Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 124 It’s hard to explain Momami!What the hell is a neck helmet?

Chapter 124 It’s hard to talk to Mamadi!What the hell is a neck helmet?


As soon as he entered the cell, Mamadi's apprentice Ahao became excited. Unfortunately, his voice only received a roll of eyes from Ren Zhuzhu.

You're a worthless brat. Even now, you're still thinking about a girl. Sooner or later, you'll have to do something bad to her.

Mamadi couldn't wait to give his apprentice a kick.

"who are you?"

He spoke numbly, and he saw that among the three people, Qin Ze was the leader, and he could keenly detect a familiar smell on Qin Ze, which was somewhat similar to him, but very different.

Qin Ze looked up and down Mamadi, and then looked at his two disciples. They looked a bit like the literary talent Qiusheng, but they were much different.

"Qin Ze, I have met senior brother!"


He was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the person in front of him would call him senior brother. He quickly realized and asked: "Are you a disciple of Maoshan?"

Qin Ze nodded and took out the Maoshan object that symbolized his identity.

After confirming Qin Ze's identity, he suddenly felt something stuck in his throat. He actually had such a young junior brother?

I wonder why I have never seen or heard of it.

In addition to being surprised, it was more embarrassing.

It was too embarrassing for him to be seen by his junior brother who was meeting him for the first time.

"We turn out to be a family, that's great, let us go quickly!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang suddenly became excited. They had already had enough of the miserable life in prison.

Now that I saw a fellow disciple, of course I had to find a way to get out.

Qin Ze smiled, then looked at Ren Zhuzhu and pointed at Ahao and asked, "Is it him?"

Ren Zhuzhu said angrily: "That's him, scaring me with zombies and trying to take advantage of me!"

Mommy's eyes widened and she glared at Ahao angrily. Ahqiang also opened his mouth wide at this time. He couldn't believe that Ahao actually did this, controlling someone else's grandfather to scare someone else's granddaughter.

It's really a bit immoral.

"That. Master, me"

Ah Hao was a little frightened after being stared at numbly, and he had a grimace on his face and did not dare to speak.

"Although we are from the same sect, I can't make the final decision on this kind of thing, let alone make the decision for the victim. And according to your status, you should call me uncle, but looking at your vain temper, you don't do this kind of thing less often. , you should be lucky that you met Ren Zhuzhu this time!"

Ahao was left speechless.

Momadi stood there with a sullen face, unable to say a word.

He was actually very unhappy about the fact that a junior disciple whom he met for the first time was teaching his apprentice a lesson.

But I also know that what they said is right.

Ahao is indeed becoming more and more neglectful and unruly.

But it is true that I feel aggrieved.

"Junior Brother, you came to see Senior Brother this time just to watch our jokes, right?" After a numb silence for a while, he finally spoke.

"of course not!"

Qin Ze waved his hand: "I heard that Mr. Ren has become a zombie now. I came here to ask about the situation!"

Hearing that Qin Ze was here about the zombies, Mamadi immediately understood what the other party was planning to do, and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Junior brother, we will handle this matter ourselves. You are worrying too much!"

Mamadi attaches great importance to his reputation. Naturally, he has to deal with the zombies caused by his poor management.

If a fledgling junior brother is still required to deal with troubles, wouldn't it be embarrassing if word spread about it? How can he get around in the future?
If Lin Jiu knew about it, he would have to laugh out loud. "We are both disciples of Maoshan, and our goal is to conquer demons. Why should we be divided between you and me?"

Although he knew that Mamadi's character was not good, Qin Ze continued to think about trying to win.

"Despite this, I'm afraid that zombie is a bit difficult to deal with now. Junior brother, you'd better not get involved!"

Seeing Mamadi's insistence, Qin Ze shrugged and said nothing more.

Everyone's personality is different, and you can't expect Mamadi to be the same as Uncle Jiu, Taoist Priest Four Eyes, and others.

First meeting.

It seems a little unpleasant.

"In that case, what a bother!"

"Let's go!"

After saying that, Qin Ze planned to leave directly. Originally, he came here to meet his senior brother whom he had never met before, and to inquire about the location where Master Ren disappeared. Now that he has met the person, there is no need to inquire later.

"Taoist Master Qin, do you really not care about them?"

After leaving the cell, Ren Tingting was a little undecided. After all, he was from the same sect. Being thrown into the prison like this, he was afraid that his reputation would not be good for Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze.

"No, there's nothing wrong with them, they're just going to be detained for a while!"

Qin Ze waved his hand.

The top priority now is to find Mr. Ren first and then get rid of him. As for Mamadi's master and apprentice, they will come out sooner or later.

"Ren Zhuzhu, do you have a pocket watch on your body that your grandfather gave you before he was alive?"

"Is it still with you?"

Mr. Ren in Musical Zombie has a lot of resistance due to the foreign devil's tricks. All the Maoshan Taoist methods are useless to him. He is only sensitive to music and is afraid of injections.

If you don’t know where the zombies are, using music to attract them is naturally your first choice.

"The pocket watch was stepped on last time! It's being repaired!"

Ren Zhuzhu was a little confused about how Qin Ze knew about the pocket watch, but she didn't ask much. The pocket watch was damaged when Ah Hao scared her. Now the hands don't move and there is no sound.

Knowing that the pocket watch was under repair, Qin Ze had to give up the idea for the time being.

After half a day.

"Come on, come on, don't miss it if you pass by. This new equipment to protect against zombies is specially made by Captain Cao. It is custom-made by a special person. Each piece only costs half an ocean. Wear this on your head, no matter what kind of zombie it is. It can’t even be bitten through!”

A group of people selling neck helmets appeared on the street. Looking at these bright armors, which were just welded together with iron sheets and wrapped around their necks, Qin Ze felt a little funny.

Good guy, I’ve only seen helmets before, but this is the first time I’ve seen a neck helmet.

If you put a ring of iron around your neck, you can protect yourself from the zombie's teeth, and the zombie will be much easier to deal with.

Taoist priests can also disband immediately.

What more Maoshan magic do you want?
But through the hard propaganda of Captain Cao's men, some people actually believed it.

It seems that in the original work, Captain Cao made these things and asked his men to wear them. As a result, many people were bitten to death by zombies that night.

One of them is also one of the culprits who stole the corpse and turned Mrs. Ren into a zombie.

"People are afraid of being deceived by liars and deceiving themselves!" Qin Ze shook his head and sighed.

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu stood beside Qin Ze, picked up a helmet and sneered.

"You are so stupid, can you believe this ghost?"

"I think it's safer for you to close the doors and windows and don't go out at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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