Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 128 Leylin’s senior brother!

Chapter 128 Leylin’s senior brother!
Thinking of the disappearance of the corpse, Qin Ze always felt that it was not zombies wreaking havoc in the provincial capital. The incident was caused by Mamadi and others. Maybe he could get some information by asking them.

Qin Ze didn't know why he asked about this thing. He frowned numbly. He thought that he was helping him now, so he couldn't refuse to answer. After a pause, he fell into memories.

"It's true that my apprentice did something wrong in this matter, but that's not entirely true. After Mr. Ren's body disappeared, we also did remedial work. We searched around the area and couldn't find where the zombie was!"

"Logically speaking, where can a black zombie go even if it disappears? So we expanded the search scope!"

"However, the zombie was not found in the end. Instead, a lot of blood was found in a room that looked like an experiment, as well as some needles and other things left behind. I guess they encountered something unexpected!"

Hearing this, Qin Ze interrupted Mamadi and asked: "Is there only blood stains?"

He pointed at his own eyes numbly: "You're asking this. I'm not blind. If there really is a corpse, would I not be able to see it?"

"Besides these, did you find anything else?"

Qin Ze continued to ask.

What Mamadi said earlier was very different from the plot in the original novel, but what he said later was a little different, which reminded him of the two corpses that disappeared at night.

"No, there's nothing else besides these. Oh, no, I also found a few stinky colleagues when I was looking for zombies!" He thought of something and curled his lips.

After coming out of the experimental room, the three of them, the master and the apprentice, bumped into a few guys dressed like Taoist priests. However, they were very arrogant, so Mami had a very bad impression of them.

We are all peers, so why bother?
“I don’t know which sect they are from. They don’t even say hello when colleagues meet. What a bunch of rude guys!”

Seeing that he was complaining about being rude, Qin Ze was a little speechless and said, "You are the same, and you won't stop even after eating."

"Don't you think it's a little strange?" Qin Ze couldn't help but ask.


He was stunned for a moment.

"Those Taoist priests you mean?"

He looked confused and said: "Hey, you are still young. It is not normal for you to travel around and meet a few colleagues. Is there anything strange? There is no rule that only we Maoshan Taoist priests can be here."

Halfway through the words, Mamadi suddenly realized something: "Wait a minute, you mean the disappearance of the zombies is related to those Taoist priests?"

Qin Ze had a toothache. How on earth did he become Uncle Jiu's junior brother? This reflex arc must be too slow.

No wonder the two apprentices are less successful than the other, and it is not reliable to work with you as a master.

It's not a good time for the three Taoist priests to appear, but they happened to appear at that time. Everyone can imagine that there is something abnormal.


Momadi suddenly realized that this was what he was like. He stood up suddenly and slapped the table, which frightened the two apprentices who were eating next to him and almost fell off their chairs.

"At that time, I saw that they were scheming, and they were definitely not good people! I didn't expect that they would be the ones causing trouble later!"

"Don't let me catch you, or you'll get a good harvest from them!"

He was so angry that he uttered curse words. He had always thought that his apprentice was the cause of the trouble, but in the end, it was someone behind the scenes who was responsible for all this. He took the blame for nothing and even had someone put him in jail.

It’s further away than Dou E!

"Brother, don't get excited! The table didn't mess with you!" Qin Ze pressed his hands and coughed a few times to calm down Momami.

Although it seems that there are a few Taoist priests behind the scenes, it is true that your two apprentices used zombies to tease Ren Zhuzhu, and it is also true that you later had people pretend to be Mrs. Ren. This sentence in the jail is not unjust.After a long time, the anger in Mamadi's heart subsided a little: "Junior brother, please tell me how to handle this matter!"

"Let's lure the zombies here first!"

"We will find a way when the time comes!!"

The provincial capital, in a desolate and remote residence.

"Congratulations, senior brother, for getting two more iron corpses!"

Five people in Taoist uniforms sat together, four of them looked at a pale man with a mustache and a pockmarked face and congratulated him.

At this time, two corpses were placed in front of them.

If Captain Cao were here, he would be able to identify these two men as his missing men who were bitten.

However, although the appearance of the two corpses has not changed, they are all dark, as if they have been refined by something, and the corpse energy is so high.

"Interesting, these zombies are really different. The human zombies that are bitten transform into zombies much stronger than ordinary walking zombies!"

Li Zheng looked at his masterpiece, his pockmarked face full of satisfaction. Then, he looked at the corner next to him and raised the corners of his mouth. There were three other corpses standing there.

The bridge of the nose is high, the eye sockets are deep, and the eyes are tightly closed.

"A few foreigners didn't know anything and dared to get involved with zombies, but by some combination of circumstances, they also created a work of art!"

The three foreigners were the foreign doctors who injected various potions into Mr. Ren. However, like the two people lying on the ground, they were turned into iron corpses by Li Zheng.

The Taoist priests in the room were the same people Mamadi had met before.

“I didn’t expect that there would be unexpected surprises along the way!”

Originally, they were just passing through the provincial capital, but unexpectedly they found someone refining zombies using some incomprehensible bottles and jars. Naturally, they took advantage of the situation and took control of everyone.

"Senior Brother, do you need to deal with Second Senior Brother's matter?"

Seeing that Li Zheng was in a good mood, a Taoist priest stepped forward and talked about business. Unexpectedly, when he heard this, Li Zheng, who was very happy just now, suddenly changed his face, raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

The sound was crisp and clear, and the beating made the Taoist dizzy.

"If you dare to teach me how to do things, do you also want to sit in the position of senior brother?"

This slap made several other Taoist priests suddenly afraid to speak.

Several people were actually evil cultivators secretly sent by the Corpse Refining Sect to investigate Lei Lin's death. Their destination this time was Tengteng Town, where Lei Lin died, and their mission was to investigate Lei Lin's death.

But as the eldest brother, Li Zheng hated hearing the name Lei Lin. He and Lei Lin usually did not deal with each other in the sect. There was a lot of conflict between the two of them. The other party was eyeing the position of the eldest brother, and even more so. It has been planned for a long time.

Li Zheng was happy for several days when he heard about Lei Lin's death. Naturally, he didn't pay much attention when he came to investigate Lei Lin's death this time.

If it hadn't been for the order issued by the sect leader himself, he would have returned to the sect with the body by now.

"A piece of trash deserves to die outside!"

"Now that he actually wants me to wipe his butt, it's really a disgrace to the Corpse Refining Sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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