Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 170 The soul leaves the body!It’s a lot of fun!

Chapter 170 The soul leaves the body!It’s a lot of fun!

Shi Shaojian looked at Renjia Town several kilometers away in the distance, and then carefully looked around. After finding that there was no movement, he took out a piece of yellow cloth with a talisman array carved on it and placed it on the ground. Then, he sat directly on the ground. The hands began to form seals.

"The ban on the physical body and the soul leaving the body"


As the mantras were recited, Shi Shaojian's soul instantly separated from his body.

After taking a look at his own body, Shi Shaojian flew quickly towards Mary's house without any hesitation.

As a spirit body, he possesses some of the abilities of a ghost, such as flying.

However, he didn't realize that at this moment, Wencai and Qiu Sheng, not far away from him, were leaning forward and watching everything.

Of course, according to Shi Shaojian's cultivation, it stands to reason that they can be easily discovered, but Uncle Jiu had given him the talisman before to hide his own aura, so the strength under the Earth Master could not be sensed.

Therefore, Shi Shaojian had no idea that he was being followed.

"The soul is out of body, this boy is really going to find Miss Qian!" Thinking of the matter of hair, Qiu Sheng was sure of what Shi Shaojian was going to do now.

It is almost impossible for someone to find out who did it if he left his body to pick flowers.

At most, they would think that they accidentally bumped into a ghost.

"Qiu Sheng, what should we do? Do you want to follow us and take a look?"

Wencai asked.

"I must go. This is a good time for heroes to save beauties. Besides, Xiaoli is still here. Nothing will happen. Wencai, please carry the body away. When he comes back later, he will not be able to find his body. He must be there." It will be fun too!”

Qiu Sheng chuckled and came up with a very damaging idea.

He couldn't help but laugh when he thought of Shi Shaojian wandering around in the wilderness looking for a body.

"Ah? Why me?"

"I also want to be a hero and save the beauty!"

When Wencai heard this, he was immediately unhappy. He followed him for a long time and had to work.

"Then we have the same old rules, rock, paper, scissors!" Qiu Sheng rolled his eyes and put one hand behind his back.

Wencai understood this, and the two of them attacked at the same time, and Wencai was defeated.

"Ah? Why did I lose again!" Wencai was speechless.

Qiu Sheng chuckled, Wen Cai, every time rock, paper, scissors comes out, it would be weird if he didn't lose.

"I'm willing to admit defeat. Remember not to move too far. Otherwise, if you can't find the key overnight, you'll be lost!"

After Qiu Sheng gave instructions, he chased after Shi Shaojian.

"Really, why is this guy so heavy!" Wen Cai couldn't help but complain, then he lifted up Shi Shaojian's body and walked towards the forest behind.


"worn out!"

Wencai was breathing heavily and had walked a long distance.


At this time, a wolf howl came to Wencai's ears in the mountain forest. When he heard the sound, his expression suddenly changed.

"I'll go, I won't be so unlucky!"

Wencai turned his head to look at his surroundings.



At this time, the wolf howled again, one after another, resounding throughout the entire mountain forest, and becoming increasingly clear.

In the distance, he saw pairs of green eyes staring at him, slowly approaching.

"Help!" Wencai was frightened and turned around to run away. However, before he could even take two steps, he was knocked down by a branch on the ground.

Shi Shaojian's body was also thrown away.moment.

The approaching wolves didn't even look at Wen Cai, and rushed towards Shi Shaojian's body, surrounding him and biting him.


Seeing this scene, Wen Cai's scalp went numb. The wild wolves were beyond his ability to deal with. His life was at stake, so he quickly called for support.

Little did he know that these wolves were completely too lazy to pay attention to him, and did not eat Shi Shaojian's meat. They just bit and bit, as if they had some deep hatred.

These wolves are not ordinary wolves, they are the descendants of the wolf monsters that Master and Disciple Shi Jian came to Renjia Town before and killed casually when they passed by.

In the past few days, the wolves have followed the scent. Even if there is no literary talent to move Shi Shaojian's body away, his body without the soul will still be found by the wolves.

"Hahaha, that Shi Shaojian, you almost scared me to death! You still want to harm others, it's so funny!"

"Yeah, he's so stupid!"

Just when Wencai was running all the way and was about to enter the town, he heard the voices of Qiu Sheng and the female ghost Xiaoli talking to each other.

Qiusheng and Xiaoli, after scaring Shi Shaojian, came out to join Wencai.

"Qiu Sheng!" The excited Wencai ran over quickly.

"Huh? Wencai, what are you doing here? Isn't it for you to look at Shi Shaojian's body?"

Qiu Sheng was stunned when he saw Wen Cai's appearance.

What's the situation?
"Oh no, Qiusheng, something happened!"

Wencai cried and told what happened.

As soon as he said this.

Qiu Sheng turned pale instantly.

The body was bitten by wolves?
Wouldn't that mean he's dead?
Shi Shaojian, that is the son of their great uncle!
"It's over, it's over, this is terrible!"

Qiu Sheng was so frightened that he could not speak coherently. Their original intention was to save Miss Qian and at the same time tease Shi Shaojian, who was heartbroken, but who could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

"Well, this is none of my business. I don't know anything. Don't say you've seen me!"

After hearing this, Xiaoli on the side quickly distanced herself from the relationship and disappeared quickly, for fear that she would be implicated.

"You unfaithful guy!" Qiu Sheng was stunned. They promised to share blessings and share hardships, but the female ghost was indeed unreliable.
"Xiao Li also ran away. It's too late to say anything now. Hurry up and find the master and uncle. They may be able to do something!"

Wen Cai quickly said, Qiu Sheng had no choice but to do this.
Ten minutes later, Wencai and Qiu Sheng rushed back to Yizhuang.

"Master, little uncle, something big has happened!"

"Help, little uncle!!!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng had just entered Yizhuang and started shouting.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you to look at Shi Shaojian in all this fuss? Why are you back?"

Hearing that the two of them looked like they were causing trouble, Uncle Jiu walked out angrily.

"Did you two take Shi Shaojian's body away?"

At this time, Qin Ze came out and said.

"Uncle Junior, how do you know?"

When Wencai heard this, he was stunned and said that I hadn't said anything yet.
He was about to tell the whole story when Qiu Sheng quickly stopped him.

"Well, something happened!"

"That boy Shi Shaojian ran to the wilderness, and then used the magic of out-of-body experience to prepare himself as a flower picker to defile Miss Qian. Then his body attracted a pack of wolves, and then we acted in the limelight."

The two of them chatted furiously.

After saying that, he looked at Uncle Jiu worriedly, fearing he would be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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