Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 149 What a bullshit challenge!

Chapter 149 What a bullshit challenge!
Nianying handed the letter of challenge in her hand to Qin Ze.

Qin Ze was wearing loose clothes and was sitting on a wooden chair with a cup of fragrant tea in front of him.

After receiving the letter of challenge, Qin Ze lowered his head and opened it.

"Three days later, we will compete in the mountains and forests."

"Still night?"

Qin Ze was speechless when he saw the last time.

What kind of challenge is this? It means that he is looking for trouble. No, it should be said that he has set a trap in advance and then looks for trouble.

Whoever plays in the gym doesn't come to the dojo by himself or someone else comes over, and the time he chooses is extremely weird.

Is this the signer, Taoist Wang?
do not know!
Qin Ze shook his head.

Where did the cat and the dog come from? He did not associate this Taoist Wang with the Taoist Wang from Ghost Hunting Family Carnival, and just regarded him as a small character whom he did not recognize.

"Master, how should we deal with it?" Nianying obediently poured a cup of tea for Qin Ze and asked with big eyes.

"Ignore it!" Qin Ze covered the letter of war on the table and didn't bother to take a second look.

If you want to play, you can.

Come to your door in person and accompany you at any time.

Just write a few words.

Just let yourself run into the woods at night.

I'm afraid my brain was kicked by a donkey.

"Do you remember what the person who issued the challenge looked like?" Qin Ze asked.

"The letter of challenge was sent by a child. He must have hidden it because he didn't want others to see his appearance!"

"Got it!" Qin Ze nodded: "If there is such a challenge in the future, just ignore it!"

Qin Ze didn't object to playing in the gym.

But this kind of hidden rat doesn't even have the courage to openly declare war, so that's a different matter.

If everyone were to do this, the dojo would not be able to open.

"Okay master!" Nianying took the letter of challenge from the table and prepared to burn it later.

"Has your practice been going well recently?" Qin Ze took a sip of tea, changed the subject, and asked.

"very smooth!"

Nianying smiled and nodded, and when he mentioned cultivation, there was uncontrollable excitement on his face: "After taking the medicinal pill, the second level of human master that I broke through not long ago has gradually stabilized!"

"I believe that after practicing for a while, I can reach the third level of human master!"

Qin Ze's eyes lit up, no wonder Uncle Jiu said that Nianying's talent was good.

Together with her sister Michelian's talent for cultivating Taoism, it was all added to Nianying.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, who had followed Uncle Jiu for so long, were only in the third and fourth heavens.

Although Nianying has a high starting point, has the blessing of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and has the experience of Taoist priest Lin Tang, it has to be said that the gap between people is sometimes larger than that between people and pigs.

"Not bad!"

"Keep up the good work!" Qin Ze gave Nianying the affirmation from his master.

"If you need anything in practice later, just tell me!"

Although there is nothing he can teach in terms of Taoism, in terms of cultivation resources, the blessings Qin Ze now has can be used on an ordinary person to create an Earth Master realm monk.

"it is good!"

Nianying was visibly happy, mainly because she heard Qin Ze's rare recognition of herself, saying that she would work hard not to embarrass her master and strive to surpass Wencai and Qiu Sheng.

Qin Ze smiled.

well!The poor two nephews were treated as targets. He thought of the image of Nianying overpowering Wencai and Qiu Sheng, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

This pressure is added instantly. See if they still have the nerve to be lazy on weekdays?
A gust of wind came.

Nianying quickly asked: "Master, there is a strong wind in the yard, do you want to go back to the house?"

Qin Ze waved his hand and looked at the sky, it seemed like it was going to rain.

"One autumn rain and another cold!"

"It's a change of seasons!"

Listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the eaves is a kind of enjoyment. Qin Ze liked to listen to the rain falling quietly in his previous life.

"Go and practice, and master the Taoism as soon as possible!"

Nianying responded and then left.Renjia Town, in a small restaurant.

The location by the window.

"Daozhang Wang, is this really possible?"

It was the three monks who asked the child to submit a letter of challenge to Qinglong Dojo.

Considering that it is not the time to officially meet Qin Ze yet.

and so.

No one showed up.

after all.

Except for Wang Daochang who looks pretty good, the other two don't look like good people at first glance.

In recent days, the three of them have inquired a lot about Qin Ze.

Know Qin Ze's glorious achievements in the past.

"I heard that Qin Ze is not that kind of traditional Taoist priest. He doesn't know Taoism. He relies on a pair of fists and a physical fitness comparable to Green Zombie!"

The poisonous scorpion of the Five Poison Sect whispered, feeling a little incredible.

"Being able to kill witches, disciples of the Corpse Refining Sect, and those zombies in Tengteng Town is definitely not easy!"

"But physical fitness has its limits. In the end, you will fall into the path of Taoism! You will not be able to stand on the stage!"

Taoist Wang said slowly.

Taoism is the foundation for monks to stand on.

In his eyes, all other things are off-beat and off-the-wall.

"As for whether Qin Ze will accept the challenge, to be honest, I don't know for sure!"

Wang Daochang paused.

The other two sighed after hearing this.

To be honest, they didn't dare to play openly in Qinglong Dojo. After all, their purpose was not only to win, but also to kill people.

Although Qin Ze is not very good, he has Lin Jiu and the entire Maoshan behind him.

"On the other hand, Zhuge Kongping was extremely happy when he learned the whereabouts of the bronze armored corpse in Xishuangbanna!"

Poisonous Scorpion sneered.

They didn't just send one copy. In addition to issuing a letter of challenge to Qin Ze, they also sent one copy to Zhuge Kongping, and attached the location of the zombie.

The other party has now readily agreed to this matter.

Soon, you will come to the place where the trap is set.

"What are we going to do now?" the Black Cult wizard asked.

I originally thought of using the blood of Qin Ze and Zhuge Kongping to make the zombie more ferocious.

Now it seems that Zhuge Kongping may be the only one.

"There's no need to worry too much. These two people, whether dead or alive, are just the icing on the cake for us!"

"The plan remains unchanged. When the day comes, the two of you will immediately bless the Five Poison Waters and the secret techniques of the Black Sect to the bronze armored corpse!"

Daochang Wang said with a sinister look on his face.

He looked up at the pedestrians coming and going outside the window, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority in his heart.

“Ordinary people work their entire lives just to earn some money!”

"When we become famous, we may be able to occupy one side and try to become the local emperor!"

The ambition in Daochang Wang's heart was like a spark on a prairie fire, growing wildly.

Earth emperor?
The other two people's eyes lit up.

What a wonderful idea!

If you can really dominate one side, it is not impossible to break away from the original sect and start a new one in the future.

"Master, it's raining, let's go quickly!"

At this time, exclamations came from the street next to him.

Taoist Wang couldn't help but go away after hearing this.

I saw a group of three people holding umbrellas and walking in the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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