Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 168 Meet Shi Jian!Why does this guy have dragon energy in him?

Chapter 168 Meet Shi Jian!Why does this guy have dragon energy in him?
Seeing that Qin Ze and others didn't seem to be very interested in the topic he just talked about, after Mary served some Western steaks and coffee, Boss Qian went straight to the topic.

"Two Taoists, let's get down to business first. I don't know why my restaurant hasn't had much business since it opened until now! I didn't believe in Feng Shui or anything like that, but in this situation, it seems that I can't even believe it!"

He complained helplessly to Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu's master and apprentice.

As a literate person, he has always scorned ghosts, zombies and the like. It was not until he came to Renjia Town not long ago and heard many stories about Qin Ze that he believed that there really are people in this world. Something unexplainable exists.

And, there are gods who specialize in solving these things.

One person can smash a building into pieces with one punch, and can also produce strange phenomena, with dragon shadows hovering around.

Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, I have only heard it with my ears.

But that kind of impact on the world view is definitely not something ordinary people can imagine.

"On your menu, there isn't even a Chinese name, and there's no specific description of the steaks. Who can understand the difference? It's strange that business is good!"

Qin Ze glanced at the menu on the table and said calmly.

He had had the experience of eating Western food in Renjia Town before. It was when Master Ren asked for help. To be honest, it was not delicious.

Not only does it lack variety and flavor compared to Chinese food, there are also many gaps between it and the Western food I ate in my previous life.

Uncle Jiu fully agreed with this. A good Chinese restaurant must have Western food. It would be strange if people come often.

When Boss Qian heard this, he was immediately embarrassed. It seemed to make sense.

"But apart from that, there are indeed some problems with the Feng Shui of this restaurant!"

Uncle Jiu glanced around and slowly said, Feng Shui is actually not a matter of metaphysics, it can be solved with some layout.

There must be something wrong with the layout of the restaurant.

Because the layout is unreasonable and the menu is incomprehensible, it will make people feel uncomfortable eating here. It is normal that there will be few repeat customers.

"Master, stop talking!"

"You haven't collected the money yet!"

Qiu Sheng on the side saw that the master was about to continue talking and quickly reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh! I almost forgot, we haven't negotiated the price yet. I wonder what your current charging standards are, Uncle Jiu?"

After hearing what Qiu Sheng said, Boss Qian asked with a smile.

Of course, he was also prepared to suffer a lot of bleeding. After all, he hired a godly man and it was worth the price.

"It's not much, I just need this!"

Uncle Jiu smiled slightly and stretched out a finger.

"One, one thousand?" Boss Qian swallowed his saliva and asked with his eyes wide open.

He thought that hiring a god would be expensive, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive.

Uncle Jiu's mouth twitched, and he was about to say it wasn't 1000 taels, but before he could say the words, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai shouted quickly.

"That's right, it's a thousand oceans. It only takes a thousand oceans to ensure the restaurant's feng shui, and there's no problem at all! How about it, it's a good deal, Boss Qian!"

As soon as his words came out, Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze were stunned.

Good guy.

These two boys really dare to ask for a price.

A thousand oceans, I'm afraid even if this restaurant is sold, it won't be worth so much money.

"A thousand oceans, this, this."

Boss Qian is stupid.

"Two junior brothers, long time no see!"

At this moment, a calm voice came from the side.

Hearing this voice, Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze turned to look.

I saw a bearded man wearing black and white Taoist robes walking over with a young man. "Big Brother!!"

When Uncle Jiu saw the other party, he immediately stood up.

The visitors were none other than Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian.

"Big Brother?"

When the literary talent Qiusheng heard this, he was immediately confused.

The master's senior brother is also their senior uncle.

"Brother, long time no see!"

After hearing Uncle Jiu's words, a meaningful smile appeared on Shi Jian's gloomy face.

"We, master and disciple, passed by here with the intention of getting some money, but I didn't expect you to be here too!"

"However, you are asking for 1000 yuan to look at Feng Shui, isn't it a bit too much? The quotation our master and apprentice gave to the boss was only [-] yuan!"

"This is against Maoshan's regulations!"

Shi Jian looked like an elder and taught Uncle Jiu. For some reason, there was a faint smell of gunpowder filling the air.

"Since senior brother has accepted this order, junior brother will not get involved. Boss Qian, this is the money for this meal!"

Uncle Jiu didn't have much favorable impression of Shi Jian, and due to the killing of ghosts and the karma, his favorable impression dropped sharply. However, he was a little curious that Shi Jian was not in Maoshan at this time and actually came to Renjia Town. He didn't believe it when he said he was passing by.

Uncle Jiu took a few pieces of ocean directly from his pocket, stood up and turned around to leave.

However, just when Uncle Jiu stood up, he suddenly frowned because he saw Shi Shaojian secretly pulling out a piece of Mary's hair.

Of course, he didn’t say much.

"What, what's going on?" Boss Qian was a little confused at this time. He didn't expect that the old Taoist he met yesterday was actually a brother-in-law with Uncle Jiu, and the relationship didn't seem to be very good.

We have just met, and we are about to hold hands and leave.

If this makes Uncle Jiu unhappy, and if word spreads, he won't be able to survive in Renjia Town.

"Boss Qian, don't worry, my senior brother is not targeting you!" Qin Ze comforted him with a smile, but his eyes fell on Shi Jian.

I haven't seen him in almost half a year. Shi Jian still looks as high-spirited as ever, but compared to before, his aura is much stronger and he has become much younger.

Presumably, there have been new breakthroughs in strength and realm.

"Junior brother Qin Ze, I have met senior brother!" Qin Ze greeted Shi Jian with a cupped hand.

After hearing Qin Ze's words, Shi Jian turned his pupils and looked over. Although the expression on his face was still cold, his eyes were shining brightly.

"I haven't seen you for more than half a year. I didn't expect that junior brother now has the demeanor of a heavenly master!"

"Junior Brother Qin, your reputation will surpass that of me, the senior brother!"

Shi Jian said in a lukewarm tone.

As he spoke, his eyes looked at Qin Ze vaguely.

In fact, when he was in Maoshan, he only met Qin Ze once. The leader said that he had accepted a unique cultivation wizard, so he came here to have a look.

Just a little bit unexpected.

This cheap junior brother has really become a talent now.

"Why is there such a familiar aura about junior brother?" The light in Shi Jian's eyes faded away. He could not see Qin Ze's specific strength, but he could feel the extraordinary aura on Qin Ze's body, which was somewhat similar to the dragon aura that helped him break through. .

"Shaojian, I haven't met your junior uncle yet!!"

Although Shi Jian had doubts in his heart, he did not express anything and spoke calmly to Shi Shaojian on the side.

"Master Nephew Shi Shaojian, meet my junior uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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