Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 155 The shocked monks!Isn’t this the rumored Taoist Master Qin!

Chapter 155 The shocked monks!Isn’t this the rumored Taoist Master Qin!

Qin Ze looked at the Xishuangbanna silver-armored corpse in front of him and said mockingly.

Still want to compete with yourself?It doesn't matter if you are a mutated zombie, you still have to lie down.

I waved my hand and saw another five thousand merit points. Doesn’t this feel good?
Then Uncle Jiu and Zhuge Kongping also came over, with surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

Is this Xishuangbanna silver-armored corpse intelligent?

The two of them stared at the zombies, not daring to be careless.

From the previous fight, they knew that this zombie was definitely difficult to deal with and its strength was terrifying.

Whether it is strength, speed, or physical defense, they are all abnormal.

It was at this time.

Zhuge Kongping suddenly felt light-headed and almost fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Fellow Daoist Kong Ping?"

Uncle Jiu was startled and quickly supported Zhuge Kongping.

Zhuge Kongping's face turned dark: "This zombie is extremely poisonous, so we must not let him catch it!"

Only then did Uncle Jiu see that Zhuge Kongping's arms were dark, obviously he had been injured by a zombie during a close combat.

"Fortunately, I wasn't caught, I just got a little bit. I found it in time and I was able to stop it!" Zhuge Kongping cut his finger and forced the black blood out of his body.

Uncle Jiu helped and blessed Zhuge Kongping with magic power. At the same time, he looked at Qin Ze and reminded him.

"Junior brother, be careful, the corpse poison of this Xishuangbanna silver-armored corpse is extremely poisonous!"

At the moment when Zhuge Kongping was in a daze, the zombie in front of Qin Ze took action.

It was like a tank with full firepower, relying on its super high defense and body covered with poison to run rampant.

When Qin Ze saw this, he flicked his sleeves and clenched his fists.


He threw a punch.


The air exploded.

Everyone felt their eardrums were ringing and their eyelids were twitching wildly.

What a strong punch.

The energy fluctuates, and the dragon and tiger generate wind.

Da da.

The silver-armored corpse took a few steps back after hitting the fist.

With this little effort, Uncle Jiu transferred Zhuge Kongping to a safe area and accelerated the process of extracting the poison.


Zhuge Xiaoming hurriedly stepped forward and looked at Zhuge Kongping, who had fallen into a coma, with a worried look on his face.

"Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai! Come here and help!" Uncle Jiu looked at his two apprentices.

Qin Ze looked at the zombies retreating. In the dim moonlight, there were two figures standing upside down.


Qin Ze stretched out his hand and hooked the silver-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna.


The roar shook the sky, followed by a strong fishy smell.

Xishuangbanna Silver Armored Corpse, after being punched, understood that this young Taoist priest was very difficult to deal with.

The blood in his body surged, and a strange pattern appeared between his eyebrows. At this moment, the strength and speed of his originally strong body were once again improved.


"The secret technique of the Black Sect?"

Qin Ze's eyes flashed with interest.

Although I don’t know much about Taoism, I still read a lot of books when I was in Maoshan.

What the other party used was the secret technique unique to the Black Sect.

The Xishuangbanna silver-armored corpse actually knew how to use the magic spells carved on his body by the black sect wizards.

Really interesting.

At this time, the zombies, one on the left and one on the right, shot horizontally towards Qin Ze's head very quickly.

It seemed that he wanted to shoot Qin Ze's head into pieces on the spot like a watermelon.

Qin Ze's figure flashed slightly and turned into a black stream of light, appearing in front of the silver-armored corpse.


The arm fell like a war hammer.

Black domineering energy flashed on the surface of his body, like lightning booming down.

A deafening squeak.

It woke up many people from their sleep, and many practitioners who were rushing nearby noticed Lin's huge movement at night.

"what happened?"

"What's going on?" "Is that black lightning?"

"I didn't expect that I would encounter strange things while traveling?"

"Come on, over there, go and have a look!"

For ordinary people, they would not dare to approach such a scene, but for monks, they have the confidence to find out.

Brush brush! !


Several figures, either far or near, rushed towards the forest.


Angry and painful roars came from the mouth of the silver-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna.

The blow just now landed firmly on him.

Even if it is a silver-armored corpse, and it is a silver-armored corpse that has been mutated through various means, it will still feel extremely painful if it is struck by Qin Ze's arm.

The silver skin was now chopped into burnt black pieces, revealing the black flesh inside.

Half of his body lost its silvery color under Qin Ze's blow.

Xishuangbanna's silver-armored corpse rose into the sky angrily, and was able to fly towards Qin Ze briefly.

"As expected of a mutated zombie."

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows. Within a short time, the Silver Armored Corpse had the strength to almost catch up with Fei Zheng.

"Unfortunately, it's still not enough!"

The violent domination spread out in all directions.

The area within a few hundred meters was enveloped by domineering energy.

Qin Ze is in the center of domineering, holding the Ba Zhai Ring.

Uncle Jiu, who helped Zhuge Kongping force out the poisonous blood from his body, looked up and saw this scene, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Junior brother, are you going to heaven?"

Uncle Jiu will be a little confused now.

Which of the other Maoshan disciples would be like Qin Ze?

Of course, some Maoshan seniors are rarely like Qin Ze.

He became more and more certain that Qin Ze had a hand in destroying the Corpse Refining Sect, and it was not a light one.

"Oh my god, whose general is this?"

"Who is he?"

"Surrounded by domineering energy, the aura soaring into the sky is terrifying!!"

The monks who rushed here happened to see this scene, and their eyes almost popped out.

Some of the weaker ones even made a thud in fright.

His legs softened and he sat directly on the ground, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

At this time, Qin Ze was not only domineering, but also violent, belonging to Kaido's extremely ferocious aura.

"Thundering gossip!!"

Qin Ze took Bazhai's hand and shook it.


Black domineering energy wrapped around the mace, and with the sweeping wind, it blasted towards the silver-armored corpse.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!!"

The silver-armored corpse was extremely angry, and at the same time, also extremely frightened.

His body was filled with blood, and his whole body was filled with energy.

"Is that a silver-armored corpse?"

"My dear, why do such terrifying zombies appear here?"

"I remembered, this person seems to be the rumored Taoist Master Qin Ze."

Some people looked at the silver-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna with fear in their eyes, while others were shocked when they recognized Qin Ze.

Everyone was on tenterhooks at this moment, looking at the two people they were about to encounter.

Once, Qin Ze couldn't subdue the silver-armored corpse.

Everyone here tonight will probably have to suck all the blood from this zombie.

But now.

Qin Ze is at the upper hand.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief and were shocked by the strength Qin Ze showed.

This is much stronger than what the rumors said!
In the blink of an eye, Lei Ming Bagua crashed into the roaring silver-armored corpse.

The surrounding trees were instantly flattened by the huge energy impact.

"Go back, go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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