ze heard this, his expression turned bitter: "Brother, why don't you just accept it yourself! Mainly, I can't teach Taoism! It's a waste of time for others."

"I want it too!"

Uncle Jiu sighed: "But if someone wants to join your Qinglong Dojo by name, senior brother can't do anything about it!"

He said that I won't take the blame. The conditions were set by others and he was just building a bridge.

Besides, a beautiful female disciple falling for nothing is not much different from a beautiful girl Lin falling from the sky. You kid, don't take advantage of me and act like a good boy.

Uncle Jiu continued: "Besides, I am here with you, senior brother, for the knowledge of Taoism! You don't have to worry about it!"

"Just in time, I can also teach the newcomers!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng were not very talented in Taoism. Although Uncle Jiu often urged them, their family knew their own affairs and understood that even if they practiced, they would not be able to learn their own skills.

This is not because he is partial, but because the two disciples have limited potential and there is no way around it.

As a Taoist priest from Maoshan, Uncle Jiu naturally wants to have suitable people to pass on his skills and carry them forward. Nianying is now a good training target for him.

(End of this chapter)

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