Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 133 Please enter the urn!Find zombies!

Chapter 133 Please enter the urn!Find zombies!

Some people were happy and some were worried. Old Master Ren's body was cremated. The residents who heard the news were naturally excited. However, Li Zheng and others from the Corpse Refining Sect looked as if they had eaten kulian, their faces extremely gloomy.

One night passed, and there was no news of anyone's death, and the zombies didn't come back, but they heard such bad news.

Especially Li Zheng, the senior brother of the Corpse Refining Sect, was not only shocked but also a little worried.

He originally thought that if the zombies were to dispatch and kill Mamadi and the others, it would be easy. After all, with the strength of this zombie, even he might not be able to defeat it without knowing its weaknesses.

Unexpectedly, in the end, no one was killed, but the zombie was captured and cremated, which was a huge loss to my grandma’s family.

The strength of Mamadi's master and apprentice is somewhat unexpected.


"Are they hiding their strength??"

Li Zheng felt in his heart that someone had tricked him, and he remembered that it was rumored that Mamadi did not have such strength.

Too sly.

Li Zheng thought that Momadi and others killed Leylin, and was not surprised at first. In his mind, Leylin was a useless enemy. But now, after the zombie died, he had to re-evaluate.

"Senior brother, what should we do next?" A junior brother asked in a low voice, with a bit of panic in his tone.

Zombies are killed and easily set on fire.

There's a good chance you'll be called to your door.

"Damn! Why are you panicking?"

"I'm afraid they won't come!"

Li Zheng glared at his useless junior brother and snorted: "If they dare to come, they will die!"

No matter what the reason is, Mamadi must be killed. The news has been sent back to the sect. If the matter cannot be resolved, he will be punished if he goes back.Compared to Leylin, although Li Zheng was also crazy, his brain was obviously much more useful.

At this moment, he had already made a calculation in his mind. Although Old Man Ren was dead, the body that had been bitten before was still in his hand.

Mamadi and others will take the next step in order to get rid of the zombie corpse, so starting here is the best way.

After glancing at the five corpses in the room, Li Zheng gathered the four junior brothers together and wanted to invite one of them to the urn.

"Why hasn't the master come yet?"

Ahao and Aqiang stood on the side of the road with miserable expressions, waiting for Mamadi to come over. They started packing up early in the morning. Mamadi went to the Yamen to report the matter to Captain Cao, while they got the things here. Wait.


"Master is here!"

Seeing Ahao and Ah Qiang walking over numbly, smiles were written on their faces. If it were the two of them, there would be nothing they could do. If the master came over, there would always be a backbone.

"Everything is ready!"

"Ready, it's all here!"

"Okay, be obedient and eat first. Once you're full, you can go on the road!"

Momadi was not in a hurry to look for it, so he and his disciples found a breakfast shop and sat down.

"It smells so good!"

Last night I was busy catching zombies until midnight, and then I went back to the inn and checked in directly. Not to mention late night snacks, I also had dinner every time. Now is a good time to replenish my physical strength.

"Master, do we really not want to call our little uncle over?" Ah Hao asked inarticulately while stuffing the buns into his mouth.

After what happened last night, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the young uncle seems to be much more capable than the master.

If we encounter any emergencies while looking for zombies, having one more person can handle it better!
"Hmph!" "Can't you shut your mouth even when you eat?"

Numbly, he tapped his apprentice on the head with his chopsticks. Although he actually wanted Qin Ze to come over and join him, how could he say such a thing in front of his apprentice.

He said with an indifferent look of disdain.

"How many little zombies do you need from others? You two brats, how dare you despise me as a teacher!"

"After you finish eating, go and settle the bill!"

While scolding the disciples, he also asked them to pay reasonably. Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were dumbfounded. They didn't expect the master to be so shameless now. If they had known better, they wouldn't have asked anything. They didn't ask anything. Lost your pocket.

Although I was very reluctant, due to the master's power, I had to pay dejectedly after eating.

Qin Ze, after explaining things to Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, casually packed up and went to find the location of the Corpse Refining Sect and others.

From a distance, I saw Mamadi's master and apprentice walking out of the breakfast restaurant, but they did not join them.

After Mamadi and others had eaten enough, they set out on the road. The three of them soon entered a gloomy area. The weather today was already a bit gloomy and there was no sun, which was perfect for looking for traces of zombies.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

After walking for a while, they stared at the footprints on the road numbly. Ahao and Ahqiang were confused. They didn't know what the master was doing. Could they still distinguish zombies from humans from the footprints?

Ma Ma Di has been walking around the world for so many years. Although his strength is not as high as that of Lin Jiu, Qian He and others, he is experienced. If he touches the soil with his hands, he will know that it is a zombie walking on the ground, leaving footprints with corpse energy. .

In other words, zombies are in this area.


He raised his hand, numbly asking the two disciples to stop, observe the direction of the footprints, and walked towards a remote area.

The three people followed the footprints to a dilapidated hut, and looked around at the door.

"The corpse atmosphere is very strong inside, and the zombies should be inside!"

Mummy turned to look at the two apprentices, his face became a little serious: "Get ready guys, get ready to go in!"

Although he is usually a little unreliable, at this critical moment, he doesn't want to lose any chains. The zombies are inside and they must be taken down.

Go in?

Are there zombies in there?

Ahao and Ahqiang's expressions suddenly changed. They felt as if their legs were pinned to the ground and they dared not move. Their minds unconsciously replayed the terrifying experience of being chased by zombies last night.

Momadi said angrily: "You two worthless guys, if your junior uncle sees this, you will lose my old face too!"

Although in front of Qin Ze, he didn't seem to have much to lose.

Momadi didn't bother to look at the two trembling disciples, so he picked up the mahogany sword, opened the dilapidated door, and walked inside.

To be honest, he was a little panicked. In the past, a few small zombies were really not a problem, but now the main reason is that all the Taoist tools on his body are gone, and the sword in his hand is not a good thing.

And the most important thing is that the corpse energy inside is a bit strong, and it always feels like there is something else inside.

After opening the door numbly, he glanced inside with the help of some light coming from outside the door.

"One, two, three, four, five!"

There are total zombies in the house, three zombies are wearing western clothes, and two zombies are wearing security uniforms.

It can be seen from their clothes that these are the people whose bodies disappeared after being bitten by Mrs. Ren. In other words, they were all found at once.

(End of this chapter)

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