Chapter 143 Harvest first!
At this time, Wang Fu didn't hold anything back, and he came up in his strongest posture.

He knew that facing a dragon-shaped creature he had never seen before, he might only have one chance to take action. If he was still clumsy at this time, he would really go to see "Black and White Impermanence".

at the same time.

Driven by desire, the black dragon's eyes were fixed on Qin Ze without any hesitation. In line with Wang Fu's movements, the body standing dozens of meters high stood up, and his huge head looked down from above.

Opening his mouth, thick venom strong enough to corrode steel spurted out, flying towards Qin Ze like an arrow.

"Good come!"

Qin Ze liked this kind of opponent who took the initiative to attack. He took off the Bazhaijie on his shoulders, and the energy traveled through the limbs and gathered from all parts to the arms.

The sudden strength gave Qin Ze the illusion that he could overwhelm all enemies.

"King Kong·Dian!"

Accompanied by a low drink.

Qin Ze swung the stick violently, and immediately, the ground made of huge stone slabs in front of him was lifted up completely, blocking the sky and the sun, and occupying all sight lines in the empty cave.

The violent energy mixed with black air waves rushed forward like a giant missile.

this moment.

The lightning exploded and the thunder thundered, which was as shocking as the collapse of a mountain.

Under such power, everything is collapsing, there is a faint roar of thunder, and the energy that continues to spread destroys everything it comes into contact with.

The blood pool was sunk, the blood evaporated, the mountain wall cracked, and the stones turned into powder. As for the zombies that came over, they were ejected the moment they touched the air wave.

Dozens of refined zombies were all eliminated before they encountered Qin Ze.

However, it's not over yet.

Among Kaido's four great kings' moves, King Kong: The Immortal, the power burst out is still full of stamina after tearing apart all the zombies. The aftermath of the shock is like a tiger that goes down the mountain and kills Wang Fu.


Wang Fu's eyes were as wide as bells.

The whole person was trembling slightly.

Although Qin Ze's attack has not yet arrived.

But his instinct told him that it was absolutely terrifying.

A chill rose up from the soles of my feet, crawled over my spine, and went straight to my forehead.

"This is the power of transforming into a dragon."

At this time, Wang Fu realized.

What kind of existence are you facing?

This kind of destructive power is simply unimaginable.

But right now, it's right in front of you.

Unable to avoid it, he simply gritted his teeth, sacrificed all his Taoist weapons, and placed them in front of him to resist this earth-shattering blow.

The Taoist instrument emits yellow light and rotates slowly.

At the same time, blood mist surrounded the body, forming a circle, and the muscles swelled.

The body that was as stiff as Mao Zong now burst out with a power that was no less than that of a first-time Heavenly Master.

However, this still did not give Wang Fu a sense of security.

At the moment when they are about to collide.

Every cell in Wang Fu's body suddenly screamed for danger.

In an instant.

A sound no less than a giant bomb detonating came out.

With a domineering blow, he hit directly in front of Wang Fu.

A click.

The Taoist weapon failed to last for a second and broke into pieces. Under the energy impact, even though Wang Fu was burning his blood, he still couldn't resist it. He flew straight backwards, like a kite with a broken string, and hit him hard. It stopped after hitting a human-shaped hole in the stone biscuit.

Taking Qin Ze's position as the center point, circles of spiderweb-like cracks have appeared, exploding into a deep pit ten meters in diameter.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing the leader of the Corpse Refining Sect, you will be rewarded with 1 merit points!"

The sound of the system sounded.

"not bad!"

Qin Ze's heart moved.

This is good, not only does it refer to the amount of merit points obtained, which exceeded [-] for the first time, but also refers to the power of the four Ming King moves in the dragon form.

Compared with Lei Ming Bagua, it is more than one level better. If it were not for the fear of the entire cave collapsing, it would not be a problem to go to the next level.The black dragon was immediately numb at this time, and even more frightened.

Although his strength was stronger than Wang Fu, he was not much stronger. Seeing Wang Fu being killed instantly with his own eyes, it couldn't help but retreat in its heart.

My mind has become much clearer.

What kind of devouring dragon is this? It’s hard to save your life. Just die and go away!
The pressure from higher creatures suddenly increased several times with Qin Ze's actions.

The black dragon looked at Qin Ze who was motionless and didn't dare to move a step.

If he had a choice, he swore that he would never cooperate with Wang Fu, that damn human being, and run as far as he could.

It is not impossible to help Qin Ze kill him.

But now, it seems it's too late.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, Qin Ze looked up, his eyes bursting with light as he locked onto the black dragon on one side.

"It's your turn!"

next moment.

Without the slightest hesitation.

A stick struck the black dragon head-on.

"Brother Long, if you have anything to say."

Black Dragon's heart felt cold and his body stiffened. He still wanted to talk, but before he finished speaking, he saw Qin Ze's seven-meter-tall body leaping up. He was so fast that he couldn't react at all. As soon as the stick came down, his eyes turned black and he fell into eternal sleep.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you killed a black dragon that transformed into a black dragon, and you will be rewarded with thirteen thousand merit points!"

Looking at the big black snake that was smashed to pieces with a stick, Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

Black Snake should belong to the category of goblins, and he has no prejudice against goblins.

But the numerous bones showed that this big snake was carrying many lives, so it was impossible for it to survive.


Slowly exhaling, Qin Ze glanced around.

Since they are here, they must be killed.

Are there any omissions in using the perception of Haki's knowledge?


There was no omission, but Qin Ze found a place like a treasure house behind this place. His eyes suddenly lit up and he raised his steps and walked over.

"The Corpse Refining Sect's Treasure Pavilion?"

In places like sects and sects, there will be treasure pavilions dedicated to storing secret cultivation techniques, precious treasures, and treasures.

no doubt.

This should be what Qin Ze is stepping into now.

"There are a lot of things!"

Holding a piece of ginseng that was hundreds of years old in his hand, Qin Ze looked at it for a moment, then picked up another piece of bloody Ganoderma lucidum. The year was estimated to be hundreds of years old.

Wherever you look, all kinds of precious medicinal materials, oceans, secret cultivation techniques, and craftsmen are neatly arranged one by one.

"Seeing as you are part of it, I'll accept it with a smile!"

Qin Ze was not polite at all, and started cleaning the shopping cart mode as trophies. As long as he saw it, regardless of whether it was of use to him, he would throw it into the system space.

The main one is not for nothing.

Qin Ze almost cleaned out the entire treasure room except for some very disgusting secret cultivation techniques that he didn't want to let out and burned them all.


"For the first time, I found that the ten cubic meters of system space was actually not enough!"

Qin Ze felt a bit toothache and planned to upgrade the system space later.

After confirming that there were no available resources, he returned from the dragon state to normal and left.

Although he discovered the secret passage for the disciples of the Corpse Refining Sect to leave the sect, Qin Ze did not choose this path because he was too slow. He looked up at the sky and saw that the poisonous miasma was slowly thinning.

next moment.

Bend his knees, anchored on a point of strength, and with a bang, Qin Ze rose from the ground in an instant.

at the same time.

Outside the valley, a group of monks in Taoist uniforms were holding compasses in their hands and were positioning themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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