Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 127 Mamadi’s request!Some Taoist priests are weird!

Chapter 127 Mamadi’s request!Some Taoist priests are weird!
Although Mamadi felt a little embarrassed when she thought of Qin Ze, he was still from the same sect no matter what.

Zombies are not easy to deal with. In the entire provincial capital, he only knows one Taoist priest, Qin Ze. If he wants to get rid of the zombies within three days, he will need the help of others.

"Master, why are we looking for him?"

Aqiang was a little unhappy. He was ridiculed by Qin Ze for a while. It was obviously the master who said that he could handle it himself without asking for help. Now he goes to find someone else. Isn't it embarrassing?

Although Ahao was responsible for this disaster, they were also one of the victims, so there was no reason to lose face.

He rolled his eyes at Aqiang and snorted numbly: "If you don't want to find him, help me find a Taoist priest with some ability!"

"If I could count on you two, would you do this as a teacher?"

However, just as he was reprimanding Aqiang.

"Master, it's not good!"

Ah Hao, who went to get something, came back in a hurry. He was out of breath because he was in a hurry: "Master, those losers have burned all our things!"


The people in Ma Ma Di are crazy. These bastards are totally bullshit. If they don’t have anything to do, how can they catch zombies?

Momandi knew that she had to go to Qin Ze now.

No matter what happens, you have to go through it bravely, even if you are traveling all over the country, you will not be able to do it again in three days.

What Qin Ze brought became the only life-saving straw.

In the end, things turned out to be such a development track, which made Mamadi feel very uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you want to treat me to dinner?"

Qin Ze stood at the door of Ren Mansion, looking at the three people from Mamadi who came to find him after being released from prison, with question marks on their faces.

I had a bit of an awkward moment with you in the cell yesterday.

You just got out of prison today and you want to treat me to dinner?
Is this a sign of repentance, or is it because he spent some time in a cell and his personality has changed?
"Junior brother Qin, what happened before was indeed our fault. Senior brother, I will definitely teach my two apprentices a lesson seriously in the future!"

With a smile on his face, he shamelessly wanted to treat Qin Ze to a meal.

It seems that he is seeking for himself.

Seeing Mamadi's behavior of not wanting to bow her head but having to bow her head, Qin Ze was a little amused, but he probably made a judgment in his heart.

Just right.

I also have something to ask myself.


"We are all in the same class. Senior brother wants to invite junior brother to dinner, how can we refuse!"

Qin Ze responded with a smile. No matter what happened, Mamadi was still his senior brother. Even if he didn't want to ask anything, for Maoshan's sake, it wouldn't really embarrass him.

In the restaurant, a large table full of various roasted duck, roasted chicken, and roasted goose delicacies was laid out. It was obvious that Mamadi was really sincere.

A group of four people sat in exactly four directions, but no one moved their chopsticks first.

Mami came to ask for help, and if Qin Ze didn't move, he would naturally be embarrassed to do so first.

Qin Ze smiled and said there was no need to be so reserved, took a chopstick and opened his mouth: "Eat first!"

I didn't eat anything at all in prison. I drank porridge and white steamed buns every day, and my mouth was about to fade away. The three masters and apprentices of Mamadi couldn't hold it back in front of a table of delicious food.

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang started working with their chopsticks, just like beggars who had been hungry for several days without eating.

Momadi is better, but I just want to be better than the two apprentices.

As he was eating, he committed the old habit of throwing away the bones in his hands, habitually raising his feet on the chair, picking his nose and continuing to eat, which was exactly the same as in the original work.Well.
Qin Ze looked at the appearance of the three of them. He dared not move his chopsticks and had no appetite at all.

Seeing that Qin Ze had no intention of continuing to move his chopsticks, Aqiang and Ahao smiled awkwardly, but they thought of filling their stomachs first, so they pretended not to notice and continued to show off.

However, he numbly noticed his gaffe, coughed twice and stopped.

"Junior brother, why don't you eat!"

"Get a chicken drumstick!"

Momadi shamelessly broke open a chicken leg with his greasy palms and handed it to Qin Ze.

"I am full!"

How could Qin Ze dare to answer? He waved his hands to show that he was not hungry and said straight to the point: "Senior brother, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly. You just came out of prison and you came straight to me. It's not just to treat you to a meal!" "

Seeing that things were getting to the point, Ma Ma put down the chicken legs in her hands and described her current pressure with a depressed expression on her face.

"Captain Cao asked us to catch the zombies within three days, but they burned our guys. As you know, our Maoshan disciples will be greatly reduced in strength without our Taoist weapons!"

"So I brought Ahao and Aqiang to come to you, hoping that my junior brother can borrow his work and eliminate the corpses together!"

It was because of this.

Qin Ze finally understood.

He really wanted to say that even if you took the Taoist weapon, you couldn't actually deal with the zombie. The difference in strength was too big, and it had nothing to do with whether he was burned or not.

What's more, I don't have any Taoist tools at all, so I can't borrow them.

"Don't worry, senior brother, the loan will not be in vain, the money will definitely be yours!"

Seeing that Qin Ze didn't reply immediately, he was also afraid that Qin Ze would think that he was taking advantage of his relationship with his fellow apprentices, so he promised to give him money. He didn't want to owe anyone any favors.

"I have nothing to do with you. In terms of getting rid of zombies, I may be a little different from traditional Taoist priests!"

Momadi was stunned for a moment: "Everyone comes from Maoshan, what's the difference?"

"Junior brother, what you say makes no sense!"

He thought that Qin Ze didn't want to help and was looking for such an excuse to shirk, and he suddenly felt a little unhappy. No matter what he said, he was still your senior brother, and he had such a false excuse to fool him.

Qin Ze also knew that it would be difficult for people to believe this kind of thing directly, so he did not explain more: "Although the guy is fine, I have a way to lure the zombies out, and we can deal with it together then!"

These words made Mami feel a little confused. What do you mean by this guy, if he is okay, and then he is willing to help himself.

"It seems that junior brother's personal affairs cannot be seen easily!"

"Senior brother understands!"

Suddenly, he thought that Qin Ze must be hiding some treasure, so he was unwilling to let him borrow it, but he underestimated his young junior brother.


“It’s great that junior brother is willing to help this time!”

Mamadi's original intention was to borrow something, but Qin Ze found a way to find the zombies and take action himself.

As for catching zombies, it will become much easier.

Now the situation in Mamadi has been initially resolved, but Qin Ze still has questions in his heart.

"Brother, how about you tell me how the zombies disappeared!"

"Besides you, have you seen anyone else?"

(End of this chapter)

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