Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 162 The frightened ghost!Handsome?

Chapter 162 The frightened ghost!Handsome?
Logically speaking, although it is the Ghost Festival now, this is the Yizhuang and not the gate of ghosts. How could there be a sudden surge in Yin Qi?

When Uncle Jiu was a little puzzled, the four ghosts looked at each other, as if sensing something: "They are ghosts who escaped."

Uncle Jiu looked at the four ghosts blankly, somewhat unable to react.`

I haven't started looking yet, and the Qiankun Soul Collection Bag hasn't been used yet. How could the ghost come here on its own?
The four ghost servants hurried out of the room without explaining anything. When Uncle Jiu saw this, he quickly followed.

Just opened the door.

I saw dozens of wandering ghosts, standing blankly in the yard, as if they were suppressed by some great terror.
In addition, there are other ghosts who are entering the yard one after another in order.

Then, he stood motionless.

Seeing such a strange scene, the four ghosts had questions all over their heads.

"how can that be?"

Ghosts are ownerless things and do not have much intelligence. After being separated from the control of their ghosts, they will wander around aimlessly. Let alone gathering together, the probability of two ghosts meeting each other is not high.

It was the first time I had seen ghosts running out one by one come back obediently and stand still like this before.

"Are all the ghosts enlightened?"

"Or is my majesty great enough to affect the minds of ghosts?"

The leader Gui Cha muttered for no reason.

This idea is obviously very absurd.

But he couldn't explain it with other reasons!

Uncle Jiu coughed awkwardly. He probably understood what was going on.

The reason why he was designated as his junior brother was to help expel the ghosts, but this method was really unexpected.

In less than an hour, even Qiankun's soul bag was useless, the ghost came back on its own.

It seems that the collection of ghosts has been almost completed by Qin Ze alone, so it doesn’t take more than a few days.
"Line up one by one! If you dare to run around again, I will beat you to death!" At this time, Qin Ze's voice came from outside the door.

The four ghost servants and Uncle Jiu's master and apprentice heard the sound and walked out quickly, only to see Qin Ze wearing a Taoist robe slowly enter the door.

"Uncle Junior! You are finally here, help me! These ghosts are going to shorten my life!"

When Wencai saw Qin Ze, he jumped up excitedly, crying and shouting, as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

"You asked for it too!"

"If you don't do good things every day, you will only cause trouble!"

Qin Ze looked at Wen Cai, who was crying with snot and tears, and said angrily.

"Junior brother, this is it." Uncle Jiu looked at more and more ghosts in the yard and couldn't help asking about the situation.

"After I heard the news, I just looked for it! Fortunately, the ghost didn't run far away!"

Qin Ze pointed at the large number of ghosts and said slowly: "The ghosts running around outside have almost been solved, and the difference in number should not be very big!"

On the way to Yizhuang, he used Haki to sense the surrounding environment and found that the ghosts had not gone far. Most of them were in Renjia Town. He thought that instead of coming to Yizhuang to discuss the next countermeasures, it would be better to kill all the ghosts first. Get it back and talk about it later.

After all, the reason why the ghost guards are causing trouble to Uncle Jiu is because the ghost has escaped. If they find him, nothing will happen to him.

The wandering ghost's strength was very low. Qin Ze didn't even make a move. He just stood in front of him and calmed him down.

Driven by action, the ghosts with little IQ entered Yizhuang one by one based on instinct.


"Are you Qin Ze, a disciple of Maoshan?"

The four ghosts looked at Qin Ze who appeared, looked him up and down, frowned and asked coldly.

This is different from what was expected!
They originally thought that Uncle Jiu's junior brother would be a middle-aged Taoist priest not much different from Lin Jiu's age.

But I never expected that it would be a young man.Compared to the useless literary talent, it seems not much bigger.

More importantly, although the man in front of him looks a little different from a traditional Taoist priest, he can be said to be able to retrieve all the ghosts in such a short period of time.

Not at all realistic!
Could it be that this young boy came from somewhere?

Acting together with Uncle Jiu here?Don’t you want to pay the 1000 million hell coins?
Qin Ze sensed the bad emotions in the ghost guards' eyes and raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, no matter where the public officials work, there are always those who have no eyesight.

"I don't know, what's your problem?"

hum! !

next moment.

A supreme aura suddenly burst out from Qin Ze's body.

The terrifying aura shot straight into the sky.

In an instant.

Everything within a dozen miles of Yizhuang was suppressed by this invisible terror, making it difficult to breathe.

Feeling this aura that was like a dormant wild beast, several ghosts were sweating profusely in fear.

His whole body was spread out uncontrollably on the ground, unable to move at all.

"Taoist Master Qin, please stop!"

The leader of the gang immediately realized that he had thought wrong.

The eyes were full of fear, and the boundless sense of oppression caused a huge impact on the souls of several people. At the same time, the souls around them began to dissipate. This was a precursor to the loss of their souls.

This time, it came too suddenly,
He was completely frightened by Qin Ze.

At this moment, he still had the faint sense of nobility that he had when he faced Uncle Jiu before. He was lying on the ground, unable to get up.

They now understood why the ghosts obeyed
Qin Ze just wanted to show off his power, and when he saw that his goal was achieved, as his aura calmed down, the ghost officers felt relieved, as if a huge mountain had been lifted off their backs.

"Zhang Yi, the third-class ghost officer of Duyin Division, has met Daoist Master Qin!"

The leader of the ghosts gathered together the souls that were about to leave the body. Feeling relieved, they quickly stood up and bowed their hands towards Qin Ze.

Upon seeing this, the other three ghost officers greeted Qin Ze.

Whether in the Yang world or the underworld, strength is paramount.

It is said that money can make the world go round, but when the strength is strong enough, it can also have the same effect.

At this time, the ghosts, who were relieved, did not dare to complain.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked dumbfounded on the side. When the four ghosts faced their master before, they still had a somewhat condescending attitude. However, they became respectful in front of their little uncle.

We just met!

Uncle Jiu was not surprised by this scene.

The strength of the four ghosts is actually not very strong. They are at the level of evil ghosts at most, not even serious ghosts. When they meet Qin Ze, who is completely overwhelmed in strength and has the special ability to dominate ghosts, they naturally have to respect them more.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another very important reason.

They probably want Qin Ze to join the Duyin Division.

Just as Uncle Jiu thought.

The leader, Guizhao Zhang Yi, stabilized his mind and decisively sent an invitation to Qin Ze:
"I just couldn't see Mount Tai!"

"I wonder if Daoist Master Qin is interested in taking up the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Duyin Division?"

(End of this chapter)

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