Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 113 Heading to the provincial capital!

Chapter 113 Heading to the provincial capital!


Qin Ze compromised.

He actually doesn't have any objection to whether to teach others, let alone a beautiful woman, but he really doesn't want to delay others. He knows nothing about Taoism and can't teach anything. It's not a pure waste of time.

Now that Uncle Jiu is teaching him personally, this problem will naturally be solved.

However, now that it is confirmed that Nianying will join the Qinglong Dojo, Qin Ze cannot help with anything. Although he does not know Taoism, he can still provide resources and other things.

Anyway, some treasures of traditional Taoist priests are not of much use to him.

"Double Happiness Comes!"

"Not bad!"

"Junior brother also has a companion now!"

Taoist priest Simu laughed.

He was very much in favor of the little girl learning Taoism. If there was one more monk in the world, then there would be one more righteous man who could slay demons and demons, and he was naturally willing to see that.

Besides, following Qin Ze and Senior Brother Lin, his future achievements will not be much worse.

"Presumably in two months' time there will be a martial arts competition between north and south Maoshan monks, and Junior Brother Jie Shi will not be alone anymore!"

Maoshan martial arts contest?

When Qin Ze heard these four words, he put aside his thoughts and couldn't help but ask: "What is this Maoshan competition that Senior Brother Simu is talking about?"

"You do not know?"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was stunned. He didn't expect that Qin Ze didn't know: "Every five years, the Southern Maoshan and Northern Maoshan will hold a competition!"

"At that time, many Maoshan Taoist priests who are out of town will rush to the designated place to hold a competition and learn Taoism!"

It turned out to be the case.

This was the first time Qin Ze heard about this matter. No one had ever mentioned it to him before in Maoshan.

Looking back now, maybe it was because I didn't know any magic at that time and my strength was considered too high.

After all, what's there to say to someone who knows nothing about this kind of competition?
Uncle Jiu then spoke: "Although the purpose of the competition every five years is to better improve Taoism and enhance strength, the southern sect and the northern sect will always be competitive with each other in this kind of matter!"

"No one wants their faction to be weaker than the other party."

"Therefore, each competition will add a lot of prizes as motivation for the disciples to compete! The competition is also fierce!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but ask: "What will the lottery be?"

Uncle Jiu shook his head: "Each session is different. You will only know when the competition time comes. Anyway, it is definitely not ordinary. After all, it is a reward jointly set by the two sects of heavenly masters! It is too shabby to be justified!"

Qin Ze suddenly felt a little interesting. He was mainly curious about what this reward was.

"Then which side won last time?" Qin Ze asked.

As soon as the words came out.

Taoist Priest Simu and Uncle Jiu fell silent immediately.

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Although he said nothing, it seemed as if he had said everything.

Qin Ze understood the meaning. It seemed that the Northern faction won last time.

He, Uncle Jiu, Taoist Priest Four Eyes, and others all belong to the Southern Sect. Taoist Priest Tianling and Fengyun Leiden, the four disciples whom he met in Tengteng Town before, belong to the Northern Sect.

Taoist Master Four Eyes said quietly: "In recent years, the disciples recruited by the Northern Sect are all so fierce. They have won several times in a row. Who knows where they found so many good talents!"

"The last time our southern faction won, it was back when we were new disciples!"

He looks like he hates iron for not being able to become steel.

However, when he looked at Qin Ze, his eyes shone: "But if you, Junior Brother Qin, go to participate, you should be able to beat the northern faction and revive the glory of the southern faction Maoshan!"

The disciples of Maoshan who participate in the competition are limited to Taoist priests who have joined Maoshan within ten years.They definitely don't meet the requirements anymore.

But Qin Ze fits the bill!

With Qin Ze's strength, it may not be difficult for one person to defeat the Taoist priests of the Northern Sect.

Although both North and South Maoshan are upright Taoist priests who take it as their duty to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, but who doesn't want to see his faction win?

This is a belief belonging to the older generation of monks.

Qin Ze coughed a few times, did not answer directly, and bypassed the topic: "Let's talk about this later!"

He has not yet decided whether to participate or not.

Mainly I don’t know what the specific situation is.

It will not be too late to make a decision by then.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Four Eyes didn't force it, they just agreed. After all, the matter was still two months away, so it wouldn't be too late to talk about it later, and then they talked about other things.

Soon, almost all the congratulators at Qinglong Dojo left, and the matter of opening the dojo was finally over.

Taoist Master Simu was not in a hurry to leave. He had nothing to do now, so he chose to stay in Renjiazhen for a few days.

Jiale and Qingqing got together with the literary talent Qiusheng. They were of the same generation and similar in age, so they naturally became familiar with each other. The two took Qingqing and Jiale around Renjia Town.

"Junior brother! That senior brother also left!"

In the evening, Uncle Jiu took care of the funeral affairs and took Taoist Priest Simu to say goodbye to Qin Ze.

After Qin Ze sent them away, he came to the dojo.

"System panel!"

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Advanced, Dragon Man Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)
Three colors of domineering: armed color domineering (intermediate), knowledge color domineering (intermediate), overlord color domineering (elementary)
Skill: Thunder Bagua
Weapon: Bazhai
Portable space: ten cubic meters
Physical fitness: stiff hair

Merit points: 15000
"There are [-] merit points, which is still [-] short of [-] merit points!"

Qin Ze looked at the column of merit points and thought to himself.

After waiting for [-] merit points, the Overlord color Haki can be upgraded to the intermediate level, all three colors of Haki can be upgraded, and the Devil Fruit fusion level can be improved.

It's just that there aren't many evil objects that can provide merit points in Renjia Town, Jiuquan Town and other places, so they have basically been killed.

You can go to the provincial capital.

Qin Ze had promised Ren Tingting before that he would go to the provincial capital to see her, and he even wrote a reply letter. Now he estimates that the time is about the same.

Three days later, Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu sent Taoist Priest Simu and others away. The residual warmth from Qinglong Dojo slowly dissipated, and Renjia Town returned to peace.

"Senior brother, I have to go out. If anything happens in the dojo, you can just take care of it!"

After all the things that need to be done are taken care of, Qin Ze plans to go to the provincial capital today.

Saying goodbye to Uncle Jiu and others, and leaving the affairs of the dojo to the management of Partridge Aunt who lived with Uncle Jiu, Qin Ze packed up the basic things and set off on the road to the provincial capital.

As a place that can be named after a city, the provincial capital is much more prosperous than Renjia Town, and it is also far away from Renjia Town. This trip will take some time.

"Waiter! Have a pot of tea!"

After traveling for a day, Qin Ze stopped in a town along the way and asked the waiter to take a rest.


The waiter in the store heard this and quickly brought a bowl of herbal tea: "Sir, please take your time. Do you want anything else?"

"Let's serve some of our specialty dishes!" Qin Ze said casually.

The waiter had a smile on his face and stepped back respectfully.

After a while, the waiter brought several plates of food and bowed to leave. At this time, a person walked towards him and sat directly opposite Qin Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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