Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 132: Overlord’s domineering power increases!Get draconian form!

Chapter 132: Overlord’s domineering power increases!Get draconian form!
"Mr. Ren is dead, what trouble can a few transformed zombies make? It doesn't matter!"

At this moment, Mumadi became arrogant, and the arrogance that had disappeared just now came back again.

If you can't deal with Old Master Ren, or you can't solve a few black zombies, then don't stay in this business.

"Junior brother, leave this matter to your senior brother!"

"Ah Hao, Ah Qiang, you two will go out with me tomorrow and start looking for the body from where it was left! Get rid of the zombies!"

He numbly ordered the two apprentices, if they don't do something, they will really be looked down upon by their junior brothers. If word spreads to Lin Jiu later, where will they show their shame?
He must stand up in front of Qin Ze once.


Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were stunned for a moment. They did not expect that the master would take the initiative to take responsibility. This was different from usual. However, since the master had spoken, they did not dare to say anything more and could only nod silently.

With this strange desire to win and lose, Qin Ze naturally didn't say anything and wished them good luck.

"Dao Zhang Qin, nothing will happen if we let them handle it, right?" Ren Tingting was a little worried. Momadi and others didn't feel good in her heart. They were chased by zombies just now, so she really didn't have much confidence in them.

"It would be strange if nothing happens!"

Ren Zhuzhu looked at Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, whose legs were so frightened that they were weak, and felt that they were useless. They could only tease women and had no ability to catch zombies.

Let them deal with it, it's better to run away quickly.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on!" Qin Ze smiled. Since he knew there was someone behind the scenes, he would naturally have a way to deal with it.

After taking out the body of Mr. Ren and putting it away, Momadi and others left. After Qin Ze sent the two sisters back to their room to rest, he began to check the panel information.

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Advanced, Dragon Man Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)
Three colors of Haki: Armed color Haki (intermediate level), Knowledge color Haki (intermediate level), Overlord color Haki (beginner level)
Skill: Thunder Bagua
Weapon: Bazhai
Portable space: ten cubic meters
Merit points: 31500
"It's not easy to accumulate merit points all the way. I finally broke through 3, and I can upgrade my overlord color and domineering energy!"

Qin Ze secretly sighed.

Without any hesitation, he called out of the system and started the exchange.

"It consumes [-] merit points. Congratulations to the host for raising the domineering domineering power to the intermediate level!"

The moment the voice fell.

Qin Ze felt that his aura had reached its peak, and his strong and violent domineering energy seemed to be able to destroy the surrounding objects.

At this moment, if there is any ghost standing in the room, it will be shocked to death in an instant.

And with the experience of activating the Overlord's domineering energy for the first time, Qin Ze was fortunately able to control the automatic release of the domineering energy. Otherwise, the entire Ren family would be affected.

Just after increasing the Overlord Color's domineering energy, the system's voice sounded again.

"It has been detected that all three colors of Haki have been upgraded to the intermediate level, and the Devil Fruit fusion degree has been increased!"

"Congratulations to the host, the dragon form is unlocked!"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

Devil Fruit development has increased.

Unlocked Draconic form.

Although I knew in advance that by upgrading all three colors of Haki to the intermediate level, the intermediate form of the Kaido template can be unlocked.

But when this moment actually came true, Qin Ze couldn't help but feel excited in his heart.


"finally come!"

Qin Ze took a long breath and felt that his whole body was filled with endless power.

The arms, palms, body, thighs and other parts are covered with a layer of cyan scales, which shine with an inexplicable luster under the light in the room.

He wanted to test it out.

How strong is he in this form?But after thinking about it, he gave up because he was afraid that with one punch, the whole house would collapse.

Soon, with Qin Ze's thoughts, the blue scales receded, revealing his original skin color.

"Activate Kaido's intermediate template form, and you can redeem some skills that you couldn't learn before!"

Qin Ze thought silently in his heart.

Now, his only skill is Thunder Bagua. Although this move is very strong, it is too monotonous. There are many skills but it is not overwhelming. The more you learn, the stronger you will naturally become. When Kaido fought against Luffy, the one who controlled the black and red lightning This scene still lingers in Qin Ze's mind!

At this point, I guess I can go anywhere in this world.


After exhaling a breath, Qin Ze calmed down his mood.

"Before that, we have to deal with a few flies from the Corpse Refining Sect!"

A cold light flashed in Qin Ze's eyes.

When he was fighting Master Ren, he felt something was wrong. There was a familiar smell on the other party. Most people couldn't detect it, but under the domineering power of the intermediate level, it was still obvious.

This smell did not belong to the zombies themselves. Qin Ze had only seen it on a few people who had killed Leylin.

Coupled with the abnormal behavior of two relatives, Master Ren Mamadi and sister Ren Tingting, who choose to attack the former all the time, it can be understood that someone has issued some kind of magic, so that even the temptation of relatives' blood can be tolerated. live.

The people of the Corpse Refining Sect also like corpses very much, except that they didn't run away.

"After killing one batch, another batch comes!"

Qin Ze shook his head, clinging to someone like a dog-skin plaster.

"Since it's so annoying, then just go to the door yourself! Save yourself the trouble of others!"

He came out again and again to cause harm to people. In Qin Ze's heart, he sentenced the entire Corpse Refining Sect to death, so he was not in a hurry. Killing these few people was a small thing, but following the clues and destroying the sect was a big deal.

And you can also try Kaido's dragon form.

The next morning.

Under the propaganda of Captain Cao's security team, the residents began to beat gongs and drums to celebrate that the zombies were finally eliminated.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect you to do things so efficiently!"

"In one day, we will solve the zombie problem!"

"Very good, now the grievances between us have been wiped out and you are free!"

Master Ren's body has been cremated, and Captain Cao praised the three Mamadi masters and apprentices with an energetic look on his face.

If you finish the matter within three days, you can keep your title of captain and don't have to go home to farm. Maybe you will be rewarded for your high efficiency.

Captain Cao was naturally excited.

Momadi was a little embarrassed by the praise, and felt very guilty. He turned around and said: "Captain Cao, although this matter has been solved, there are still zombies out there. We plan to deal with it together today!"

And zombies?

"Those missing corpses will transform into corpses!"

Captain Cao felt bad for a moment, and his expression immediately changed: "Damn, these things are really haunting!"

"Taoist Master, are you sure?" he asked with sincere eyes.

After hesitating for a while, he suddenly regretted that he was too excited last night and got a little carried away. He shouldn't have said it alone.If Qin Ze is around now, there will definitely be no problem at all.

Now, I always feel a little uneasy, but now that I have agreed, there is no way I will be timid.

"Don't worry, it's just a few little zombies, nothing to worry about!"

(End of this chapter)

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