Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 144 Did you destroy the Corpse Refining Sect?

Chapter 144 Did you destroy the Corpse Refining Sect?
"Master, I still haven't found it!"

A Maoshan disciple hurriedly joined the crowd, looked at the leader with a white beard, shook his head and said.

"did not find?"

"This is a little strange!"

"The news given by Mamadi, the remaining power of the Corpse Refining Sect is indeed shown here!"

The person who spoke was none other than the junior fellow student who was beside Zhang Tianshi before, Taoist Master Lin Tang.

This time, he took his disciples to the location of the Corpse Refining Sect in response to the order of the leader, preparing to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

But when the place arrived, the specific location of the Corpse Refining Sect could not be found, which made people feel a little upset.

Above, as far as the eye can see, are barren mountains with no grass growing on them.

Below is an abyss thousands of meters deep, filled with poisonous mist.

"Is it possible that the Corpse Refining Sect is down there?" Lin Tang frowned and looked down.

In the area above, the disciples have searched everywhere with compasses, but have not found any useful clues, ruling out the slim possibility that there is a collective problem with the compasses.

If the information Mamadi said is correct, then it can only be under the abyss.

But the abyss is full of poisonous gas, and the height is so different, it seems impossible.

But there is no other reason at the moment.

It can only shift the focus to the unexplored valley.

Let’s explore first and then talk!

Lin Tang felt confident.

However, just when he was about to take the next step.


A muffled sound resounded from the valley filled with poisonous miasma.

The sound gradually became clearer from far away, as if something was constantly stepping in the sky.

After a while, the sound came close to him, like the roar of a giant drum.

"There is a situation!"

Lin Tang's expression suddenly changed.

At this time, a loud noise came from below, which confirmed his suspicion.

The Corpse Refining Sect is really down there! !
The moment the words fell.

A row of Maoshan disciples, with solemn expressions, holding peach wood swords and copper coin swords in their hands, looked at the source of the sound in unison.

Lin Tang did not dare to relax at this time, his eyes flashed with light, and he made a hand with his fingers, ready to give a fatal blow to the thing that rushed out at any time.

call out!
Just when everyone was holding their breath and concentrating.

A figure broke through the poisonous miasma, and the light and shadow were extremely fast, like a meteor that penetrated the atmosphere. After escaping for dozens of meters, it landed heavily in front of the Taoist priests.


The loud noise was deafening.

Debris flew and dust spread everywhere.

Where the figure landed.

a mess.

Taoist Lin, who originally thought he was a remnant of the Corpse Refining Sect, flashed his eyes and was about to take action when he suddenly realized that this person looked familiar.

Not daring to confirm, he blinked hard.

"Qin Ze?"

Lin Daochang's mouth twitched, and when he saw the appearance of the person in front of him clearly, he was stunned.

Isn't this the muscular man from Maoshan who knows nothing about Taoism? Qin Ze, the last direct disciple of senior brother?

Although he had already known from Mamadi that Qin Ze might appear here, he really didn't expect that Qin Ze would come up from below. What was going on?
He pressed his hands towards the Maoshan disciples, signaling them to put down their hands and not be nervous. "Master Nephew Qin, what's wrong with you? You jumped out from below!"

Lin Tang looked at Qin Ze, a little confused.

He knew that the word "beng" was not very safe, but he couldn't seem to find any other adjective. This place was thousands of meters away from below, so it seemed that it could only be jumped up.

Qin Ze was stunned for a moment. He never expected to meet Uncle Lin Tang here.

"Uncle, my nephew is here to find the Corpse Refining Sect!"

Qin Ze answered truthfully.

Lin Tang's eyes lit up slightly: "How is the situation?"

However, as soon as he asked the question, his face turned blank and he shook his head.

It seemed that he knew without asking that the Corpse Refining Sect was definitely not down there. Otherwise, how could Qin Ze escape safely from their hands.

Seeing Lin Tang's expression, Qin Ze smiled, then raised his hands and said, "The Corpse Refining Sect is under a poisonous miasma! It has been here for many years!"

"But it has now turned into ruins and was destroyed by the disciples!"

Lin Tang nodded thoughtfully: "His~ The Corpse Refining Sect is really down there. It has been wiped out now. Will you bring people there later? What did you say?"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

What do you mean?

"Was wiped out?" Lin Tang looked straight at Qin Ze: "Did you just say that the Corpse Refining Sect has become a ruin?"

Qin Ze nodded seriously.

Lin Tang felt a little dazed: "Master Qin, please don't say this nonsense. Are you sure you are telling the truth?"

It's not that he doesn't believe Qin Ze, it's mainly that these words are a bit too shocking.

A young Taoist priest wiped out a sect. If these words reached anyone's ears, that person would call the other person a fool.

Even if you want to brag, find someone reliable to brag about!
There is no way, a person is exhausted, and it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, even for monks.

Seeing Qin Ze's extremely serious look, Lin Tang thought, could he be telling the truth?
"Let's go and have a look!" He was a little doubtful and decided to see it with his own eyes before speaking.

Qin Ze also understood at this time that Lin Tang and the Maoshan disciples came to destroy the Corpse Refining Sect. It must have been Ma Ma who passed the news to the Maoshan Mountain Gate.

"Okay, uncle, please come with me!"

Qin Ze didn't hesitate. He knew the secret path of the Corpse Refining Sect disciples down there and could easily find the entrance outside.

"You stay here first!"

After Lin Tang gave instructions to his disciples, he followed Qin Ze and left.

"Master Nephew Qin, why don't you take this path?"

When he came to the entrance of the secret passage, Lin Tang felt that it was a bit outrageous. There was obviously a better way to go, but he had to jump out from below. What kind of operation was this?
"Uh" Qin Ze coughed a few times and said, "Pop out faster."

Lin Tang: "."

He left quickly and returned quickly. After seeing the Corpse Refining Sect in a mess with corpses everywhere, Lin Tang stood at the entrance of the secret passage and sighed.

"I'm really old, and I can't understand the younger generation Luo anymore!"

He sighed secretly, feeling a bit like the waves in the Yangtze River pushing against the waves in front, and the waves in front crashing on the beach. Although he was laughing at himself, excitement was written all over his face.

How can we not be excited that the Corpse Refining Sect was wiped out without any loss to the Maoshan disciples?

Moreover, Qin Ze's ability is beyond everyone's imagination, comparable to that of a monk who has been immersed in the Heavenly Master Realm for a long time. No matter how you look at it, it is extremely exciting.

If this matter were told to the head senior brother, he would not be able to smile crookedly.

Thinking of this, Lin Tang was a little curious about his senior brother's expression when he learned the news.

"Master Nephew Qin, the matter has been resolved. Do you want to come back to Maoshan with us?"

Lin Tang's eyes were bright, he looked at Qin Ze as if he were looking at a treasure, and asked with a smile.

This matter is of great concern and the news must be sent back to the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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