Chapter 16 What?The lady is missing?
Qin Ze left Tan Mansion and went all the way back to Renjia Town. Although it was night, there was no carriage to ride back, and it would take at least one night to drive back.

But Qin Ze inherited Kaido's template and had extremely strong physical strength. Even if he didn't sleep for a few nights, it wouldn't have much impact, let alone the exhaustion of traveling.

time flies.

next morning.

In the restaurant in Renjia Town, Uncle Jiu and Wencai Qiusheng were invited by Master Ren to come to the restaurant and were sitting around discussing the matter of moving the tomb.

"Uncle Jiu, I leave this matter to you!" Mr. Ren toasted a glass of wine to Uncle Jiu and drank it all in one gulp.

"The price after this is not a problem!"

Uncle Jiu offered tea instead of wine and said there was no problem.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up when they heard the price.

This rich man talks happily!
When will they be so arrogant?
"How about breaking ground and opening the museum in two days?" Uncle Jiu thought for a while and finally set a time.

Master Ren smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem, but Fellow Daoist Qin should also come by then!"

Although Uncle Jiu is enough for such a small matter as relocating a grave, Qin Ze is also very capable, so two people together are naturally better than one person.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, his precious daughter asked him to remember to ask when the time comes.

Uncle Jiu laughed: "No problem, Junior Brother should have almost finished solving the matter in Tan Mansion, and we will go there together in two days!"

Master Ren breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good!"

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, Uncle Wu, dressed in butler's clothes, ran into the restaurant in a panic, with worry written on his face.

"Master, master is not good!"

Uncle Wu?

Seeing the appearance of this always calm old housekeeper, and not appearing here at the Ren family, Master Ren's expression suddenly changed, and suddenly a bad feeling arose from the bottom of his heart.

"What's wrong?" he asked anxiously.

"Miss, the lady has been captured!"

This morning, as usual, when he ordered his servants to deliver breakfast to Ren Tingting, he found that no one responded after knocking on the door for a long time.

When I opened the door, I saw that there was no lady there. There was no one in the room. The window in the room had been pried open at some point.

Apart from some messy footprints on the ground, there was only some steaming facial cleanser on the table.

no doubt.

Several people sneaked into the room while the person was not paying attention and kidnapped the person.

"What did you say?" Master Ren's voice trembled, and he stood up suddenly.

Thinking of the time when the bandit intercepted his precious daughter, his face turned pale.

"Horse bandits!"

"It must be a horse bandit!"

If these people don't succeed the first time, they try a second time.

He didn't expect that the horse bandits had become so rampant that they would dare to come to Ren's house to kidnap people so blatantly.

These are extremely vicious people!

Ren Tingting, as beautiful as a flower, fell into the lair of these horse bandits, with unimaginable consequences.


Master Ren felt like the world was spinning, he staggered, and almost fell down without losing his balance.

"Master, hold on tight. The water in the lady's room is still hot. Those people shouldn't have gone far yet!"

Uncle Wu said quickly.

As soon as the words came out.

Master Ren's complexion improved a little, but it was only a little better.

The horse bandits who dared to kidnap a living person in Renjia Town in broad daylight must have been well prepared. Although they did not go far, one can imagine how difficult it would be to catch them.


Master Ren was furious, and he vowed that after this incident, he would pay the warlords to wipe out all these horse bandits.

The other people in the restaurant were listening carefully to the affairs of the Ren family.Everyone had regretful expressions on their faces and whispered.

They had seen Miss Ren, she was so pretty. If she really fell into the gangster's lair, she would be worse off than dead.

"If anyone can rescue my daughter, I will give him 1000 oceans as a reward!"

Master Ren slammed the emerald crutch he was holding on the ground, looked around and shouted loudly.


As soon as the words came out.

The crowd suddenly exploded.

People looked a bit apprehensive just now, but their eyes widened in shock at Master Ren's words.

1000 oceans?

Although it is said that those who can spend money in restaurants are usually middle class people with some wealth and have no worries about food and drink.

But I was also shocked by this number.

Even among them, many people will not be able to earn 1000 oceans in their lifetime.

This master is worthy of being the richest man in the town, and he spends a lot of money.

If this person is rescued, there will be no worries for the rest of his life.

Money can make things worse, let alone people.


There was a thunderous sound, and most of the people in the restaurant disappeared and left in a hurry.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, from far to near, and a group of people wearing security uniforms came to the restaurant.

The leader was the security captain Ah Wei.

"Cousin, I heard that my cousin was kidnapped, so I brought someone over quickly!"

"These bastards dare to kidnap my cousin. They will die badly!"

"Awei, you're just in time, take the security team to rescue Tingting!" Master Ren saw Awei, his eyes lit up, and he said hurriedly.

Ah Wei put his feet together, quickly saluted Master Ren, and said in a sonorous voice: "Don't worry, cousin, my cousin's affairs are my business, I promise to complete the task!"

After bringing people here specially to express his sincerity, Ah Wei led his men and left the restaurant with a roar.

Master Ren turned to look at Uncle Jiu who was sitting aside, and said apologetically: "Let's put the matter of relocating the grave aside for now, and wait until my daughter returns safely!"

How can he still think about relocating the grave now? If his daughter is arrested, there will be some shortcomings, but Master Ren tightly holds the emerald crutch in his hand.

I feel like this kind of thing cannot happen.

Uncle Jiu expressed his understanding. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will have a headache. Those horse bandits are used to being rampant and can do anything. They are not worthy of being called human beings.

"Uncle Jiu, please do your best on this matter!"

"If we rescue the little girl, 1000 yuan is just a lot more!" Although Uncle Jiu, as a Taoist priest, couldn't help much in dealing with the horse bandits, the more effort, the more hope.

Mr. Ren doesn’t want to miss anyone he can turn to for help.

Uncle Jiu believed that he would not refuse and kidnap people in broad daylight. Even if Mr. Ren didn't say anything, he would go to help. He took Wencai and Qiu Sheng with him and left the restaurant with Mr. Ren.

at the same time.

the other side.

Qin Ze returned to Renjia Town after traveling all night.

In fact, at his speed, it wouldn't take that long to return to town from Tan Mansion. However, while rushing on the road, Qin Ze also searched for the horse bandit's lair on the road.

Just like Uncle Jiu said, they would definitely not give up after killing the horse bandits last time, so instead of being approached, Qin Ze preferred to take the initiative.

It can solve the troubles of horse bandits and gain merit points. It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

But it's a pity that even though I used the Haki perception along the way, I couldn't find their specific location.

The power of knowledge and color is still in its early stages, and its accuracy and breadth are not enough. If it reaches a high level, it will be different. No matter how hidden the lair of the horse bandit is, he can still find it.

Thinking like this, Qin Ze stepped out of the town exit and joined the crowd. However, before he had gone far, he suddenly frowned when he looked at the group of people passing by.

(End of this chapter)

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