Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 17 Don’t think about it!Just ask them!

Chapter 17 Don’t think about it!Just ask them!

There are four of these people in total. They wear the same clothes as ordinary people, but they walk calmly and powerfully. You can tell that they are Lianjiazi at a glance.

And there are thick calluses on their palms.

Although ordinary people will leave such marks on their palms when working, the calluses on the palms of these people can only be formed by using certain weapons for a long time.

Without any hesitation, Qin Ze unfolded his domineering aura. In an instant, the auras of the four people hit his face, full of blood and violence, very similar to the horse bandits he had seen outside the town before.

Is he a horse bandit?

Qin Ze's face suddenly condensed.

Almost as soon as he realized that they were not simple, Qin Ze walked up to the four people and blocked their way: "Everyone, I haven't seen you in this town. Where are you going in such a hurry?"

The faces of the four people changed slightly, as if they didn't expect someone to stop them while walking in such a low-key manner, and their hearts suddenly tightened.

Looking up, they felt relieved when they discovered it was a young Taoist priest.

"Fellow Taoist, we are from another town. We came to Renjia Town to visit relatives. Now we are going back!"

One of the four men said with a smile, explaining the situation to Qin Ze in a sincere tone.

The other three horse bandits and Qin Ze looked at each other and continued to lower their heads.

Qin Ze sneered in his heart. Others might believe this, but in his eyes it was just a lie to cover up.

The moment their eyes met, he knew that these people's identities were real, and the ferocity hidden deep in their eyes could not be hidden.

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!
Unexpectedly, he didn't find the horse bandit outside the town, but met the horse bandit here.

"Oh! That's it!" Qin Ze remained calm, nodded with a smile, and moved to get out of the way.

The leader of the horse bandits felt relieved. Let me just say, people like me are so well hidden, how could they expose their chicken feet?

The co-author is a stunned green Taoist priest!
It's a waste of worry.

He couldn't help but shook his head, and felt a little aggrieved at the same time. If it weren't for the above saying not to scare the snake, he wouldn't have bothered to explain to this stupid young man. If he dared to block the way, he would just draw his sword and cut it.

However, the next second, they relaxed their vigilance and walked past Qin Ze.


Qin Ze moved his arm, suddenly struck out violently, and punched the man. A muffled sound suddenly sounded. The leader's eyes widened, and his body instantly lost balance and fell to the ground.

He never expected that the young man who was chatting and laughing just now would take action decisively.


The three horse bandits behind stared at Qin Ze with disbelief on their faces. What was this kid's background? His face changed too quickly!
"I hit someone!"

"A Taoist priest is beating someone!"

"Is there still any king's law, is there any law?"

"A Taoist priest dares to beat someone in public! This is simply an insult to the Taoist priest's face!"

The horse bandit who was punched on the ground reacted and immediately shouted at the top of his lungs. He didn't want to reveal his identity, so he incited the people around him to create pressure.


He shouted it out loud.

People who liked to join in the fun immediately gathered around.

"Oh, what a strong Taoist priest!"

"As a Taoist priest, you can't hit people in the street!"

"Don't all Taoist priests pay attention to cultivating their moral character?"


Some people who did not know the truth of the matter and liked to express their opinions began to express their feelings.The horse bandit who was lying on the ground grinned and looked at Qin Ze with some pride. You are very strong, but you are still a little green to fight with me.

But the punch just now was really hard enough, and it almost took his breath away.

You know, he was transformed by the witch boss using magic!Normal knives can't cut in.

"These four people are horse bandits! If you don't want to die, go far away!" Qin Ze looked at the crowd gathered around him, frowned and said. There are really many people of all ages who like to point.

As soon as he said this.

The expressions on the faces of the people who were still discussing just now changed, and they all retreated three meters away, losing their chatter just now.

But his eyes were still looking at Qin Ze and the horse bandits, and they couldn't believe it.

The horse bandit was surprised in his heart. He didn't understand how the man in front of him could see it. He seemed to have never seen him before.

I was about to open my mouth to defend myself.

Qin Ze slapped him in the face.

The horse bandit was stunned, feeling dizzy, several teeth chipped, and a heartbreaking pain came over him.

Why this Taoist priest doesn't act according to common sense should not be the part of his own defense now.

Are you so sure that I am a horse bandit?
"Where, where are the horse bandits?"

At this moment, Ah Wei led a group of people and squeezed through the crowd and ran over excitedly. When they saw Qin Ze and the horse bandits.

His eyes suddenly glowed, as if he were looking at a pile of treasures.

"You are so brave. I am the Tingting you kidnapped. Hurry up and hand over my cousin. Don't try to resist!" Ah Wei hurriedly took out the gun under his arm, trying to look dignified. said.


Ren Tingting?
Qin Ze understood why these horse bandits appeared in the town, but they didn't have the people in their hands!
At the same time, Uncle Jiu and Master Ren heard the sound here and quickly came over.

"Senior brother!"

"Master Qin!"

When he saw that the person in the crowd was Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu shouted out in surprise. It seemed that he didn't expect his junior brother to work so efficiently. He guessed that he would not be back until tomorrow at the earliest.

Mr. Ren seemed to have seen a life-saving straw.

"Taoist Master Qin, Tingting has been kidnapped by horse bandits, please think of a way! These beasts haven't gone far yet!"

"I'm willing to pay 1000 yuan!"

Qin Ze had the experience of defeating horse bandits before, so among these people, he was the one who had the most hope of rescuing Tingting.

This kind of opportunity must not be missed!He immediately stepped forward and said.

Qin Ze's face turned cold and he glanced at the four horse bandits: "They are the horse bandits. You will know the situation if you ask them!"

"Damn it! If you really think I'm easy to bully, hack them to death!"

The horse bandit said fiercely, when had he ever experienced such humiliation, being punched down and slapped in public, how could he care about alerting others?

If he doesn't do anything, he won't stop, and he will directly kill him.

Clang clang!
A handful of bright swords were pulled out from under the clothes of the horse bandits, and the cold light of the swords flashed, instantly frightening the people around them.

Master Ren was shocked and took a few steps back.

"Don't be afraid, cousin, there will be no accidents as long as I'm here!"

Ah Wei was very happy. It seemed that the horse bandit couldn't even defeat a young Taoist priest. He had no fighting ability at all. This was a good time to make a meritorious service. If he could catch the horse bandit in front of Master Ren, let alone 1000 oceans. From now on, the Ren family The property may be yours.

He was the first one to rush out immediately, shouting at the same time: "Brothers, capture these horse bandits alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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