Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 118 Qin Ze kills instantly with one punch!Qian Zhenren fell into doubt!

Chapter 118 Qin Ze kills instantly with one punch!Qian Zhenren fell into doubt!
In the middle of the night, there was a strange movement in the old coffin that had been placed in the ancestral hall.

No matter how you look at it, it can’t be a good thing!
Even though Zhang Bingdao was indeed very courageous, his heart suddenly rose to his throat when he encountered this kind of thing.

Thinking of what Xu Zhenren said during the day, he had to climb up to the rafters at the second watch.

Zhang DaDa was no longer drunk at this time. He was as agile as a monkey. He climbed up the beam in a few steps and squatted on it to look down at the situation below.

After a while, another strange movement occurred in the coffin. Under the violent impact, the coffin board was blown away, and a zombie with a ferocious face, wearing Qing Dynasty clothes, and looking like a mummy stood up straight.

The zombie jumped up from the coffin with its legs stretched forward. Although it could not see with eyesight, it was very sensitive to human scent. It was like a child who had lost something in the ancestral hall, looking for something.

Zhang boldly saw the resurrected corpse on the beam, his eyes were as wide as bells, he held his breath and did not dare to make a sound.

If anything, before, he was confident about spending a night in the Ma family ancestral hall.

So now that I see something like this that cannot be understood by common sense, I no longer have the courage as before, I have no sleepiness at all, and my whole body is soaked with sweat.

"Death or death!"

Zhang DaDa's whole body felt bad.

As an ordinary person, how could he be a match for zombies?

If this was discovered, his life would be in danger.

What ten dollars.

I have a life to earn but I have no life to spend!


"Can't find it?"

In the Tan Mansion, Qian Zhenren, who was controlling the zombies' actions, frowned.

Under the influence of Taoist magic, he understood the perspectives of the zombies and could detect Zhang Bingdao's location from a distance.

However, after wandering around the ancestral hall, I couldn't find even a human hair, which was really strange.


"I don't believe it anymore!"

Qian Zhenren did not give up. He knew that Zhang Dadan must be in the ancestral hall. The door was locked and it was impossible for the other party to escape. He just needed to spend more time.

With fingers clasped together, the peach wood sword stabbed into the zombie made of paper man.


The zombies in the temple became extremely violent.

The facts were exactly as Mr. Qian had guessed.

Zhang DaDa was covered in sweat and his nerves were highly tense. He couldn't hold on for long. While the zombies were wandering around, he rolled down from the rafters and hid under the coffin.

But in the end, he was discovered by zombies.

The zombies noticed Zhang Bing's figure and flew the coffin out. A fight broke out in the temple, one man and one corpse.

Although Zhang DaDa looks like a fat man and weighs about two hundred kilograms, he is extremely agile and has great boxing and kicking skills.

If he were an ordinary person, even those who came forward might not be his match.

But the other party is a zombie with no pain and a body as hard as iron.

Within a few moments, Zhang DaDa fell into a disadvantage.

However, just when Zhang DaDa felt desperate.

The locked door exploded with a bang.

I saw a tall, handsome young man standing at the door.

It was Qin Ze.

"Taoist Master Qin, save me!"

When Zhang DaDa saw Qin Ze coming, he quickly called for help as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

"It's exactly as expected!" Qin Ze looked at the zombies who looked like mechanical dancers fighting, and raised his eyebrows.

next moment.

Qin Ze stepped forward, his domineering aura rising in all directions, and the strong aura made Zhang DaDabao unable to help but bend down and kneel down.

Without any bells and whistles, Qin Ze punched the zombie in the face.

The zombie who was still suppressing Zhang Bingdao just now had no way to hide. Under this punch, his body flew sideways and hit the wall of the ancestral hall like a giant hammer. After struggling for a few times, he could no longer get up.

"Congratulations to the host, you killed a controlled zombie and obtained 500 merit points!"

It’s only 500!
Qin Ze has a toothache.It seems that the strength of the zombies themselves is not that good, but the Taoist priest behind the control of the zombies is more powerful.

Zhang DaDa looked at what was happening and was still a little unresponsive. When he realized that the zombie could no longer get up, he looked at Qin Ze as if he were a monster.

A Taoist priest killed a zombie with one punch.

He felt that his outlook on life had been greatly impacted.

"Thank you Daoist for your help!"

After Zhang DaDang came back to his senses, he immediately thanked Qin Ze and exhaled a long breath in his heart. This night should be considered spent!

At the same time, Qin Ze killed the zombie with one punch.

There was an explosion in the courtyard of Tan Mansion.

The sound was deafening.

It was like thunder exploding.

"What happened?"

In the courtyard, Boss Tan ran out of the room disheveled, holding up his pants.

Just now he was preparing to take care of the slutty bitch.

Suddenly, a roar was heard outside.

The guy who just gave him an erection was so frightened.

Boss Tan hurriedly came to the yard. When he saw the scene in front of him, his mouth widened with disbelief on his face.

I saw that the altar originally built in the yard was scattered on the ground.

Incense ashes, talismans, tiles, sawdust, and candles were scattered all over the floor.

As for Qian Zhenren, his hair was disheveled, he looked embarrassed, and he fell to the ground.

At this time, Qian Zhenren was completely confused by the sudden change.

He originally thought that killing Zhang DaDou would be easy.

But for some reason, he controlled the zombies and searched for a long time in the ancestral hall before he found Zhang Dafa.

And it seems like it will succeed in the end.

The zombie was killed by an unknown force with one blow.

To know.

Using this slightly evil Maoshan corpse control technique, the controller's consciousness and body are connected to the zombies.

When a zombie is severely injured, the force it endures will naturally be reflected back on itself.

Although this power will be reduced a lot due to distance, it is still huge.

With the deafening roar, the moment Zhenren Qian lost contact with the zombies, he was instantly hit by this terrifying force, hit the eaves, and fell to the ground.


The altar exploded.

It was precisely because of this that he ended up like this.

"Asshole, who is it?"

"Who is ruining our good deeds!"

Qian Zhenren was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood from his chest.

By now.

Why doesn't he understand?

There must be an expert behind Zhang DaDa.

Otherwise, with Zhang Daudao's reckless and careless character, he would have died in the hands of zombies long ago.

Qian Zhenren staggered up and glanced at Boss Tan, who was disheveled and disheveled in the wind, with cold eyes.

Boss Tan shuddered at the sight. If he wanted to scold Zhenren Qian for his incompetence in doing things, he immediately swallowed it back.

Now he fully understands that cooperating with a ruthless monk like Zhenren Qian is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

The atmosphere in the hospital instantly became solemn.

Seeing that Zhenren Qian was sullen and silent, Boss Tan finally couldn't help but ask: "Zhenren Qian, Zhang, how is Zhang Dadan doing now?"

(End of this chapter)

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