Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 152 Let’s go!Go to the woods!

Chapter 152 Let’s go!Go to the woods!

Qin Ze pondered for a moment and then spoke straightforwardly.

for a while.

The atmosphere in the courtyard became somewhat quiet.

Uncle Jiu didn't have any objections to this. His idea was the same as Qin Ze's, which was to kill him directly to avoid future troubles.

Not to mention this ferocious bronze-armored corpse, even ordinary zombies, most of his methods are to kill them directly and then burn them with fire.

As for favorites?

Uncle Jiu doesn't have this kind of hobby, and he doesn't quite understand Zhuge Kongping's little preferences.

After all, there are too many zombies at home, and the Yin Qi is gathering. It doesn't matter if the time is short, it can be suppressed.

But as time goes by, some problems will still arise more or less.

"Let's see then!"

"If it cannot be suppressed, kill it directly!"

Zhuge Kongping also understood what Qin Ze and Lin Jiu were worried about and took a step back in behavior.

But Qin Ze also understood what he said. If he could suppress it, he still wanted to take it back and use it for experiments and as a collection.

Everyone said a few more words, and then Uncle Jiu went back to prepare some things in case of emergency.

As for Qin Ze, he didn't prepare anything.

Because everything that should be prepared is ready.

No matter what emergencies you face, you can face them calmly.

Wait until evening.

Qin Ze and his party set out for their destination.

The literary talents Qiusheng and Nianying also followed.

Many things require teaching by words and deeds.

At the same time, it can also temper the courage of a few people.

If you encounter the same ferocious zombies in the future, you won't be confused first.

In the wild forest.

Taoist Wang looked at the Five Poison Cult warlock sitting cross-legged beside him.

A poisonous insect flew back and fell into the hands of the poisonous scorpion. The Five Poison Cult warlock suddenly opened his eyes.

"Master Wang, Zhuge Kongping is here!"

"Hahaha! That guy is really as stupid as a pig. He only needs a little trickery to fall into our trap!"

Taoist Wang laughed heartily and did not hide Zhuge Kongping's ridicule at all.

Poisonous Scorpion said again: "Master Wang, things are a little different than expected!"


Daochang Wang frowned: "Say!"

"In addition to Zhuge Kongping and his son Zhuge Xiaoming, there are also Qin Ze and Taoist Priest Lin Jiu who came with them!"

These are all messages from poisonous insects planted nearby.

In addition to being good at using poison, the Five Poison Sect also uses poisonous insects, which is somewhat similar to Miao Jiang's Gu technique.

They tend to attract poisonous insects and can act as eyes and ears.

It is very convenient to use.

"What? Lin Jiu and Qin Ze also came here?"

The black sect wizard who had been silent next to him couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Three become tigers.

Qin Ze, Zhuge Kongping, Lin Jiu.

It sounds like none of them are ordinary small roles.

for a while.

The Black Cult wizard and the Five Poison Cult warlock felt a little sweaty.

Something that was originally a sure thing.

Now, it seems to be getting a little trickier.

"What are you panicking about!"

Daochang Wang snorted coldly to steady his troops' morale.

"We have a bronze-armored corpse, no, it will turn into a silver-armored corpse later!"

The three of them, plus the bronze-armored corpse, might have some difficulty dealing with the intruder.

But that's not necessarily true for the Silver Armored Corpse.

"Originally, I thought that after I defeated Zhuge Kongping, I would defeat them one by one!"

"I didn't expect that this time, they would come to my door in person!"

"In that case, it saves a lot of trouble!"

Seeing Daozhang Wang's confident look, the uneasiness in the hearts of the other two people gradually dissipated and was replaced by determination.


A silver-armored corpse can be sacrificed and refined immediately.

Unless a monk from the Heavenly Master Realm comes in person, no one can defeat him.

And the Heavenly Master.

In any sect, there are big figures at the level of sect leader, head, and deputy head.

It is rare to see him in person.

Qin Ze, Lin Jiu, and Zhuge Kongping are certainly not weak.

But compared to these big names, they are much inferior. "Okay, you two, hurry up and use the secret method and five poisonous water on the zombies!"

Daochang Wang's eyes were blazing and he was a little excited.

By now.

Just one step away.

Feed the bronze-armored corpse into a silver-armored corpse.

The Five Poison Cult Warlocks and the Black Cult Wizards nodded.

"I'll come first!"

The poisonous scorpion came to the bronze-armored corpse and took out a bottle from his arms, which contained the frightening five-poison water.

This poison is extremely strong. Let alone ordinary people, even monks, if they get a little bit of it, their skin will ulcerate and they will die of poisoning within a few moments.

"Open your mouth!"

With a thought from Taoist Wang, the bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna immediately opened its mouth.

Seeing this, the poisonous scorpion quickly poured the five poisonous water into it.

The five poisons were swallowed, making a sizzling sound.

The poisonous water did not corrode the body of the bronze armored corpse, but was perfectly absorbed into the body.

The corpse's originally dark red body now had a hint of silvery gray on the surface.

"Hahaha! Good!"

"If he is injured by it, even gods may not be able to save Luo!"

Seeing the zombies fed by his five poisons underwater, Poisonous Scorpion couldn't help but sigh.

This feeling is really cool.

Personally participated in the refining process of a silver-armored corpse.

Cool batch.

"It's me!"

Seeing that the poisonous scorpion was done, the black sect wizard immediately stepped forward, bit his finger, and used his own blood to draw a strange pattern on the zombie's forehead.


The pattern between the eyebrows disappears.

The black sect wizard made a secret in his hand and muttered something.

His face instantly turned pale.

This secret technique consumes a lot of mana.


An extremely powerful and terrifying aura erupted from the zombie in the coffin.

Immediately afterwards, the color of the bronze-armored corpse's skin changed. It was originally dark black and completely turned into silver. Under the moonlight, it shone with a breathtaking cold light.

"It's done!!"

"Silver Armored Corpse!!"

Daozhang Wang was extremely excited. Just as he was excited, the eyes of the silver-armored corpse in the coffin suddenly opened.

At that moment, Daozhang Wang seemed like a chicken being strangled by the neck, and even breathing became vaguely difficult.

This is the oppressive feeling of the silver-armored corpse.

quack quack! !

at the same time.

In the wild forest.

The black crows hiding in the woods fled in all directions and soared into the sky.

Other birds also fled in a hurry.

The beasts in the woods, at this moment, were trying their best to escape from the woods with their tails between their legs.

"what happened?"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked at the birds flying not far away and asked.

"Bronze armored corpse?"

Uncle Jiu frowned.

Just for a moment, that powerful aura burst out somewhere.

Full of violence.

no doubt.

It couldn't be anything other than a bronze-armored corpse.

"Good good!"

"Then Taoist Wang really didn't lie to me. Is there really a bronze-armored corpse here?!"

Zhuge Kongping was very excited.

Before Qin Ze could say anything.

Zhuge Kongping jumped out in one step.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, Taoist Master Lin, I'll go first!"

The words fall.

Zhuge Kongping's round figure has disappeared.

When he encountered a zombie, he really walked like flying.

He had been waiting for this day for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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