Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 148: Ghost hunting and family fun plot?Afternoon!

Chapter 148: Ghost hunting and family fun plot?Afternoon!
The faces of the Five Poison Scorpions and the Black Sect wizards also darkened.

They knew that what Taoist Wang said was only two of the more famous ones.

Even Zhuge Kongping is just a branch of the Zhuge family.

Zhuge's home is in Zhuge Village, where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is located.

The only thing that makes them feel at ease is that Zhuge Village, unlike Maoshan, has almost no contact with the outside world and is almost in a state of seclusion. People from Zhuge Village are rarely seen walking around outside.

In addition to the Zhuge family, there are many sects in the south.

For example, Nanmao Mountain, Longhu Mountain, Qinghe Miao Village, the Corpse Exorcist Clan, and the Medicine Refining Sect.

In the north there are also Beimaoshan, Quanzhen, Shaolin, Shamanism, etc.
In addition to the north and south, there are many powerful sects in the east and west, which gradually appear in troubled times.

There are many other powerful organizations.

These sects are like mountains, pressing down on the heads of the three people.

The recent incident with the Corpse Refining Sect has made them very resentful of these so-called decent sects.

"After we have fed this corpse, we will go and defeat those people's prestige!"

"I heard that in Renjia Town, not far from here, there is a Taoist priest named Qin Ze who has become famous recently!"

"I heard that he was the one who got rid of the zombies in Tengteng Town, and he also opened some kind of Qinglong Dojo!"

Poisonous Scorpion said calmly.

"Hmph! Qinglong Dojo?"

"The name is quite crazy. The last one named Taoist Dragon Slayer has already gone down to see the King of Hell!"

"Turn around and kick him in the Taoist temple!"

Daochang Wang sneered.

Although he is also a Taoist priest, he usually does some evil things. He colludes with unlearned sorcerers and others to amass money and treasures everywhere.

"Master Wang, if you paint the secrets of the Black Sect on the zombie, it will make it more ferocious!"

The black sect wizard looked at the zombies in strange clothes inside the coffin, his eyes shining.

Once the bronze armored corpse is refined to become more ferocious, the three of them will surely become famous.

"To be more safe, you can pour the five poisonous water from my Qihuangdong Five Poison Sect into the zombie's body to make its corpse poison become more powerful and extremely poisonous!"

The Five Poison Cult Warlock said in a conspiratorial tone.

Poison corpses are inherently tricky, but there are ways to solve them.

If you add the long-simmered Five Poison Sect Five Poison Water, it will be even more poisonous, and there is no cure.

When Taoist Wang heard this, the smile on his face became crueler.

"What you two said is good, but there is one thing missing!"

"Master, please speak!"

"Speak quickly!"

Poisonous Scorpion and the Wizard asked quickly, focusing on Taoist Wang.

Now, they all bet their money on the bronze armored corpse in Xishuangbanna.

As for your own cultivation?

It cannot be improved in a short time.

How could it grow so fast with the help of such sinister things?

"If we can use our blood and a little blood essence to feed this bronze-armored corpse, he may not be able to be promoted to a silver-armored corpse!"

As Taoist Wang said, he became a little excited and his body trembled slightly.

Silver armored corpse.

Moreover, it is an extremely special silver-armored corpse that was refined.

Then he, Taoist Wang, is destined to become famous in the monk world.

As long as he can become famous, it doesn't matter whether he has a good reputation or a bad reputation, it doesn't matter at all.

Even for them, being able to gain notoriety is a great honor.

"The Taoist priest's painstaking effort?"

Poisonous Scorpion and the Wizard's eyes suddenly lit up.

Among the three, the only serious Taoist priest in front of him was Taoist Wang.

"Tao Daoyi!"

"Tao Daoyi!"

The two said in unison.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Daochang Wang's eyes, and he pulled out a sharp knife. He was reluctant to let the child catch the wolf, and carefully dug out a blood hole in his chest that was not fatal enough to collect the blood that flowed out.

The poisonous scorpion and the wizard immediately stepped forward and opened the coffin.Suddenly.

A bronze-armored corpse from Xishuangbanna appeared in front of him with ulcers on his face and a very ugly appearance.

Taoist Wang was also unambiguous and sprinkled his heart's blood on the zombie's eyebrows. Immediately, the blood was absorbed cleanly.

The bronze-armored corpse was covered in blood, and a sinister aura rushed toward his face.

"Ferocious, really fierce!"

The eyes of the poisonous scorpion and the wizard were bright, and their whole bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

It's not fear, it's excitement.

"When will I give him my Five Poison Waters?"

Poisonous Scorpion, a warlock from the Five Poison Sect, asked.

"Don't worry, I'll use Taoism first and practice it properly!" Taoist Wang shook his head.

This kind of thing needs to be done slowly.

After the sacrifice is successful, the Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse in front of you will become stronger and more stable.

By then, the three of them would not be walking sideways.

"However, in order to prevent zombies from suddenly going berserk, you can remove the blood nails on the coffin that seal the zombies!"

"This thing is designed to defeat zombies!"

The other two nodded and followed Taoist Wang's instructions, pulling out the eight red-dyed rivets that held the coffin in place.

A few hours later, Taoist Master Wang completed the sacrifice and stood up slowly.

"How is it?"

The two asked quickly.

"I have established a connection with this zombie. In the next few days, I only need to continue to deepen this relationship and I will be able to completely control him!"

"There is no need for zombies, just use coffin nails to seal it on the eyebrows, torso, and limbs!"

Daochang Wang had a smile on his face.

"After that, we can lure Zhuge Kongping over and use his life to make our name famous!"

"it is good!"

"Just waiting for this day!"

The other two are also looking forward to it.

"By the way, in a few days, I will issue a letter of challenge to the Taoist priests of Qinglong Dojo and kill them all to build momentum for us!"

Although Qin Ze had no enmity with them, he was a disciple of Maoshan and wanted to kill him as a stepping stone for them to become famous.

"I heard that there is another Lin Jiu in Renjia Town?" Poison Scorpion of the Wudu Family seemed to have thought of something, and frowned and said.

"Him? After killing Zhuge Kongping and Qin Ze, he will naturally not be able to escape from our hands!"

Taoist Wang made up his mind.

"That's good!" The wizard nodded: "I heard that Lin Jiu is called the zombie nemesis by some people. I don't believe this evil!"

a few days later.

Inside the Qinglong Dojo.

Nianying ran into the yard and said in a hurry.

"Master, it's not good, someone comes to challenge you and gives you a challenge."

Kick the hall?


Qin Ze was taken aback.

"Bring it to me to see!"

It is not uncommon to be kicked out of the gym. These days, there are many ways to become famous. Killing demons and killing demons is one way to rely on your own strength.

It's a must-try for those who already have a certain reputation. It's simple, direct, and fast.

If you can succeed, you can become famous in a short period of time.

Generally, people who choose to play in the gym are undoubtedly very confident in their own abilities.

And the person you choose will not be an unknown person.

Otherwise, it will be a thankless effort.

After kicking me in the gym, am I now considered a celebrity? .Qin Ze said jokingly with his heart open.

(End of this chapter)

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