Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 126 3 days, I only give you 3 days!

Chapter 126 Three days, I only give you three days!
"It can be repaired at night! I will get it for you then!" Ren Zhuzhu knew that Qin Ze was very concerned about the pocket watch. He sent someone to ask about it before, but it still had to be repaired for a while.

"But what does this have to do with zombies?"

Ren Zhuzhu asked with some confusion, and Ren Tingting was equally confused.

"Your grandpa is also different from ordinary zombies. He likes to listen to music, especially the song in the pocket watch he gave you, so playing songs can attract zombies!"

I have to say that Mr. Ren’s hobbies are very special. No, it should be said that the existence of this zombie is very special.

The behavior is irrational.

An old children's song can also be used as a capture agent.

"You mean to lure the zombies here and then destroy them?" Ren Zhuzhu stared at Kazilan with big eyes.

"if not!"

Qin Ze spread his hands: "If you don't lure him here, how can you get rid of him?"

Seeing the worry and fear on Ren Zhuzhu's face, Ren Tingting smiled and said: "Don't worry, Chief Qin is here, nothing will happen!"

Ren Zhuzhu reached out and touched Ren Tingting's fair forehead, and found that it didn't burn her brain. She actually said such nonsense.

Although she had heard about Qin Ze's glorious deeds in Renjia Town, she had always been dubious.

After all, anyone can see that cousin Ren Tingting has some interest in Qin Ze. It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it is inevitable that she will exaggerate towards Qin Ze.


Ren Tingting slapped her cousin's hand away, made a cute eating expression, and threatened her: "When the zombies come, the first one will bite you!"

"Let's see if you are still poor!"

"Cousin, you will scare me!"

"When the time comes, I will follow Taoist Qin, so don't be jealous!"

Ren Zhuzhu made a face at Ren Tingting.

"Xiao Nizi, you are talking nonsense again!" Ren Tingting blushed and pulled her a few times to stop her, but she glanced at Qin Ze a few times.

Seeing that Qin Ze had no reaction, she felt a little relieved.

My cousin, I brought her to San Francisco for a while, and her temper has become more and more wild. She must keep her mouth shut in the future.

Qin Ze looked at the two sisters, one lively and the other restrained, and smiled. They both said that there were three women in a drama, and these two little sisters were noisy enough.

Human lives were seen in the provincial capital's yamen. Some big businessmen united to put pressure on Captain Cao and gave him three days. If Captain Cao still wanted to continue, he had to deliver a satisfactory result.

Captain Cao couldn't express the pain in his heart.

From the bottom of his heart, he believed that the neck helmet was useful. If he had known in advance that the situation would lead to the current situation, he would not have relied on selling iron sheets to transfer the money.

We have to find a way. Catching zombies still has to be left to professionals. The few crooks in the prison seem to be doing this.

"Hey, hey, hey, if you have something to say, please talk it over. Don't mess around!"

In the cell, Ah Hao was so frightened that he screamed. A Qiang beside him was so frightened that he burst into tears. Veins appeared on his forehead, but he was handcuffed and couldn't do anything.

After being put under pressure by the big bosses in the town, jointly criticized, looked down upon, and threatened to provide the results within three days, Captain Cao originally asked Mamadi and others to catch the zombies.

But after seeing the person, he immediately became furious.

If it hadn't been for these three guys, nothing like this would have happened, and he wouldn't have faced the dilemma of being kicked out.

Even if the three of them have to be released in the end and cooperate, the process of threats and beatings is unavoidable.

The most indispensable thing in the prison is all kinds of torture instruments. If you take out any one, it is enough to drink several bottles.

At this time, Captain Cao held a red-hot iron and gestured in front of Ah Hao, as if he wanted to find a suitable place to leave a mark on him that would never be erased in his life.

If the red-hot iron is imprinted on the skin, the feeling will never be forgotten.


"Am I messing around?" Captain Cao became even more angry when he heard this. With a cigarette in his mouth, he directly started the angry mode: "You didn't force all this. If you didn't abide by the Taoist heart, If you cause trouble on my property, will zombies appear? Will anyone die?"

"I'm telling you, I'm under a lot of pressure right now, so much so that my hands are shaking, and I can't even hold the soldering iron steady. If I'm not careful, I might get stamped on it! Just bear with me!"

"Captain Cao, if you are a smart man, let us go quickly!"

"Otherwise, the zombies will bite more people!"

Ah Hao was so frightened that he almost lost control of his urine. He walked all over the place and experienced a lot. He could see that Captain Cao was pretending, just to scare people, and had no intention of actually taking action.

In this case, we can still talk about it.

"it is good!"

"It's not impossible to let you out!"

Seeing that Captain Cao took the initiative to mention the matter of catching zombies, he stretched out three fingers and threatened: "Three days, I only give you three days. If you can't catch the zombies in three days, then you can Don't talk about branding irons or torture tools, I will treat you to a gun!"

"Besides, you can't run away even if you want to, I will send people to follow you all the time!"

The corner of Mami's mouth twitched, and he was so angry at Captain Cao's words.

How could it be so easy to catch a mutated zombie in three days, and it had to be monitored.

"Master, three days is all, promise him, hurry up!!"

Ah Hao looked at the iron that was almost attached to his face and was about to cry. He felt that the hair on his face was scorched by the high temperature. The high temperature even spread from the air, burning his entire face red.

If he was branded with a torture instrument, his life would be wasted.

If time could go back again, he vowed that he would never do anything to take advantage of others again.

"Stop, I promise you!"

"Move the thing away from my apprentice's face!"

Although he hated the spineless Ahao, he still felt uncomfortable seeing Ahao being scared into such a devilish baby.

Just three days, it’s not completely impossible.

"That's right!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Captain Cao put down the torture instrument in his hand, pinched Ah Hao's face, and made a firing gesture with his hand.

"Remember, you only have three days to catch the zombies and everyone will be safe!"

"If you can't catch him, hey! Then I'll have to treat some of you to some peanuts!"


He said impatiently: "Let us go now, time is very urgent now!"

He didn't want to stay in this damn place for a moment longer.

"no problem!"

Captain Cao waved, and several of his men stepped forward to open the cell door and let the Mamadi people out.

After walking out of the prison, Ah Hao and Ah Qiang's legs were still trembling. They took a deep breath of fresh air outside and couldn't stop their tears from flowing out.

It's good to be free!

Useless stuff!

He looked at the two apprentices numbly and said angrily.

"Ah Hao, go to the Yamen and get our guy's business done!"

"Aqiang, go and find out where your junior uncle lives now?"

(End of this chapter)

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