Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 167 Boss Qian!This is my daughter Mary!

Chapter 167 Boss Qian!This is my daughter Mary!

Early the next morning, Uncle Jiu had already gotten up and started burning paper money. Qin Ze sat next to him and threw the printed coins into the blazing stove.

Last night, after the ghost officers finished handing over, they returned to the underworld.

Although Qin Ze has taken on the role of Yin Commander, there is nothing he needs to do at the moment.

It just so happened that he didn't take this so-called underworld position too seriously and only regarded it as a springboard that could increase his life span.

It was quite leisurely.

And according to his understanding, the underworld in the zombie world is different from the mythical underworld that he learned about in books in his previous life.

In an era when there were no immortals, no Bodhisattvas, and no mythical beasts, it could be regarded as a replica of the underworld.

However, the underworld is mostly filled with zombies and cultivating monks.

The underworld of the underworld is controlled by some extremely powerful ghosts.

If arranged according to strength, from low to high, they can be ranked as lonely souls, wild ghosts, evil ghosts, fierce ghosts, ghost generals, ghost kings, ghost emperors, and ghost emperors.

With Qin Ze's current strength, he must at least be ranked above the Ghost King in the underworld. After transforming into a dragon, it is not a problem to walk sideways in the entire underworld.

"Wow! Master, little master, how can Kaizi be so rich? He actually burned so many ghost coins at once?" At this time, Qiu Sheng looked at the master and uncle who were burning money early in the morning and asked in surprise.

"That Kaizi is your master and me!" Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes and said.

"Wow, Master, with so many ghost coins, are you preparing for your funeral in advance! If you go down, wouldn't you be rich immediately?"

When Qiu Sheng heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said that I also wanted to save some money in the underworld first so that I could experience the rush of being a rich man in the underworld.

"If you can't speak, you can choose to shut up!" Uncle Jiu said angrily.

These money were actually burned by him to the deceased seniors of Maoshan, as a token of his gratitude as a descendant of Maoshan.

Qiu Sheng was miraculously obedient and immediately fell silent.

As Qin Ze threw the last ghost coin into the furnace, the work of burning paper was finally over.

"Okay, let's call Wen Cai over. Today I'm going to give Boss Qian a feng shui check and have breakfast by the way!" After extinguishing all the flames, Uncle Jiu spoke directly to Qiu Sheng.

Boss Qian, a wealthy businessman who recently returned to Renjia Town from other places, wanted to ask for something and made an appointment to meet at a restaurant.

"Ah? Boss Qian! He is a famous rich man. We must make a fortune this time!"

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he immediately became excited.

"You kid, you are so greedy for money!" Uncle Jiu shook his head, too lazy to complain about his apprentice. He turned to Qin Ze and said, "Junior brother, are you coming with us?"

"Let's go!" Qin Ze nodded. He happened to have nothing to do now.

Soon, Qiu Sheng called Wen Cai and the group rushed towards their destination.

"Wow! Master, little master, what a beautiful restaurant!"

When everyone arrived at a three-story prosperous restaurant, Wen Cai couldn't help but sigh.

"Hello! Do you have an appointment?" After a few people came to the door, they were blocked by a girl wearing a western dress and a somewhat western style.

Although the girl had a smile on her face, her contempt for Uncle Jiu and the others could be seen in her eyes.

After all, Uncle Jiu and others were dressed simply, which was in sharp contrast to the guests in the restaurant.

"Wow, there's a waitress!"

"The level is really different!"

The two people stared at the girl's face and whispered.

The words of the two people were naturally listened to by the girl.

The fake smile on her face disappeared in anger: "A few bumpkins!"

The girl couldn't help but curse secretly. "Only one can see it!" Then he glanced at Qin Ze.

Qin Ze didn't bother to pay attention at all!

At this time, the manager of the restaurant saw this and ran over in a hurry.

"My lady, please stop talking!" He pulled the girl.

Then, he turned to look at Qin Ze with a full smile: "I'm sorry, Director Qin, this restaurant is newly opened. She is not a local and doesn't know you, so please don't be offended!"

In Renjia Town, who doesn't know that Qin Ze, the great benefactor of the entire town, dares to stop him, fearing that the restaurant will collapse with a single punch, and the residents of the town will definitely applaud him.

By then, there will be no room for reasoning.

When the girl heard this, she looked in disbelief and covered her mouth: "You, you are Taoist Priest Qin Ze!!"

The Taoist priest who was rumored to be as miraculous as a god actually stood in front of him.
"It doesn't matter! We know each other now!" Qin Ze shrugged, but didn't care.

I've seen this kind of thing a lot, and it's not painful or itchy.

"Boss Qian has come to see us for Feng Shui. Please let us know, boss," Uncle Jiu said at this time.

"Okay!" The supervisor quickly led Uncle Jiu and others toward the inside.

"Oh, Uncle Nine, Taoist Master Qin, you are finally here!"

When he arrived at a seat, a loud voice spoke excitedly. His exaggerated voice instantly attracted all the diners around him.

"Look, it's Taoist Master Qin!"

"It's really him!"

"I came at the right time today. Not only is there a discount for the opening of the new building, but I can also meet Taoist Priest Qin Ze!"

"If I can be judged by Taoist Master Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu in terms of feng shui, I will have to come to this store more often in the future, and maybe eat a few more meals. It will give me more luck!"


The people around him suddenly looked at him in surprise.

Those who can come here to eat are either rich or noble. Many are not locals of Renjia Town, but wealthy gentry from other places who come here to do business.

But even though he was not from Renjia Town, Qin Ze's name was as loud as thunder.

Now that I saw myself, I suddenly became excited.

Why does he feel a bit like a star in his previous life? Qin Ze silently complained in his heart, but on the surface he was as stable as an old dog.

"Two Taoist priests, there are really too many guests today. Come, come, come, please come and sit in a private room!"

At this time, the middle-aged man with the loud voice who looked very shrewd came to Uncle Jiu and others.

"Dad, I'm busy then. Call me if you need anything!" The girl on the side also realized the rudeness just now. After taking a look at Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu, she felt embarrassed to stand here and helped to get back to life.

"Hahahaha, I forgot to introduce you, that is my daughter, her name is Mary!"

Looking at his daughter leaving, Boss Qian happily introduced her.

Because Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu are very popular, his attitude towards them can be said to be very good, which is completely different from the snobby look in the movie.

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but whisper to Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu: "My daughter is not only capable, but she also doesn't have to spend money! Hehe!"

Boss Qian's smug smile made Uncle Jiu and others speechless.

He is so proud of using his daughter as free labor. What a stingy person.

Mary, who hadn't walked far yet, heard her father's words and rolled her eyes speechlessly, thinking that she had fully understood what her father was doing.

(The main purpose of the plot of entering the underworld is to solve the problem of the protagonist’s lifespan. After all, Kaido cannot escape old age and death, so I won’t describe it too much. In addition, this underworld is not the same as in mythology. Don’t substitute for the underworld. Its overall strength is not strong. After the protagonist’s template reaches perfection and his strength reaches its peak, whether it is in the Yang Realm or the Yin Realm, he will definitely dominate everything!)
(End of this chapter)

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