Chapter 130 Junior Brother!Help me!
The sound of children's songs made his whole body tingle with tingling numbness. When he heard the operation he just made, he felt restless and restless. But Qin Ze's words made him look outside.

at this time.

There was no one on the street, because the security team had notified residents during the day and issued an announcement in advance that zombies would be caught at night and people were not allowed to walk around outside. In addition, they were afraid of being bitten by zombies, so people went to bed early.

The street was quiet, with only the moonlight shining brightly, giving a blurry vision. Old Mrs. Ren appeared in the shadows and jumped towards the Ren Mansion.

Da da da!
The sound echoed through the silent night, gradually overshadowing the sound of the pocket watch.

Although Mr. Ren was controlled by Li Zheng and others, his nature of loving music has not changed.

Hearing the music, he unconsciously approached Ren Mansion.

Really useful?

This guy is actually right!

He looked at Qin Ze in surprise. He didn't understand but was shocked and felt a little confused.

Music attracts zombies to appear, which sounds unreliable, but they actually appear in front of you.

How could this kid know Mr. Ren better than me?
Really evil!

But no matter what the process is, the result is always that the zombies are successfully lured out. Next, we only need to consider how to destroy the opponent.

Mami was too lazy to dwell on the principle.

The three masters and apprentices began to make preparations, ready to attack at any time. Ren Tingting was a little nervous. Ren Zhuzhu, who had always been naughty and lively, did not dare to speak at this time, with fear flashing in his eyes.

The two sisters pulled Qin Ze's clothes and hid them behind him, with only half of his head exposed, looking at Old Man Ren who was getting closer.

What's going on with this zombie?
Mrs. Ren jumped into Ren's house and realized something was wrong. The zombie entered the house and didn't want to go crazy and bite people. Instead, he stood quietly with an expression of enjoyment, closed his eyes and listened to the music quietly.


Just when Mamadi felt confused.

next moment.

Mr. Ren suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the three people in Mamadi, and jumped up.


Momadi's face was shocked. She didn't expect that the zombie didn't follow the routine and actually killed him directly. However, he couldn't care about that much at the moment, so he threw the glutinous rice bought from the town at the zombie.

There was no response at all.

"I rely on!"

Momadi quickly took out another talisman paper from her arms, and when the zombie wasn't paying attention, she stuck it on its forehead.

This corpse-suppressing talisman was one of the few Maoshan talismans he had on his body. Fortunately, he kept it on his body and was not burned by Captain Cao and others.

Mr. Ren suddenly stopped moving and stood quietly on the spot. Ah Hao and Ah Qiang glanced at him and couldn't help but feel excited.

It's very simple. I thought it was going to be a fierce battle. I spent so much money on buying things, but I could easily get it with just one talisman.

He exhaled numbly. He didn't expect it to be so simple. He was in a good mood and looked at Qin Ze aside with a slightly proud look. The expression on his face seemed to say: Junior brother, look good and study hard!This is the difference between us, you still have to practice for a while.

provoke me?
Qin Ze just smiled, did not speak, and did not take action.

You will gain wisdom after suffering a loss. In this case, if you don't suffer a loss well, you won't be able to teach a profound lesson.

"Ha! Great, the zombie has been caught!" Seeing that the zombie was motionless, Ren Zhuzhu suddenly poked her head out from behind Qin Ze. Ren Tingting's eyes also lit up. Just when they were about to walk out, Qin Ze slowly Said: "This is just the beginning!"

"The zombies haven't exerted their power yet!"

"just started?"

But it has stopped moving.

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu couldn't understand, but when Qin Ze said this, they retracted their heads and watched quietly. "Hey, it's done, it's done, we successfully arrested the zombies, we don't have to eat peanut milo!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang took out the rope and prepared to tie up the zombies, but just when they were about to take action.

Unexpectedly, the motionless zombie actually raised his hand, tore off the talisman on his forehead, and then raised his hand towards Ah Hao and Ah Hao.

"I rely on!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were so frightened that they were rolling on the ground. This zombie was so immobilized that it was completely useless to tear up the talisman paper.

The two of them threw the rope aside in fright and rolled to the side to avoid the zombie attack. Momadi was also startled by this sudden attack.I can't figure out how it can have no effect even though I've put the Zombie Talisman on it.

"Master, help, help!"

Ah Hao was chased and bitten by a zombie. The zombie that was motionless just now has entered a violent state and opened its mouth, looking particularly terrifying.

If you are bitten, you will not be able to die immediately.

"Evil animal, don't hurt people!"

When his apprentice was attacked, Mamadi became furious. Regardless of the reason, he picked up the peach wood sword he bought from the market and struck Mr. Ren in the back with his sword.

Not to mention it was such a low-quality product, even Maoshan's Taomu Sword, which had been used in magic, might not be able to hurt the zombies at all. The Taomu Sword in Ma Ma Di's hand broke into two pieces and successfully diverted the zombie's attention.

Mr. Ren gave up chasing Ah Hao, and then chased Mami all over the ground.

"Junior brother, stop looking and help quickly!!!"

Zombies are chasing him everywhere, but he still has the majesty he looked at Qin Ze just now. He has nothing to do now. He uses all the equipment on his body and casts all his spells, but he still can't hurt the zombies at all. .

He finally understood what Qin Ze's words meant before. There was definitely something wrong with this zombie.

Otherwise it would not be possible.

Although I really didn’t want my junior brother to see me in such a mess and didn’t want to ask for help, I thought it was more important to save my life first.

He numbly let go of the arrogance in his heart.

"start work!"

Seeing that Mamadi and the others were nearly beaten by the zombies, and if they continued, they would really die, Qin Ze also put down his mentality of watching a drama, and after telling the two sisters to stay where they were, he started to kill the zombies with their concerned eyes.

Just when the zombie caught up with the exhausted Mumadi and was about to bite, Qin Ze's figure swept over and punched it in the face.

The huge sound shook away.

Old Master Ren took several steps back before he could stabilize his body. He shook his head vigorously and looked at Qin Ze with confused eyes, as if he did not expect that he would be knocked back by a punch.

"It's tough!"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows. This zombie is really strange. Its body is very hard, somewhat similar to the royal zombie that was at Daochang Four Eyes before.

"Junior brother, your timing is so good!"

He shook the sweat from his forehead numbly. He almost let the zombie succeed just now. He was really on the verge of death.

"Junior brother, take the front!" He took a long breath, calmed down, and planned to cooperate with Qin Ze to take down the zombies together.

"Can I help you with anything?"


"Junior brother, tell me!"

"Stand away!"

(End of this chapter)

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