Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 129 Notify the sect!Attract zombies with music?

Chapter 129 Notify the sect!Attract zombies with music?

Li Zheng shouted coldly.

As the saying goes, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice's sons can dig holes. Although Li Zheng and Lei Lin are not brothers in the same family, they are both disciples of the Corpse Refining Sect. Their personalities are very different, both are arrogant and cruel. generation.

This temperament also stems from the cruel competition system within the Corpse Refining Sect. The positions of brothers are not arranged according to the time of entry, but only based on strength.

As long as you are insidious and ruthless enough, you can continue to climb up, take over the previous position, and enjoy better resource tilt.

Therefore, I generally have no feelings for my junior fellow apprentices, and are even wary of them at all times.

Li Zheng also despised Lei Lin in his heart.

The eldest brother's sudden anger made the originally harmonious atmosphere a bit dull.

Seeing that everyone was afraid of him, Li Zheng looked very satisfied.

"But even though Leylin is a useless trash, he dares to kill my disciples of the Corpse Refining Sect!"

"That person must also pay the price!"

With a cruel smile on his lips, Li Zheng took out a ball with a faint red light from his arms.

This is a Taoist tool specially refined by the Corpse Refining Sect, and it has a certain ability to sense the special corpse energy of the disciples in the sect.

Every disciple who enters the sect has one, which is refined using their blood and some materials.

It is an alternative Taoist weapon and has no attack power.

It is usually placed in the sect. If someone dies in an accident outside, the Taoist artifact will change from red to gray.

When approaching the murderer, this thing can also be used as a pointer, and the gray color can glow with a little red light.

"This belongs to the second senior brother!!" Someone recognized the Taoist weapon, which was Leylin's exclusive natal ball.

The closer the range is, the brighter the red light will be.

The faint red light showed that the people who killed Leylin were in the provincial capital and not far from their location.

In other words.

They don't need to go to Tengteng Town to investigate.

Just catch the murderer.

"Senior Brother, did those Taoist priests we met during the day do this?" A junior brother said cautiously.

In the past few days in the provincial capital, apart from the three masters and disciples of Mamadi, they had not seen any other monks.

This suspicion is not without reason.


"These so-called bullshit decent monks are against us every day!"

Regarding the speculations of his junior brothers, Li Zheng did not refute, but just sneered: "They wiped out our Corpse Refining Sect before, this time we have to make them pay some price!"

Mamadi Li Zheng has heard that he is a disciple of the Maoshan Southern Sect, but his strength is average.

Dealing with such people is very simple. You can not only complete the tasks assigned by the sect master, but also collect a little interest first. It is the best of both worlds.

"Elder brother, do you want it?"

One man made a gesture of killing himself.

"Need not!"

Li Zheng waved his hand: "To deal with them, we don't need to do it ourselves!"

"Wouldn't it be more appropriate to let the zombies bite them? Afterwards, they can be made into strong iron corpses!"

The junior brothers nodded in silence and made way for Li Zheng. On a simple wooden table, there was a corpse wearing Qing Dynasty official uniform lying on it.

It was Mrs. Ren.

However, this old man Ren's body was covered with iron needles, just like an ordinary zombie with a corpse-fixing charm affixed to it, and remained motionless.

"If we hadn't encountered it when it was about to mutate, this zombie would have been really difficult to deal with!"

"It's strange not to be afraid of Taoism, but to be afraid of injections!"

Li Zheng was wandering around the body of Mr. Ren as if he were admiring a piece of exquisite art.

He planned to release the zombies at night when there were fewer people and kill Mamadi's master, apprentice and others.

After killing them, then wipe out the entire Ren family. "Use the talisman to send a letter to the sect, saying that traces of the person who killed Lei Lin have been found."

Night falls.

The three masters and apprentices of Mamadi took some things they bought from the town and began to arrange them everywhere, including glutinous rice, yellow paper, and peach wood swords.
There are almost no Taoist-related gadgets that you can buy. Although these Taoist artifacts have not been consecrated, they are better than nothing.

The place to catch zombies was set up in Ren's mansion. Qin Ze took Ren Tingting and watched Momadi and others who were very busy.

"I told you these things are useless, but you just don't listen!"

Qin Ze shook his head, their actions couldn't stop him.

At this time, Ren Zhuzhu came over and handed the repaired pocket watch to Qin Ze: "Hey, this is the pocket watch you have been thinking about, it is ready to go off!"

"You have to be careful, this is a gift from grandpa!"

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong!"

Qin Ze took a look at the pocket watch to confirm that there was no fault.

"If it's broken, brother-in-law, you have to find one to compensate me!"

Ren Zhuzhu said to Qin Ze mischievously, Ren Tingting blushed and told her not to shout random names, but she felt happy in her heart.

"no problem!"

Qin Ze smiled and nodded. A pocket watch is not precious, but it does have special commemorative significance.

It's just used to play music and won't be damaged, so how can we talk about compensation?
"Uncle, my master said that the layout is almost ready. Let me ask you how to lure the zombies out?"

Ahao came to Qin Ze and asked.


Qin Ze showed Ah Hao the pocket watch in his hand: "Use this!"

Mamadi also came over at this time. When she saw the pocket watch in Qin Ze's hand, she frowned: "Junior brother, is this your treasure?"

"It's really rare to find a Taoist weapon that looks like a pocket watch!"

He looked at the pocket watch in Qin Ze's hand seriously and couldn't help but marvel.

The weirder the thing, the more powerful it is.

Although this thing looks ordinary, it is quite extraordinary, and there must be something hidden inside.

The mother-in-law looked like she had never seen the world before, but was amazed at the same time, which made Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu burst into laughter.

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Ah Hao twisted his head: "What treasure? Isn't this a pocket watch? I accidentally stepped on it before, but I didn't expect it to be repaired in one day!"

"What do you know?"

He knocked Ah Hao on the head numbly and said angrily.

As a disciple, I am really ignorant. I don't even know that some Taoist weapons can be disguised.

Qin Ze was confused and said: "Brother, you are thinking too much!"

"Literally, this is just an ordinary pocket watch!"

While he was talking, he wound up his pocket watch, and a children's song about a bird falling into the water sounded from the pocket watch.

The place suddenly became numb.

Listening to children's songs, his head was filled with black lines.

Not baby?

This is just nonsense. He felt his face turn red. He really believed you and started messing around. Can this thing attract zombies?
Ah Hao and Ah Qiang laughed sullenly when they saw their master was frustrated, but they were also full of questions, but Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu were very surprised.

Using music to attract zombies?

Ren Tingting only knew that zombies would actively seek out blood-related people to bite, but Qin Ze's behavior did seem like a child playing house.

The night was very quiet, no one spoke, and the sound from the pocket watch was very small, but it could be heard over a long distance.

Qin Ze suddenly frowned, as if sensing something, and looked into the night: "Coming soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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