Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 154: I’ll steal your head!What do you do to me?

Chapter 154: I’ll steal your head!What do you do to me?

"This is Taoist Priest Qin Ze, so strong!"

Zhuge Xiaoming was extremely excited.

In this situation, they had no chance to intervene and could only stand aside and watch the show.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng also had excited expressions on their faces, and there were little stars in Nianying's eyes.

Every time I watch Qin Ze take action, it is simply a visual feast.


"Stop looking down on people!"

The Black Cult wizards couldn't stand this suffocating sense of oppression.

He even had the illusion that the momentum Qin Ze showed just now was even stronger than that of Xishuangbanna Silver Armored Corpse.

next moment.

The Black Cult wizard was incredibly fast and stepped forward.

At this time, he has already used the secret technique of the Black Sect, which can increase his power and speed in a short period of time.

The most important thing is that it allows people to ignore pain and stimulate the maximum potential of physical fitness.

In an instant.

The black sect wizard blasted an explosive punch, and the air exploded.

face such an attack.

Qin Ze stopped the black sect wizard's fist with just two fingers.

"With such little power, you still want to imitate others in melee combat?"

The black sect wizard's heart skipped a beat.

Preparing to retreat.


Qin Ze exerted slight force with his two fingers.

The entire fist of the Black Cult wizard was broken instantly.

The violent force passed through the arm and removed the entire arm.

Followed by.

A fist bigger than a sandbag suddenly enlarged in his eyes.

in a trance.

The shadow of the fist flashed past, and the black sect wizard died on the spot.

The expressions of Taoist Wang and Poisonous Scorpion suddenly changed.

In the flash of lightning, the black sect wizard died?
Crush! !
These two words appeared in the minds of the two people.

If it weren't for the crushing strength, how could the black sect wizard be killed by Qin Ze in just one encounter?

They thought that Qin Ze was pretty good, but they didn't expect that he would be so strong.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the black sect wizard, rewarded with 4000 merit points!"

Qin Ze's expression remained unchanged and he took a step forward.

"It's your turn!"

Cold words suddenly rang in the ears of the Five Poison Cult Warlocks.

I don't know when.

Qin Ze's figure had already appeared beside him.

"Black arc, what is this?"

Poisonous Scorpion was sweating heavily on his forehead.

Qin Ze's armed domineering energy covered his arms, and his black domineering energy was like a flashing black arc.

"Tao, fellow Taoist, I am willing to leave immediately, and please leave a way for me to survive for the sake of my ancestor of the Five Poison Sect!"

Qin Ze's strength was beyond imagination, and this time his plan was broken by one person.

Between life and death, the Five Poison Cult Warlock chose to surrender.

Just live.

There's no shame in giving in.

At this moment, the Five Poison Cult Warlock's heart was filled with fear and fear.

From now on, he swore that he would never appear in front of Qin Ze again. This feeling of oppression was too terrible.

Only when you face Qin Ze in person can you know that the opponent's strength has definitely reached the level of a heavenly master.

"Ancestor of the Five Poisons?"

Qin Ze frowned slightly.

He knows this guy.

However, we have never seen him take action during the ghost hunting family carnival, and we don’t know the specific strength of this ancestor of the Five Poisons.

But it is not important.

If the Corpse Refining Sect can be destroyed, what's left of the Five Poison Sect?
"Don't worry, if your ancestor dares to come and cause trouble, I will send him to reunite with you down there!"

Qin Ze's tone was very cold.

talking room.

Another punch was thrown out, filled with domineering force, and a sonic boom exploded in the air.


The poisonous scorpion wanted to hide, but at Qin Ze's speed, he had no time to react. In an instant, he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing the Five Poison Cult Warlock, rewarded with 4000 merit points!"

Qin Ze listened to the system prompts and nodded slightly.

The sorcerers of the Five Poison Sect and the sorcerers of the Black Sect are of similar strength.

Put it outside, maybe it's not bad.

But for him, it wasn't enough.

Qin Ze was too lazy to talk nonsense to these people.

One move, an instant.

It's just that efficient.

"how is this possible!"

"How could you be so strong?"

Daochang Wang only felt that his hands and feet were a little cold.I felt even colder in my heart.

Looking at Qin Ze, who had dark arms and arcs surrounding his body, he seemed to be looking at a monster.

He believes that he is stronger than the poisonous scorpion and the wizard.

But not much stronger.

The two of them were killed in one move.

Can you beat it yourself?

too fast.

The fear of death came to mind.

Wang Daochang did not expect that it would end like this.

In a blink of an eye.

I was left alone.

No, there are still silver-armored corpses.

Wang Daochang shouted: "Save me, save me quickly!"

He shouted for help to the silver-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna.

at the moment,

The most important thing is to survive.

the other side.

Jiu She and Zhuge Kongping were completely beaten by the silver-armored corpse.

But soon, they heard a cry for help coming from Wang Daozhang's mouth.

The two of them froze and looked at each other.

Two of the three people, Daochang Wang, have been solved by Qin Ze.


The silver-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna was furious.

Wang Daochang and the three of them will enjoy it later.

In just a moment, two people died?
How not to be angry.

The meal was ruined.

Bang bang bang.

He's super fast.

Rushed towards Taoist Wang.

"Okay, okay, we're saved now!"

Wang Daochang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I have a powerful trump card in my hand.

There is a corpse in silver armor.

I haven’t lost yet.

But the next moment.

Wang Daochang found out.

The silver-armored corpse actually did not pounce towards Qin Ze. Instead, it opened its bloody mouth and attacked towards his throat.


this moment.

Taoist Wang finally understood.

It didn't control the silver-armored corpse at all.

This zombie was never under control from beginning to end.

"You are wise"

Wang Daochang's face was ashen and he couldn't believe it.

Then, he thought of something extremely terrifying.

The three of them may have unintentionally created a monster.



"It won't be long before this silver-armored corpse will send Qin Ze and others to see us!"

Taoist Wang burst out laughing when he thought of this.

Create a monster with your own hands.

Even if you die, you can still leave your name.

And dying with a genius and killing such a talented genius like Qin Ze is even more profitable.


Just when Wang Daozhang was filled with despair, Qin Ze struck first and killed him with one punch.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing the evil cultivator king Taoist Priest, you will be rewarded with 5000 merit points!"

Qin Ze smiled slightly.

This head.

Don't let the zombies snatch you away.

Blood splashed all over the face of Xishuangbanna's silver-armored corpse.

The bloody mouth of the Xishuangbanna zombie closed angrily. It turned around and looked at Qin Ze coldly. The anger in its eyes seemed to turn into substance and engulf Qin Ze.


He had already anchored his prey.

He died in the hands of the Taoist priest in front of him.

In this case.

Then use you instead.

"Haha, I know you can understand human speech!"

"My only goal is to steal your head! Why, what can I do to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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