Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 151 So that’s it!Another wave of merit points?

Chapter 151 So that’s it!Another wave of merit points?

Qin Ze remembered that Zhuge Kongping was from the Zhuge family. He usually liked to study various flower activities, and even once wanted to share brain waves with zombies.

Since I was going to visit Uncle Jiu, I sent out an invitation.

"That's the best, of course!" Zhuge Kongping had a smile on his round face.

He has a natural affection for other Taoist priests. To put it simply, he has a simple mind. However, with such a character, he can easily suffer losses and has a weak sense of precaution against other people's actions.

"Why did Zhuge Kongping come here?" Qin Ze secretly speculated.

Could it be that the ghost-hunting family fun plot is about to begin?

Otherwise, how could I meet people from the Zhuge family here?

While he was thinking, a scorching gaze came over him. It was Zhuge Xiaoming. At this moment, he couldn't bear the excitement in his heart.

"Senior Qin Ze, I heard that you killed a group of horse bandits in Renjia Town and also eliminated a witch?"

"Also, in Jiuquan Town, you killed a priest zombie and saved the entire town?"

"In Tengteng Town, one person can kill zombies with piss on their butts."

One thing after another, Zhuge Xiaoming knew all about it.

Nianying was beside me and couldn't help but find it interesting.

In this scene, it was the first time for them to see Zhuge Xiaoming, a proper little fanboy!
"Removing harm for the people is just a name for nothing!" Qin Ze said without being arrogant or impetuous.

Zhuge Kongping on the side couldn't help but nodded. Being famous is not as good as meeting him. Qin Ze's state of mind is indeed worth learning from his son.

Having a goal to worship will also give you the motivation to practice harder.

Seeing that Qin Ze did not deny it, Zhuge Xiaoming looked even more excited. He wanted to ask more questions, but Zhuge Kongping interrupted the question.

"Xiao Ming, I'm here for the first time, why do you have so many questions?"

It would be rude to ask again.

Hearing this, Zhuge Xiaoming chuckled and realized that there was something wrong with the fact that they had just met. He calmed down and suppressed the many curiosity in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ze couldn't help but ask.

"Fellow Daoist Kong Ping, I wonder what you, father and son, are planning to do?"

Zhuge Kongping's reputation is not small. Although his reputation is gradually expanding outside Renjia Town, it has not yet reached the point where Zhuge Kongping makes a special trip to visit him.

among them.

There must be other reasons.


When Zhuge Kongping heard this, he straightened his expression and said, "That's it. A few days ago, a man named Taoist Wang came to me and said that he had found traces of the bronze armored corpse in Xishuangbanna!"

He looked a little excited.

Who in the monk world does not know about the bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna?

This zombie is extremely vicious and evil.

If it can be taken down or eliminated directly, it will not only eliminate harm to the people, but it will definitely be famous all over the world.

It is precisely because of this and the fact that he has no ambitions that he readily agreed to set off directly for the destination on the appointed day.

You know, he has actually been looking for the bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna for some time.

Now that I have a clue, I don’t want to miss it no matter what.

"Master Wang Dao?"

Qin Ze's heart moved, remembering Nianying's declaration of war that day: "Did he set the location in the wild forest outside Renjia Town, and also set the time at night?"


Zhuge Kongping scratched his head: "Fellow Daoist Qin also knows?"

Qin Ze nodded.

Zhuge Kongping didn't ask any more questions: "For this reason, I just wanted to stop by and visit fellow Taoist Qin Ze and Taoist Master Lin!"

I was just dropping by for a visit, so I had nothing to hide.

"I see!"

Qin Ze looked astonished, but there was a hint of joy in his heart.

It can be confirmed that the plot of catching ghosts and family fun has indeed begun.

The bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna should be somewhere outside Renjia Town now.This thing, even a musical zombie injected with a special medicine by a foreign professor, is not enough to watch.

Whether it's defense or attack power, they can all be said to be strong.

If it can be killed, there is no doubt that it will definitely provide a lot of merit points.

of course.

The bronze armored corpse also has a weakness: it is afraid of rooster blood and lychee trees.

This is what Qin Ze learned in the original work.

But it's of no use to him now. After all, the zombies in front of him are full of weaknesses.

While thinking, everyone has arrived at Yizhuang.

At this time, Qiu Sheng, who was sweeping the floor, saw a few people and said quickly: "Uncle Junior, you are here!"

"Who are these two?"

He looked at Zhuge Kongping and Zhuge Xiaoming standing next to him with some confusion.

Zhuge Kongping stepped forward and told his name and origin.

"It turns out to be Senior Kong Ping!"

Qiu Sheng said hello politely, and then shouted at the top of his lungs: "Master, junior uncle and senior Kong Ping are here!"

Not long after, Uncle Jiu walked out of the room: "What kind of behavior do you have for shouting?"

Qiu Sheng touched his nose and stepped aside sarcastically.

"Junior brother, fellow Taoist Kong Ping!"

Uncle Jiu recognized Zhuge Kongping.

While talking, he led everyone to the courtyard.

"Qiu Sheng, make a pot of tea!"

After everyone was seated, Zhuge Kongping explained his purpose of coming here, and then said to Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze.

"This visit is just one of the purposes!"

"In addition, I also hope that my two fellow Taoists can join me in suppressing the bronze-armored corpses in Xishuangbanna!"

One more person, one more strength.

Since Qin Ze and Lin Jiu were here, he extended an invitation to them because he didn't want the Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse to escape accidentally in his hands.

"According to rumors, this Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse is extremely evil. I didn't expect it to appear near Renjia Town!"

"Does Fellow Daoist Kong Ping want to suppress him and then take him back to study the collection?"

Uncle Jiu asked curiously.

Many monks like to collect all kinds of zombies.

This is not an exclusive skill for evil cultivators.

They regard these zombies as their lifelong treasures and as a manifestation of their military achievements.

If someone comes to visit, you can take these people to visit your collection.

It can also be regarded as a disguised form of showing off.

Zhuge Kongping not only likes to collect zombies, but also likes to use the instruments he invented to interact with zombies.

This little preference is not a secret in the monk world. Uncle Jiu naturally knows it very well, so he asks this question.

"To be honest, I do have this idea!"

Zhuge Kongping chuckled. He was not angry after being told the truth by Uncle Jiu. Instead, his face was full of expectation.

If I suppress the Xishuangbanna Bronze Armor Corpse and add it to my collection, there is no doubt that it will be the best masterpiece in my life.

"This zombie is no small matter. I hope Brother Kong Ping will consider it carefully!"

As he said that, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but look at Qin Ze: "Junior brother, do you have any suggestions?"

Zhuge Kongping couldn't help but look at Qin Ze.

"The bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna cannot be kept. My suggestion is to kill it directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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