Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 117 Qian Zhenren and Boss Tan collude together!

Chapter 117 Qian Zhenren and Boss Tan collude together!

"Thank you, Daoist!"

Zhang boldly nodded and thanked him repeatedly.

After Xu Zhenren told him to think about the matter, he watched Zhang boldly leave.

However, after Zhang boldly left, Master Xu smiled and said, "Perhaps, it is possible that the method just mentioned will not work!"

From Zhang Bingdao's words, he learned that Qin Ze was also involved in this matter, so would Qin Ze take action himself?

Thinking of this, Xu Zhenren instantly became interested and groped his way slowly towards the Ma Family Ancestral Hall.

In front of the Ma family ancestral hall.

At this time a man was pacing back and forth.

He was paper-white and short.

It was the mangy dog ​​who had made an appointment with Zhang DaDa to meet here during the day.


Zhang boldly walked over with a wine jar in his arms. When he saw the visitor, the mangy dog ​​was instantly happy.

"Hey, be brave, I thought you didn't dare to come!"

The mangy dog ​​stepped forward, rubbed his hands and smiled.

With a somewhat disdainful expression on his face, Zhang boldly took a sip of strong wine and said, "How could you not come? There's nothing to be afraid of in a small ancestral hall. It's you. Have you prepared all the money?"

"I keep it on me. As long as you can come out safely tomorrow morning, the ten dollars will be yours!"

The mangy dog ​​took out ten pieces of gold again and waved it in front of Zhang DaDa.

These days, the ocean is hard currency.

Ten oceans.

It is a huge amount of money to put in any ordinary family.

He simply did not believe that Zhang DaDa could resist the temptation of money.

After giving Zhang a bold visual inspection, the mangy dog ​​put Dayang away and began to urge him.

"Now that you've seen the money, it's getting dark soon, so hurry in!"

Seeing the mangy dog ​​in such a hurry to enter the ancestral hall, Zhang DaDa was speechless. He thought to himself that this boy must not be holding anything back, but now that the matter was at this point, he couldn't regret it and run away, otherwise he would be embarrassed in the town.

Taking three steps and two steps at a time, Zhang boldly walked straight into the ancestral hall with the wine jar in his arms.

"Hey, we finally got in!"

Outside the door, the mangy dog ​​saw Zhang boldly entered the Ma family ancestral hall, and quickly locked the door with a lock.

In this case.

Even if Zhang dared to regret it inside at night and wanted to escape, there would be nowhere to escape.

There is only one death.

Inside the shrine.

Zhang boldly looked around at the environment inside, frowned into the Chinese character "Sichuan", and said in a complaining manner: "It's dirty and messy!"

This is obviously an ancestral hall that has been abandoned for a long time.

Not to mention tablets, tributes, etc., there is not even a stove to put incense for worship.

There was dust everywhere, and even the wooden boards collapsed.
On the contrary, inside the ancestral hall, there is a very conspicuous coffin. Although it looks old, there is no dust, as if someone has cleaned it.

Zhang DaDa was not that curious, nor did he push the lid of the coffin to see if it was a man or a woman lying inside. He just cleaned the ground far away from the coffin, made a floor mat, and held the wine jar. , prepare to spend a peaceful night like this.

at the same time.

the other side.

In the courtyard of Tan Mansion.

Boss Tan sat on the chair with a sad face.

"Zhenren Qian, can you really kill Zhang DaDa tonight?"

During the day, the affair between him and Zhang DaDa's wife was discovered. At this time, the idea of ​​​​killing Zhang DaDa became stronger and stronger.

Once you succeed, you no longer need to be as sneaky as before, like a thief, and you can take over the bold wife openly and openly.

When he thought of that woman's skills in bed and her graceful figure, Boss Tan felt anxious and itchy all over.Such a seductive little fairy.

You can only serve yourself well.

He, Boss Tan, has a great business and is like a mature lady from another family.

"Don't worry, Boss Tan. Zhang DaDa has now entered the Ma family ancestral hall. Tonight, someone Qian will definitely let that guy's blood splatter in the ancestral hall, and he won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

Qian Zhenren said with great confidence.

In front of Zhenren Qian, there are many Taoist utensils, a Bagua table, a small coffin, talismans, zombie paper figures, and peach wood swords.
It was specially prepared for Zhang DaDa.

He is a dignified monk from Maoshan, and dealing with an ordinary coachman is not just a matter of doing whatever he likes.

"Boss Tan, let's agree on the price."

Of course, Zhenren Qian did not work for Boss Tan in vain and had to charge corresponding fees.

Seeing that Master Qian was not giving money and was not ready to take action, Boss Tan waved his hand to his subordinates, then looked at Master Qian and said, "It has been prepared for a long time. You take the money, I will get the people, and everyone will be happy!"

Soon, the servant came up with a wooden plate covered with white gauze and uncovered the red cloth. Underneath were five strings of oceans wrapped in red cloth, each of which cost 20 yuan.

A full 100 yuan, exuding a unique smell of money.

Qian Zhenren came forward and inhaled the coppery smell of money with great enjoyment. It was as refreshing as an addict taking a puff of opium. Then he picked up a piece of ocean and blew it to his ear and listened. He suddenly smiled.

"Boss Tan is really generous. If there is anything like this again in the future, please be sure to contact us!"

Qian Zhenren has the ocean in his pocket, with a smile on his face, and he lives up to his name. He has no other pursuits, he just likes money, and the more the better.

As long as you give money, not to mention killing an ordinary coachman, even brothers and fellow apprentices can kill you. But you have to pay more.

Boss Tan smiled and cupped his hands: "Definitely, definitely!"

"Then let's ask the real person to start!"

Master Qian began to open the altar, and walked around the altar, holding a mahogany sword in his hand, step by step.

As he walked, he recited Taoism in his mouth.

next moment.

Peach wood sword inserted

Boss Tan was watching the whole group, but he couldn't figure out the reason for it for a long time, and he suddenly lost all interest.

"Zhenren Qian, I leave this place to you!"

After saying that, Boss Tan returned to his room.

Just entered the room.

A pair of jade arms stretched out from the bed.

Then someone opened the bed curtain, and it was Zhang DaDa's wife.

His posture is coquettish and seductive. When he sees Boss Tan coming over, he makes various provocative gestures, which touches Boss Tan's nerves.

Boss Tan was so greedy that he pounced on him and began to execute the law on the spot.

"Calculate the time, it should be almost there!"

At a location in the town, Qin Ze, who learned the location of the Ma family ancestral hall, started to set off.

at this time.

Inside the shrine.

Zhang boldly drank wine and his thoughts were in a daze. Although Qin Ze and Xu Zhenren gave him a lot of advice during the day, nothing strange seemed to happen after entering the ancestral hall.

His vigilance gradually dropped a lot as time passed.

At this time, Zhang Bingdao was drinking wine and was about to fall asleep.

But just as he was lying on the ground, sleepiness struck him.


The coffin in the ancestral hall moved, and the coffin board shook violently, as if something was hitting inside and trying to rush out.

A sudden explosion made Zhang boldly stand up in fright, and he woke up from his drunken state in an instant.

"Holy crap! It's really coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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