Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 156 Kill the Silver Armored Corpse!Shi Jian feels threatened!

Chapter 156 Kill the Silver Armored Corpse!Shi Jian feels threatened!
Uncle Jiu and others immediately retreated, as did the other monks.

Terrible, terrible.

With one move, all the surrounding trees were shattered.

This power.

Simply terrifying.

"not dead?"

"Damn it, this silver-armored corpse's vitality is too tenacious!"

"It's so scary!"

"With only half of your body left, you can still live?"

The monks felt a chill in their hearts.

At this time, Xishuangbanna's silver-armored corpse was struck by a thunderous gossip. There was a good area on its body, and even half of its body was left with some skeleton.

In this way, the silver-armored corpse was not completely dead, but wanted to drag its mutilated body and escape from here.

With the help of Taoist Wang and others, he turned into a silver-armored corpse.


However, Qin Ze in front of him really looked like he was cheating.

Can't beat it at all.

Xishuangbanna Silver Armor Corpse had a very clear idea in his mind at this time.

Run as far as possible.

Stay away from this extremely dangerous Taoist priest.

One punch knocked half of his body back to its original shape, and another blow knocked half of his body into a skeleton.

Who can stand this?
"It's not dead?"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

The body of the silver-armored corpse is stronger than expected.

That thunderous gossip should have been just enough to deal with the silver-armored corpse, but unexpectedly it was a little short.

It's impossible to run away.

At most, it's just a make-up.

Without any hesitation.

Qin Ze struck again.

Boom! !
There was a loud roar and explosion.

Even the residents in Renjia Town could hear the explosions coming from outside the town.

"Is this thunder?"

"I didn't see lightning either!"

"What happened outside town?"


In the forest, many monks covered their ears for fear of having their eardrums shattered.

At this time, the ground shook and the mountains shook, power rushed in, and gravel flew.


Wencai and Qiu Sheng even fell to the ground.

"Master." Nianying's face turned pale and she was a little worried about Qin Ze.

not far away.

The sound dissipated and the momentum became peaceful.

In the forest, a huge hole appeared.

At this time, the figure of the silver-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna disappeared.

Qin Ze knew it very well.

That zombie didn't run away, but was beaten to a pulp by himself.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing the Xishuangbanna silver-armored corpse, you will be rewarded with [-] merit points!"

The sound of the system sounded.

Qin Ze felt happy.

There are actually eleven thousand points.

You must know that there are very few evil species that can exceed [-] points.

The incomplete black dragon of the Corpse Refining Sect and the original deputy sect master only had less than [-] merit points.

It is indeed a mutated silver-armored corpse, not bad!

"Unfortunately, it's still a bit unsatisfactory!"

Qin Ze still had some unfinished thoughts.

This kind of battle is still a bit small compared to the scene in the Corpse Refining Sect.

Although the Xishuangbanna Silver Armored Corpse was powerful, it was far from being serious enough for Qin Ze to take it seriously.Qin Ze turned around and walked towards Uncle Jiu.

"Senior brother, how is Taoist Master Kong Ping?"

Uncle Jiu turned his head, looked at the big hole behind Qin Ze, then looked at the beaten silver-armored corpse, swallowed, and finally turned his attention to Zhuge Kongping.

"Most of the poisonous blood has been forced out, so it's okay for now!"

"But this poison is very strong, even if you rub it a little, it will be a bit difficult to deal with!"

"After that, it all depends on fate!"

Qin Ze listened and glanced at Zhuge Kongping, who was in a coma. He was just rubbed by the zombies and was not injured, but he was poisoned like this.

This shows how terrifying the poisonous water of the Five Poison Sect is.

"let me try!"

Qin Ze put a hand on Zhuge Kongping's wrist, and his armed domineering force combined with his witnessing domineering force penetrated his arm, peeling off the cocoon, and slowly forced out the remaining poisonous blood that could not be drained out.


Qin Ze wiped the sweat from his forehead. This process was more tiring than killing a silver-armored corpse.

Armed color domineering reaches a high level, and it can be practiced to the point of causing damage to the interior of objects without any change on the surface.

This move to force blood is a small test of the skill.

"Taoist Master Qin, my father?"

Zhuge Xiaoming looked at Zhuge Kongping, who was pale and had not yet woken up, and couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, I'll wake up in another hour!" After Qin Ze finished speaking, he looked around.

"Let's go back to Renjia Town!"

"it is good!"

Uncle Jiu nodded, literary talent Qiu Sheng helped Zhuge Kongping and left with Zhuge Xiaoming.

Facing the domineering Qin Ze just now, no one stepped forward to stop him.

After Qin Ze and others left, everyone felt that the pressure on their bodies disappeared.

Qin Zeguang just stood there, like a huge mountain, a wild beast, crushing people so hard that they couldn't breathe.

"Hiss! Maoshan really has a genius!"

"This Qin Ze must have the combat power of a Heavenly Master!"

"Looking at his appearance, he is only in his twenties. A Celestial Master in his twenties?"

"Oh my God"

Everyone just felt numb.

They already had a premonition that the name Qin Ze would shock the entire monk world.

Brush brush!
Many practitioners did not stay long and left in all directions.

What happened tonight spread throughout the monk world at a terrifying speed.

"Qin Ze!!"

In Maoshan, in Senior Brother's room, Shi Jian looked at the talisman in his hand with a gloomy expression.

In the past, he participated in the destruction of the Corpse Refining Sect, and in the latter, he killed the Silver Armored Corpse.

Although the killing of the Corpse Refining Sect was suppressed by the leader, the killing of the Silver Armored Corpse still caused quite a stir in the monk world.

"Dad, it is said that Qin Ze and Lin Jiu have a good relationship!"

Shi Shaojian added from the side.

Shi Jian's face was already gloomy, but after hearing these words, he even shed tears.

Shi Shaojian continued: "Dad, those people are really good at bragging, and they even say that Qin Ze now has the strength of the Heavenly Master Realm!"

"I don't think it's possible for him to break through to the Heavenly Master realm in ten or twenty years!"

"Before, in Maoshan, I was a useless person who didn't know any Taoism!"

"It's so funny!"

His father was amazingly talented, but he only succeeded in breaking through to the Heavenly Master realm when he was approaching his forties. How could a junior who was about the same age as himself have the strength of the Heavenly Master realm?
Shi Jian didn't feel the slightest bit excited because of his precious son's words, his face remained gloomy.

Shi Shaojian didn't know about the Corpse Refining Sect, but he knew very well that being able to kill Wang Fu and Heijiao was not impossible at the Heavenly Master level.

Qin Ze's sudden rise was so rapid that even he now felt a great threat.

In fact, it was even greater than the threat Lin Jiu had given him before.

He always outperforms Lin Jiu, and is bound to win the position of leader.

But Qin Ze's appearance made the situation a little unfavorable.

"It seems that I have to go visit my two junior brothers!"

Shi Jian's eyes flashed slightly and he made a decision immediately.

Shi Shaojian was stunned.

"But, dad, we still have to prepare for the conference!"

(End of this chapter)

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