Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 119 How to do it!Sorry, it doesn't work for me!

Chapter 119 How to do it!Sorry, it doesn't work for me!

If Zhang Bingdao doesn't die, Boss Tan won't feel at ease.

If word got out about breaking shoes with someone else's wife, he wouldn't be able to keep it off his face.

Moreover, after being caught and raped in bed by Zhang DaDa, he was also afraid that Zhang DaDa would risk his life someday, and he would just fight with a knife regardless.

"Someone is helping him behind the scenes!" Qian Zhenren said coldly.

At the same time, he was also thinking about who this person was.

Could it be his junior brother?

Although he and Xu Zhenren came from Maoshan, the Northern School, they had never been able to deal with each other because of their different personalities and philosophies.

Now, the relationship between the two people has dropped to a freezing point. If they are junior brothers, it is not impossible.

But the junior brother is good at facial expressions and summoning spirits, and he is not particularly outstanding in subduing zombies. It is even more difficult to kill zombies instantly.

"It's him?"

Qian Zhenren raised his eyebrows, and suddenly thought of the young man who walked boldly with Zhang during the day, which left a very deep impression on him.

"Really, real person, what should we do now?"

When Boss Tan heard that there was an expert behind Zhang DaDa, he suddenly panicked and asked questions quickly.

"It's okay!"

Master Qian waved his hand: "I was just careless and didn't notice it for a moment, so I suffered a loss. Wait until I get up again!"

"The person behind Zhang DaDa must die in the town!"

Regardless of whether he is a junior or that bullshit young man, as long as he becomes an obstacle on the way to making money, he can be removed altogether.

He didn't believe that a young man could do anything to him.

Going against yourself will only lead to death.

Thinking of this, Qian Zhenren looked at the somewhat panicked Boss Tan, and said as if taking advantage of the situation: "Boss Tan, the person I have to deal with now is not just Zhang DaDa, there are people behind him to deal with!"

"For this amount, do we have to add one more?"

Seeing Master Qian suddenly sitting on the ground and raising the price, Boss Tan was embarrassed and did not dare to say no, so he could only agree with a smile.

"Real person, money is not a problem, as long as you solve all the troubles, you will get twice as much money!"

Qian Zhenren nodded and laughed. Boss Xin Dao Tan was quite sensible.

With the money in hand, he instantly felt motivated.


He rearranged the altar and continued the practice.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, your method of getting rid of zombies is really rare!"

In the Ma family ancestral hall, Master Xu suddenly appeared and looked at Qin Ze with a tone full of admiration.

He came to the Ma family ancestral hall and kept observing the situation. He was very surprised to see Qin Ze kill the zombie with one punch.

At the same time, he became more and more certain of his inference.

Qin Ze has the appearance of a hidden dragon.

Different from ordinary people.

He is a rare talent that is rare in hundreds of years.

"Zhenren Xu, this matter has not been completely resolved yet!" Qin Ze disposed of the corpse of the zombie and looked at Zhenren Xu and said.

"There's someone behind the zombies!"

"You still know this person!"

Master Xu frowned slightly. He was not stupid. The zombie was impartial. It happened to be that the corpse was raised tonight. No one would believe it if it was a coincidence.

After seeing Qin Ze, he suddenly thought of a person, his evil senior brother.

"did not expect!"

"He can actually do such a thing!"

Xu Zhen's teeth were itching with anger, and he hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

He knew that his senior brother was not a good guy, he was greedy for money and had a cunning personality.

But I didn't expect that the other party would even do things that harm people's lives for money, once again breaking through the lower limit.What is the difference between this and evil cultivation?
"Zhenren Xu, Taoist Master Qin, what are you talking about?"

"Is there anyone else involved in this matter?"

Zhang DaDang looked confused when he heard this, and his heart that had dropped suddenly rose again. Although he didn't understand what the conversation between the two meant, it was obvious that the matter was not over yet.

"Boss Tan asked someone to kill you!"

Qin Ze said casually: "Go and take a look and you will know everything!"

"Lead the way, Tan Mansion!"

"Boy, let's see what we do and I'll kill you!"

In the Tan Mansion, the small coffin in front of Zhenren Qian who controlled the zombies was gone, replaced by a tied little man with a piece of hair wrapped around his body, which he got from the tofu stall.

Proficient in Maoshan Taoism, he did not intend to take action himself, but used this extremely insidious method to kill his opponents.

As long as he does this, Qin Ze, who is unprepared, will take corresponding actions.

It's totally okay to commit suicide.

Without wasting any more time, Qian Zhenren bit his finger and smeared the blood on the pricked villain. Then he mixed the blood into a prepared bowl of water, drank it in one gulp, and then sprayed it on the villain.

next moment.

He held the mahogany sword in his hand and began to practice.

at the same time.

Qin Ze felt a little itchy when he went to Tan Mansion, but other than that, he didn't have any other discomfort, nor any signs of being manipulated.

"how is this possible?"

Zhenren Qian was like a fake monk who danced with great masters. He kept wandering around the villain, but the villain did not move and was still placed quietly on the table.

"Ma'am, does this method really work?"

Boss Tan looked at Qian Kai who was sweating profusely but his expression became increasingly ugly. He felt a little suspicious and couldn't help but ask.


Qian opened his mouth and recited the decision, increasing his intensity.

In this line of work, I have never encountered anything like this before, and the villain didn't react at all.

Really strange.

Even if the opponent is very strong, it is impossible for him to remain motionless!

Little did he know that Qin Ze's body was so strong that this kind of heretical spell would have almost no effect on him.

Under the increasing strength of Qian Kai, the villain couldn't bear it anymore and started to burn directly.

"Depend on!"

Qian Kai was angry and looked a little ferocious.

He was angry not because the villain was burned, but because he felt the young man's terror from it.

The villain was burned, but the other party didn't seem to be affected at all.

It seems a little too strong.

"I said, why is my body itchy? It's like being spared by something!"

"It turns out you were behind it!"

At this time, a clear voice came into the courtyard.

Qian Kai's eyes paused and he suddenly looked towards the door.

Qin Ze was seen standing at the door, looking at him with a half-smile on his face.

On the left and right, Xu Zhenren and Zhang Dadan stood respectively.

"Qian Kai, is it really you?"

Xu Zhenren looked at his senior brother and asked with burning eyes.

Although he was mentally prepared before coming here, when he saw Qian Kai doing the altar opening, Boss Tan standing aside, coffins and zombie paper figurines scattered on the ground, there was still an unconcealable feeling in his eyes. of disappointment.

At the same time, he also saw that Qian Kai was not only using zombies to murder Zhang DaDa, but also trying to kill Qin Ze.

However, Qin Ze was blessed with good luck and was not affected by this spell. This is what Xu Fa thought in his heart. He felt that Qin Ze was blessed with dragon energy.
(End of this chapter)

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