Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 134: Fooled!Set up a formation!

Chapter 134: Fooled!Set up a formation!

Momadi didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly, not only finding the bodies, but also bringing them all back to life at once.

He thought that no matter what, he would have to torment until dark!
And more importantly, these zombies seemed to be asleep and not aggressive at all, giving him the opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop.

"Master, do you want to inform Captain Cao to get all the bodies back?"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang immediately became frightened when they saw that the zombie was no different from a dead body. They were no longer afraid and made suggestions with dignity.

"Be quiet!"

He motioned to the two apprentices to lower their voices: "The zombies just fell into a deep sleep. Use the Zombie Talisman to immobilize them first! Then go notify Captain Cao!"

Ma Ma Di took out a few talisman papers from his arms and gave them to his two apprentices. Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were quick with their hands and feet, but just when they were about to step forward.


The sleeping zombie opened its eyes and rushed towards the two of them.

"I rely on!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were so frightened that their legs softened and they almost fell to the ground.

"Master, the zombie is alive!"

"Humph! Courting death!!"

Seeing that the zombie woke up, Mamadi's reaction was much better than that of the two apprentices. He held a mahogany sword and stabbed the zombie in the heart.

But just when the mahogany sword in Mamadi's hand was about to hit the target, suddenly a large net came down from above, covering him completely.


Momadi looked horrified. Zombies are dead creatures and cannot think like normal people, let alone use tools. He must have been ambushed and someone was deliberately luring him here.

He immediately cut the rope with his hands and tried to rush towards the door.

However, several people from the Corpse Refining Sect took advantage of the opportunity and appeared from the darkness, and instantly controlled A Hao and A Qiang. Then they used the lives of the two apprentices to control Mamadi very simply.

"Hehe, senior brother's plan is really clever!"

"These stinky Taoist priests were fooled right away!"

"A battle without bloodshed!"


The three people from Mamadi were tied up with ropes and thrown aside. Several junior brothers from the Corpse Refining Sect were full of excitement and praised their senior brother for his wisdom.

"Hahaha! What a few idiots!"

"Do you really think being a hero is that easy?"

"Anyone who dares to kill my Corpse Refining Sect must pay the price!"

Li Zheng enjoyed the popularity of his junior brothers. He only used a small strategy and a mediocre big network to solve the problem perfectly. With the great wisdom in his head, not to mention being a senior brother of the Corpse Refining Sect, he was afraid that There is no problem at all being the sect leader.

Corpse Refining Sect?
Momadi was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what was going on. These people were from the Corpse Refining Sect, and they were here to ambush the murderer.

But when did I kill someone?

"Everyone, there is a misunderstanding. We are just here to catch zombies. We have never killed anyone!" Momadi said that I would not take the blame and immediately shouted loudly.

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were already frightened. They had just escaped from the clutches of Old Master Ren, and now they fell into the wolf pack again. They were so mentally shattered.

This isn't about catching zombies, it's just about losing your life.

"It's unjust! The wrong person has been arrested!" The two disciples said, wiping away tears as they didn't care about face.

"It's all because Master is obsessed with saving face and showing off. If Junior Uncle was here, how could such a thing happen!" Ah Hao and Ah Qiang cried like women. At this moment, they even poured out their bitter words. The stocks were so noisy that they were thrown out.

"You two bastards!"

Mamadi cursed angrily, he was really going to be pissed to death by his two apprentices. At this time, he didn't want to save himself, but he was still blaming the blame?
"Little uncle?"

Li Zheng noticed the blind spot in these words. Just as he was about to ask about the situation and who this so-called junior uncle was, he heard a bang and an explosion from outside.

He turned around suddenly and saw that the entire wall connected to the door collapsed, and a person walked in from the outside.

He is tall and has an extraordinary temperament. "Little uncle!!!"

The person who came was Qin Ze. When Ah Hao and Ah Qiang saw their junior uncle, they shouted excitedly as if they were seeing a life-saving straw, as if they were calling for life for themselves.


"It's time to come!"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows and said when he saw the three masters and disciples of Mamadi who were tied up by Wu Hua Da, and the five tigers of the Corpse Refining Sect who all looked at him.

"Leylin, did you kill him?"

Li Zheng narrowed his eyes, looked Qin Ze up and down, and asked in a cold tone.

I seem to have guessed wrong.

The person in front of him seemed to be more dangerous than the three people in Mamadi.

"You will know if you go down and ask him!" Qin Ze said with a calm tone as his momentum slowly rose.


"I'm not that good-for-nothing like Leylin. It just depends on whether you have that ability!"

Li Zheng had already determined that the guy in front of him was the one who killed Leylin and killed the zombies.

Because of this, he will undoubtedly die today.

"Everyone, get in formation!"

Li Zheng was too lazy to talk nonsense.


The other four disciples of the Corpse Refining Sect quickly dispersed. Each of them held a small flag in their hands. They stood in five directions and inserted the flag in their hands into the soil.

At the same time, Wu Wu was mumbling something. After a while, a light lit up under Qin Ze's feet, and a formation connected the five people and enveloped Qin Ze.

"This is the Ghost Array!"

Momadi is well-informed and instantly recognized the name of this formation. The secondary formation is derived from the Yang Soul of Maoshan formation. The conditions for use are very harsh. Five people are required to set up the formation, and all five people have it. Only the Yin Qi possesses the body.

Where ordinary Taoist priests are contaminated with yin energy, only these evil cultivators can use it.

It was precisely because he recognized the formation that he felt a chill in his heart. He felt that something big was going to happen. If he was in the center of the formation, his body would be hurt by the yin energy all the time, so he had no way to defend himself.

"Boy, just take your head and revive the sect!"

A sneer flashed across Li Zheng's lips. He came out of the sect to investigate Lei Lin's death. Naturally, he would not be unprepared.

This formation has been improved to specifically deal with Maoshan Taoist priests. It can wipe out the Taoist priests' yang energy and soul bit by bit, and refine them into a living corpse.


Feeling some filthy air crawling up his body, Qin Ze smiled. This thing may have some effect on Taoist priests with weak physical fitness, but in front of him, it can't even break through the defense.

As for being drained of yang energy, it is even more nonsense.

Qin Ze made a slight move, and powerful aura swept out, instantly dissipating the filthy air on his body. The entire formation was also affected by the domineering force, and the light became dim.

Li Zheng noticed the change in the formation and his eyes narrowed. What's going on?I haven't taken action yet, but the formation feels a little unsustainable.

Are you hallucinating?

"Go!" Regardless of whether it was an illusion or not, the formation had been activated and no one needed to maintain it. Under Li Zheng's order, the five tigers of the Corpse Refining Sect killed Qin Ze.

"Good come!"

What Qin Ze is not afraid of the most is close combat, but these people from the Corpse Refining Sect often rely on their strong physical fitness and like to fight with Taoist priests.

This is like playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong, it is useless.

Bang bang bang!There were several dull sounds in succession, and the five tigers of the Corpse Refining Sect flew out. The dilapidated house collapsed with a roar, almost burying them alive inside.

(End of this chapter)

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