Chapter 169 The wilted Shi Shaojian!
Although Shi Shaojian was very reluctant, he still gave Qin Ze a perfunctory salute to Qin Ze on such an occasion.

"Then, if Junior Brother has nothing else to do, our Master and Disciple will prepare to discuss matters with Boss Qian!"

Shi Jian issued an order to expel Qin Ze, Jiu Shu and others.

"Well, Senior Brother, you are busy. However, I'm afraid that Shaojian's nephew needs to be disciplined on weekdays. If he goes astray, the gains will outweigh the losses!"

Uncle Jiu said this to Shi Shaojian, but also to Shi Jian.

As soon as these words came out, Shi Jian's expression changed slightly.

Shi Shaojian's expression turned cold.

However, at this moment, Qin Ze looked at him with an indifferent look.

hum! !

In an instant, Shi Shaojian felt as if he had seen a beast from the wild, his face changed drastically with fright, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

"Huh! Got it!" Shi Jian said with a gloomy face, teaching his own son a lesson in front of him, so that he was not afraid of being looked down upon.

After Qin Ze heard this, he didn't say anything more and left with Uncle Jiu and others.

"Boss Qian, regarding the feng shui matter, our master and apprentice will come back another day, so I'll take my leave now!"

Seeing Qin Ze and others disappear, Shi Jian also spoke coldly, completely different from his attitude towards Boss Qian just now.

He didn't come here for Feng Shui matters, just to see this good junior brother who was in full swing.

Now, I've seen it.

Naturally, there is no need to waste words with Boss Qian, an ordinary person.

After saying that, without waiting for Boss Qian's reply, he looked back at Shi Shaojian, then turned and walked out of the restaurant.

Shi Shaojian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and left.

"Master, why do you think the master's apprentice wanted to do Miss Mary's hair?"

On the way back, Qiu Sheng said doubtfully. As a cultivator, he knew that pulling out hair was definitely not just for testing the quality of the hair. There were many other things that could be done.

"Yes, yes, I saw it too!" Wencai nodded quickly.

"You two, wait at Miss Mary's place all night. If you see Shi Shaojian, follow him. Remember, if you see him doing anything wrong, come back and tell me and your uncle. Don't act privately!"

Uncle Jiu also felt something was wrong, but just now Shi Jianzi, he couldn't say much. After all, he understood the temperament of the senior brother and was extremely defensive. If he asked questions, he might have to break up on the spot.

"Okay master, we like to do this kind of stalking!"

"Hey, no problem, master!"

Hearing Uncle Jiu's words, Wencai and Qiu Sheng laughed instantly, and then ran in the other direction.

Uncle Jiu looked at the direction the two were leaving and sighed slightly in his heart.

"Junior brother, do you think Senior Brother is any different from before?" He suddenly looked at Qin Ze and asked with a frown.

"More powerful! And more arrogant!" Qin Ze was silent for a while and then replied.

"You can see it too!"

"Eldest Brother's strength has probably reached the third level among Heavenly Masters now!"

Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice.

Logically speaking, it would be an extremely exciting thing for the disciples of Maoshan, especially the chief disciple of Maoshan, to break through to the third level of the Heavenly Master.

As his junior brother, he was naturally equally happy.

But at this time, Uncle Jiu was far more worried than happy.

First of all, Shi Jian has too much karma. As his strength increases, his true nature becomes more likely to be exposed. If he cannot suppress it, he will most likely become evil.

This is the point.besides.

Shi Jian came to Renjia Town from Maoshan not far away. If he did not lie to children like passing by, then his purpose was probably for Qin Ze.

After all, Qin Ze's reputation has become so great as the spread of his achievements during this period, and he is probably very famous in Maoshan now.

As for Shi Jian, he has long coveted the position of the leader of Maoshan. It is also because of this that he is often squeezed out by Shi Jian. They do not deal with each other and have a very bad relationship.

Nowadays, Qin Ze has risen rapidly, and Shi Jian naturally cannot tolerate the existence of such a genius.

"Junior brother, you still have to be careful in the past!" Uncle Jiu sighed.

Although I don’t know why Shi Jian suddenly broke through after wandering in the third heaven of the Heavenly Master for several years.

But after entering the third level of the Heavenly Master, coupled with the exquisite thunder method, his strength is extremely terrifying.

If he really wanted to take action against Qin Ze, he believed that he would not be able to stop him.

"Brother, don't worry too much. When the soldiers come, we will cover up the water and the earth. Everything will be determined freely!" Qin Ze said nonchalantly. He naturally knew what Uncle Jiu was worried about, but he was not worried.

Lei, it’s like he doesn’t know how to play with anyone!

"I hope so!"

Uncle Jiu nodded. He didn't want to see his fellow disciples fighting among themselves, but if it came to that point, he would stand by his fellow disciples without hesitation.

"Master, what are you thinking about?"

Shi Shaojian, who had returned to his residence, saw that his master had been deep in thought since he came back, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the aura on Qin Ze's body is somewhat similar to the dragon aura that helped me break through recently!"

"Presumably, I have found the reason why Qin Ze has risen so quickly!"

Shi Jian believed that Qin Ze, like him, relied on the dragon energy that he didn't know where to come from in Renjia Town, so his strength increased by leaps and bounds, from a Taoist priest with no power to bind a chicken, to a genius with strength close to that of a heavenly master. .

"What a pity! The dragon energy here is gone!" Shi Jian sneered: "Junior brother, junior brother, I am destined to disappear from everyone in the future!"

He didn't think about other aspects at all, and just ruled it out.

Shi Shaojian couldn't understand what his father was talking about, but from these words, it was not difficult to tell that Qin Ze, who was stealing the limelight, seemed to have a flaw.

"In the recent period, please don't cause trouble. Let's wait until the teacher has stabilized his realm and let's talk about other matters!"

In Shi Jian's eyes, the electric arc flickered.

"Yes, Master!"

Shi Shaojian retreated silently, but the corners of his mouth rose crazily.

late at night.

"Hmph! Xiaonizi, I will make you want to die tonight!"

At this time, Shi Shaojian was holding a strand of hair in his hand, and the figure of Mary, Miss Qian from the restaurant, appeared in his mind, and his whole body was burning with desire, scratching his heart and liver.

As a Taoist priest, he had long been frustrated by the bullshit Taoism he practiced every day. This time he took a look at Mary in Western clothes in the restaurant, and he was bound to get it today.

As for Shi Jian's words, Shi Shaojian didn't take it to heart at all. Although Shi Jian was usually very strict, he knew that if he really got into trouble, Shi Jian would naturally wipe his ass.

After all, he was just a biological son, and he couldn't bear to have anything really happen to him.

Soon, he left the room and walked outside.

Finally, we came to a remote place in the wilderness and stopped.

"If you go this far, no one will notice it!"

(End of this chapter)

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