Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 163 Yin Shuai!Can I have the right to extend my life span?

Chapter 163 Yin Shuai!Can I have the right to extend my life span?

Qin Ze frowned. He was a little unfamiliar with these two words, and he was equally unfamiliar with Duyinsi.

But listening to the name, it seems like a position in the underworld.

Seeing that Qin Ze had some doubts, the leader of the ghosts explained respectfully: "As a Yin commander, you can gain the ability to communicate between Yin and Yang, and can dispatch a certain number of Yin soldiers!"

Gain the ability to communicate between yin and yang?Can you still dispatch Yin soldiers?
The temptation was quite great. Qin Ze fell into thinking and did not rush to give an answer.

Mainly because the invitation came too suddenly.

Just met him and gave him a job directly?
In the previous life, I had to take a test first and then how many rounds of interviews?
Seeing Qin Ze's hesitation, Uncle Jiu was afraid that Qin Ze would reject him with just one word, so he quickly gave him a confirming look.

Uh. I feel like if I don't agree, it seems that I will suffer a big loss. Qin Ze caught the eagerness in Uncle Jiu's eyes and silently complained in his heart.

Anyway, Uncle Jiu will not harm him. In this case, there is nothing to hesitate.

"Then respect is worse than obeying orders!"

Seeing that Qin Ze agreed, the attitude of the four ghosts became even more humble, and they almost buried their heads in the soil.

"We will report this matter to the superiors and inform you at that time!" Gui Cha Zhang Yi said with a smile on his face, completely opposite to his previous attitude.

Qin Ze nodded.

"Then you should count the number of ghosts first and see if there are any less!" He pointed at the ghosts in the yard and said.

The ghost nodded obediently, left Qin Ze, came to the ghosts, and did some rough calculations.

"The number of ghosts is off by about ten!"

There were originally a total of two hundred ghosts coming out of the Hell Gate, but now there were twelve fewer ghosts standing peacefully in the yard.

Still less?
Hearing this, Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

Qinglong Dojo is not far from Yizhuang. It only takes 10 minutes to get there at normal speed.

It took an hour now, because most of that time, Qin Ze spent searching for ghosts. With his domineering drive, he drove all the ghosts outside into the yard.

Unexpectedly, it was still missing.

Gui Cha Zhang Yi said with a flattering face: "It doesn't matter, it's almost the same, just a dozen ghosts missing!"

It is not unheard of for ghost messengers to escort ghosts and get them lost. As long as there is no trouble, there will be no punishment.

Moreover, now that they have found such a powerful Taoist priest for the underworld to serve as the Yin Commander, he will definitely receive a reward when he returns, and it is not impossible to be promoted to a second-class ghost servant.

Even if all the ghosts run away, the merits outweigh the faults.

"It was agreed before that within three days, the ghosts will be recovered, and then 1000 million ghost coins will be added. Now almost all the ghosts have been recovered. After three days, 1000 million ghost coins will be handed over to you. This matter will be considered complete. Solve it!" At this time, Uncle Jiu came to the four ghost servants and said with narrowed eyes.

When Gui Cha Zhang heard this, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he said with a smile: "Daozhang Lin, what are you talking about, 1000 million ghost coins! I never mentioned it!"

"Since Mr. Qin personally took action on this matter, that's the end of it!"

"After I bring all the ghosts back, I will hand over the specific matters of the post the next day!"

"Taoist Master Qiao, goodbye!"

As he spoke, Zhang Yi glanced at the other three ghosts, and then waved the mourning stick in his hand towards the group of ghosts, fearing that Qin Ze would ask for details and disappear from the place.The ghosts suddenly rose up with a strong wind and disappeared into the yard.

"What a bunch of snobbish guys!" Uncle Jiu snorted coldly.

The king of hell is easy to meet, but the devil is difficult to deal with. This saying is really true.

But fortunately there is a junior brother here, otherwise if he was cheated out of 1000 million ghost coins, he would have to break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

"Senior brother, does this so-called handsome man have a very high position?" Qin Ze couldn't help but ask.

He saw that the reason why Guizhao ran so fast was because he did not dare to accept the money because he was here, for fear of being retaliated against.

The second is to rush back and report his promise to be the commander-in-chief to the superiors.

And judging from their respectful attitude, this position should be good.

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he said excitedly: "That's too high!"

"Since Maoshan was established, no one has ever held the post of Yin Commander!"

Uncle Jiu used his own situation as an analogy: "For example, I am now a yin between the yin and yang. I can only communicate between the yin and yang in specific seasons. Besides, I don't have many rights. At most, I can give specific people People burn paper to save the souls of their enemies to the underworld. If they are ranked according to their positions, they belong to the third class! They are the same as those four ghosts!"

"And the position of Yin Shuai is above the first level, only slightly inferior to that of the Ghost King of the Underworld!"

"Anyway, with this position, there will be many benefits in the future!"

When he heard the benefits, Qin Ze's eyes suddenly lit up: "Senior brother, please elaborate on the benefits!"

"As a Yin commander, you have the right to dispatch certain Yin soldiers. You also have the authority to view the merits of the underworld, which is the cause and effect of a living person. You can even get a certain degree of lifespan blessing!"

Holy shit, it feels so good. Qin Ze was shocked. ,
The first ones are actually not bad, mainly the last one. Lifespan blessing, which makes Qin Ze's heart surge.

Although it is said that Kaido's template can turn into a blue dragon in the end, Qin Ze himself does not have as long a lifespan as a dragon.

At least in the original work, this has never been reflected. Kaido is slowly aging as the years go by, which is inevitable.

But if you can have the blessing of longevity, it wouldn't be too fragrant.

Seemingly sensing Qin Ze's expectation for longevity blessing, Uncle Jiu poured a basin of cold water on him: "Blessing life span is not that simple! Otherwise, the underworld would have been in chaos. You must first be qualified to view the Book of Life and Death!"

The Book of Life and Death and the Book of Merits are both books in the underworld that record people in the human world.

Qin Ze understood the meaning. To put it bluntly, to be in his position and to seek his position, he had to make certain achievements: "So, what exactly do you need to do?"

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he was suddenly startled: "Well, senior brother doesn't know either!"

"Before you, no one from the Yang world has ever held the position of Yin commander, so there are no seniors for reference, but what is certain is that the benefits to the people from the Yang world will definitely outweigh the disadvantages!"

In Uncle Jiu's view, no one in the human world can escape death. After death, they must enter the underworld and establish good relationships in the underworld in advance. No matter what, they will not lose money.

"To be honest, senior brother is surprised that those four ghost servants would actually invite you to be a ghost servant. Senior brother Shi Jian never received such treatment!"

"Anyway, from now on, we in Maoshan will have people in the underworld, and it will be much more convenient for us to do things in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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