Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 15 Dad!Do you think it’s still too late for me to become a Taoist priest?

Chapter 15 Dad!Do you think it’s still too late for me to become a Taoist priest?

The Tan family members all looked horrified. They saw these ghosts appear together with their own eyes, and the cold air instantly rushed to the Tianling Cap.

At the same time, they were also very puzzled. These ghosts who had been in the mansion for such a long time were just harassing each other like flies one by one. They had never appeared in groups like this.

Why do you listen to Taoist Priest Qin Ze so much? He clearly didn't do anything just now, he just shouted!

It's unbelievable.

"Dad, we, we are really living in a ghost house!" The young master of the Tan family huddled behind Mr. Tan and said with a trembling voice.

The scene in front of him really told him that Tan Mansion was no place for people to live, it was just a ghost den.

Because after the woman in ancient costume appeared, some ghosts that she had never seen before appeared in the yard one after another, some old and some young, some tall and some short. After counting, there were indeed far more than three.

Hearing his youngest son's muttering, Mr. Tan also broke into a cold sweat.

At this moment, he finally understood why he couldn't sleep well every day, and there was actually a family whispering devils in his ears every day.

However, he also noticed some small details. The ghost who appeared seemed to be a little afraid of Taoist Qin, which made him feel a little stiffer.

Fortunately, Daochang Qin is still here!

The fact is indeed the same as what he observed. The ghosts who appeared looked at the tall Taoist priest in front of them with some concern. The young Taoist priest in front of them gave them a very extraordinary feeling, and he had an extremely powerful aura. .

Completely different from ordinary Taoist priests.

Qin Ze clasped his hands and bowed slightly to the female ghosts: "I've met you all!"

The female ghost seemed a little surprised that the Taoist priest who called them out would be so polite. After being slightly stunned, she clasped her hands on her waist and bowed slightly to return the greeting.

Seeing this, the ghosts standing next to her also saluted Qin Ze.

"Master, if you have any questions, please tell me!"

Qin Ze smiled slightly and said without beating around the bush: "Humans live in the Yang house, ghosts live in the Yin Cao!"

“Why mess with yin and yang?”

The female ghost knew it as soon as she heard it. She came here because of Master Tan's affairs again, and her voice suddenly became much colder: "Humph, I messed up Yin and Yang? It's obvious that they messed up the longitude and latitude first!"

Qin Ze knew that this would be the answer, so he continued with a smile: "Indeed, it is very uncomfortable to be pressed down by others. You are pestering them just to vent your anger. Master Tan was at fault in this matter!"

"But it won't be good for you if this continues. Things in the underworld have their own laws of operation. If people in the underworld interfere too much, it will affect reincarnation. Not to mention reincarnation. Over time, it is easy to become a lonely ghost and it is difficult to re-enter reincarnation!"

Qin Ze didn't know Taoist knowledge, so he tried hard to weave together the ghost stories of some people he had seen in his previous life.

Don't say it, these words are indeed useful. The female ghost disappeared coldly and lamented: "You are right, but after all these time appearances, we are already trapped here. Even if we want to leave, there is no way!"

For more than two years, they actually knew that this method could not drive away the Tan family. It was not that they had not thought about compromising, but now they could not do it unless the cemetery was moved.

Qin Ze said: "How about this, both sides take a step back."

As he spoke, he looked at Mr. Tan.

How could Mr. Tan not know what this meant? He immediately bravely stepped forward, raised his hands and said, "I was at fault in this matter."


Facing Mr. Tan, the Nvgui family all had cold expressions on their faces. Mr. Tan felt that the air had dropped several degrees, and cold sweat broke out on his back. He hurriedly stood beside Qin Ze in search of a sense of security.

Qin Ze smiled, knowing that the female ghost had actually been shaken, otherwise she would have taken action directly instead of showing off.

He glanced at Mr. Tan and continued: "You are at fault for disturbing Yin and Yang. Choose another geomantic treasure land for them, erect a monument for them, and burn paper to worship them regularly every year. What do you think?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Brush brush!
The eyes of the female ghost family instantly fell on Mr. Tan.Master Tan suddenly felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and the hot summer turned into a cold winter. He was afraid that these ghosts would pounce back and tear him apart in the next second. How dare he disagree.

"Okay, okay! Just do as Taoist Master Qin says!"

When the female ghosts saw that Mr. Tan agreed, their faces became better.

"We won't take advantage of you either. As long as things are done properly, your fortune in the future of Tan Mansion will definitely be much better!"

Mr. Tan looked happy and nodded with a smile: "Thank you very much! I will get the matter done as soon as possible!"

He didn't expect that through Taoist Master Qin Ze's matchmaking, not only would the grudges disappear, but the female ghost's family would also have good luck.

From now on, there is a family of ghosts covering up, and the business is not yet booming.

The words fall.

The female ghost family looked at Qin Ze with their eyes full of gratitude. They bowed slightly again and saluted: "Thank you, sir!"

Creatures such as ghosts are the most sensitive to aura. They can truly feel the aura emanating from Qin Ze, and they understand that if they use force, it is no problem to eliminate their family.

But the other party didn't do this, so she deserves to thank him again.

Qin Ze nodded and watched the female ghost and her family dissipate in the courtyard. The somewhat cold air returned to normal at this moment.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have resolved the bond between the Shangui family and the Tan family, and will be rewarded with one thousand merit points!"

Obtaining merit points is not just about killing zombies, ghosts, or evil people. The above methods can also be used.

This is also the reason why Qin Ze comes here.

Of course, if he really wants to destroy the female ghost family, he also has this ability, which is even easier than destroying zombies.

Armed Haki, in the original work, can cause damage to those with Devil Fruit abilities, whether they are natural type, soul type, or other types.

In the zombie world, using armed color Haki can cause substantial damage to ghosts.

At this time, the system was also updated.

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Elementary, Human-Beast Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)
Three colors of Haki: Armed color Haki (beginner level), Knowledge color Haki (beginner level), Overlord color Haki (unawakened)

Skills: none

Weapon: none
Physical fitness: mid-stage green stiffness

Merit points: 4000
4000 merit points, there are still 6000 merit points away from [-] merit points.

"Thank you, Taoist Master Qin, for your help. This is a thank you gift prepared by our Tan Mansion! Please accept it!"

At this time, seeing the female ghost's family disappear, Mr. Tan opened the red cloth on the tray that was brought up and looked at Qin Ze and said.

Suddenly, three hundred oceans appeared in Qin Ze's eyes.

Qin Ze accepted Dayang: "Thank you!"

"It's getting late, so I won't disturb everyone's rest. If you need anything in the future, you can come to see me in Renjia Town!"

The matter in Tan Mansion had been settled, and he didn't want to stay here too long. When Tan Mansion and his son reacted, they only saw the back.

Master Tan looked at the direction where Qin Ze was going and couldn't help but sigh: "What a master!"

The young master of the Tan family looked at Qin Ze's handsome back with envy on his face, nodded in agreement: "Dad, do you think it's still too late for me to become a Taoist monk?"

(End of this chapter)

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