Chapter 123 Go see Mamadi!
She didn't have many male friends in the provincial capital, and with her tall figure, Ren Tingting guessed who they were.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Ren Tingting missed him very much. When she saw Qin Ze standing at the door, she was so excited that she almost pounced on him.

"Long time no see, please don't fall!" Qin Ze held Ren Tingting with both hands.

"How is that possible!" Ren Tingting was a little shy. The door to Ren's mansion was on the street. In broad daylight, contact between men and women was somewhat inappropriate.

"You came just in time, I'm on vacation these days!" Ren Tingting stood firm and said with a crescent moon on her eyebrows.

"What a coincidence!"

Qin Ze smiled and walked inside under the guidance of Ren Tingting.

"Is Ren Mansion doing nothing?"

Qin Ze noticed the white hanging cloth posted in Ren's house. White in mourning and red in mourning. He could tell at a glance and asked in a low voice.

"I was working on something, but something went wrong. A few stinky Taoist priests made trouble!" Ren Tingting's cheeks bulged and she became angry when she mentioned those Taoist priests.

Ren Tingting's uncle, Ren Zhuzhu's grandfather, passed away in another place, so she asked professionals to transport the body back and agreed on a good date. When the person didn't show up, they lied and the body was stolen. I heard that it turned into a corpse in the end. Many people were bitten to death.

Now there are some people in the city who are panicking.

He is also a Taoist priest, so it is too unreliable to compare with Qin Ze.

"Taoist priest?"

Qin Ze was slightly startled.

The purpose of coming to the provincial capital from Renjia Town was indeed to fulfill a promise and come to see Ren Tingting, but in addition, it also had other purposes.

Now that he heard several Taoist priests, he was sure of what he was thinking.

It must be the three masters and apprentices in Mamadi. This place is where the original plot of Musical Zombie takes place.

"Cousin, you walked too fast!"

"Who is here?"

Ren Zhuzhu, who was in the room, ran out at this moment, looking curiously at Qin Ze, who had an extraordinary temperament, with a pair of big eyes.

Ren Tingting took Ren Zhuzhu's hand and began to introduce: "This is the Taoist Qin who I mentioned to you before!"

After that, he also introduced Ren Zhuzhu’s identity: “This is my cousin Ren Zhuzhu, who just returned from studying abroad in San Francisco! I’m very curious about Renjia Town!”

"Oh, you tell me all about my background at once, and there is no sense of mystery at all!" Ren Zhuzhu shook Ren Tingting's arm and complained with a dissatisfaction.

“I’m still young, but it’s a very courageous choice to have the idea of ​​studying abroad in San Francisco!”

Naturally, Qin Ze would not say anything bad about the United States. He was not qualified to criticize people wherever they wanted to go.

"You're a Taoist priest, it's quite nice to say yes!" Ren Zhuzhu smiled and was a little surprised. In terms of first impression, the young man in front of him felt much better than those stinky Taoist priests.

"Zhuzhu!" Ren Tingting pulled Ren Zhuzhu's arm. What do you mean by this Taoist priest? He has a name.

"Okay, okay, hello, Master Qin!" Ren Zhuzhu said hello to Qin Ze with a smile and a long tail tone.

Qin Ze didn't care much and just smiled. Compared with Ren Tingting, Ren Zhuzhu's temperament was more lively and out-of-the-box.

"Since you're here, let's come in and chat first! Don't stand at the door!" Ren Zhuzhu greeted Qin Ze into the room.

"I heard from Tingting just now that your grandfather has some problems. I wonder what the situation is now?"

After a few polite words, Qin Ze asked Ren Zhuzhu about Master Ren.

The two masters of the Ren family all turned into zombies, which was really amazing. "It's all my fault for those stinky Taoist priests. They are still Taoist priests. Not only did they play with my grandfather's body, but they also took advantage of it. What they did was so unreliable!"

Ren Zhuzhu felt bad when she mentioned this matter. The smelly Taoist priest was really annoying.

This is why she is a little unhappy with these Taoist priests. If her cousin hadn't said that Qin Ze was very good and had psychological expectations, she would have kicked the Taoist priest out when she saw him.

Ren Zhuzhu started from the beginning, and Qin Ze quickly understood the cause and effect, and the plot was basically the same as what happened in the original work.

"In other words, the Taoist priest named Mamadi and his two disciples are now arrested and imprisoned in prison?"

Ren Tingting seemed to have guessed something and looked at Qin Ze with some uncertainty: "Taoist Master, are those Taoist priests from the same sect?"

This is impossible!
Ren Zhuzhu was a little surprised. He had a good impression of Qin Ze. He heard from his cousin that he seemed to be very strong. It was hard to believe that he was from the same sect as those three Taoist priests.

"That Mamadi is my brother-in-law, but we have never had any contact with each other. You may not believe it, but I have never seen him in person before!"

Qin Ze still knew a little about Mamadi's character, and it was indeed a bit unreliable. After all, being able to think of using Maoshan Taoism to take advantage of girls really damaged Maoshan's image.

But I didn't expect that the impression in Ren Zhuzhu's eyes would be so bad.

But no matter what, in terms of status, Mamadi is still Jiu Shu's junior brother, his senior brother.

"Then, is that the wrong person is imprisoned?"

Ren Tingting was a little anxious: "Why don't you go ask your uncle to let them out!"

Qin Ze shook his head: "No, although it has something to do with me, they committed the crime first, so it's good to lock them up first. If they don't teach them a lesson, they won't be able to realize their mistakes!"

"But wait a minute, I'll go see them!"

Ren Tingting nodded: "I'll go there with you later, I'm afraid Captain Cao will make things difficult for you!"

The masters of two Ren's houses turned into zombies. What's interesting is that both Ren's houses have a security captain, and neither of them is very reliable.

It was easy to do things with acquaintances, so Qin Ze did not refuse and followed the two sisters Ren Tingting towards the Yamen.

"Captain Cao, we need to see three Taoist priests. Please open the door!"

As young ladies of the Ren family, the two sisters Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu would not give Captain Cao a good look, mainly because Captain Cao had a bad reputation and was fond of gambling and frequented casinos.

But after all, you want to meet someone, so you should speak politely.

"No, no, it's just a small matter, you guys come here and open the door quickly!"

Captain Cao had the door opened with a playful smile and sent the three of them in. Then he found an excuse and left immediately. He was afraid that Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu would ask him how to deal with the zombies.

He is indeed a gambler and a bit lustful, but he understands better that some people cannot be touched or offended.

Without the support of the Ren family, he would have to lose his job and go back to his hometown to farm one-third of an acre of land.

In terms of having a clear understanding of himself, he is much more accurate than Awei.

"You three, this is it. If you need anything, just call me!"

Captain Cao's men opened the door with a bang and exited.

Qin Ze walked into the cell first and saw the three masters and apprentices of Mamadi who were being specially cared for by Captain Cao and others.

All of them were handcuffed with something, and their faces looked a little bad. One look at them showed that they had suffered a lot here.

(End of this chapter)

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