Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 172 I cherish my brothers and sisters very much!

Chapter 172 I cherish my brothers and sisters very much!

"Leader of the Black Cult?"

"Evil cultivators."

Shi Jian suddenly felt a little happy when he heard the other party announcing his home address.

What do you mean?
Nowadays, even evil cultivators have become blatant!
Blatantly posing as a Taoist priest from Maoshan
Is it because I can’t carry the knife anymore, or is it because the evil cultivator thinks he can do it?

He showed up openly and did not take himself seriously at all.

"What a black sect leader! What an evil cultivator!"

In this case, you can go die!

Crazy thunder and lightning rushed out from Shi Jian's body.

The terrifying aura coming from the fourth level of the Heavenly Master was like a tsunami, pressing towards the leader of the Black Sect.

"Taoist Master Shi, wait!"

"I have no malicious intentions!"

The leader of the Black Sect twitched the corner of his mouth. Unexpectedly, Shi Jian was about to use his ultimate move as soon as he disagreed.

Why is this temper even stronger than that of an evil cultivator!
There is a strong sense of oppression, and if they really fight, there is no chance of winning.

Shi Jian turned a deaf ear and was about to be struck by lightning at the sight of it.

"The Taoist Priest's disciple, I have a way to revive him!"

The leader of the Black Sect spoke quickly.

If he dares to come out, he is naturally confident.

I originally thought I could use this to negotiate some terms, but now it seems I’d better forget it!
It is important to dispel Shi Jian's hostility first.


As soon as this word comes out.

The thunder and lightning dissipated instantly.

Shi Jian looked at the leader of the Black Sect with cold eyes and motioned to continue.

The latter exhaled slightly, knowing that the crisis had been resolved, and said seriously.

"The blood of the four Yinshi girls is not easy to find. Time waits for no one! And even if they are saved, they will not be the same as before!"

"But if you use my secret skills, as long as the soul is still there, you can bring the dead back to life! Just like ordinary people!"

Lian Ying, the leader of the Black Sect, is slightly stronger than Wang Fu of the Corpse Refining Sect. He teaches secret techniques that are so miraculous that no one can surpass him except the ancestors of the sect.

It is not comparable to the wizard who refines the silver-armored corpse.

Shi Jian pondered for a while, then smiled: "It seems that you evil cultivators are of some use!"

"Tell me, what is your purpose?"

The leader of the Black Sect must have other things to do when he suddenly came to Renjia Town.

"Get rid of Qin Ze!"

Four words.

Sonorous and powerful.

Lian Ying's scarlet eyes were fixed on Shi Jian, and the atmosphere suddenly became more solemn at this time.

When Shi Jian heard this, he was silent for a while, and then suddenly burst into laughter.


He smiled very arrogantly.

"Interesting, really interesting! I didn't expect that my junior brother could actually let you, the leader of a sect, personally go out. I am really surprised!"

Lian Ying didn't speak, just looked at Shi Jian who was laughing wildly.

Qin Ze killed a disciple of their sect, and this matter has been widely spread in the spiritual world. As a sect, the Black Sect is respected in the world no matter what.

The disciple was killed by Maoshan's enemy, so he naturally had to make some countermeasures to appease the emotions of the disciples in the sect.

Of course, if a disciple is killed, generally speaking, he will not be allowed to take action personally.But in addition to this, another important point is that considering Qin Ze's current strength and potential, if it is not dealt with in time, it may cause serious trouble in the future.

I'm afraid that the entire evil cultivator world will be in trouble!
Therefore, the ancestor of the Black Sect personally ordered that while Qin Ze was still in Renjia Town and had not returned to Maoshan, let him come and deal with it personally.

The most important thing is to be foolproof.Leave no consequences!
"It's a pity that you can't kill him!" Shi Jian suppressed his laughter, but changed the topic and said calmly.

Qin Ze's strength is far stronger than what the outside world reports.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, to be able to kill the leader of the Corpse Refining Sect and the untransformed black dragon with his hands, he must at least have the strength of the second level of the Heavenly Master.

"Can't kill?" Lian Ying thought this was too funny.

"Taoist Master Shi, as the best cultivation genius in Maoshan in a hundred years, do you think too highly of him?"

If you can kill a silver-armored corpse, do you really think you are invincible?

Where is this?
"Besides me, the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect is also on his way!"

"If we attack at the same time, how should he respond?"

Lian Ying had already sentenced Qin Ze to death in his heart.


Shi Jian raised his eyes and suddenly became interested.

If the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect comes too.

That can be done.

The two of them working together, plus some disciples within their sect, would be able to handle even the third level of Heavenly Master.

As such.

Isn't that just right!

Even if Qin Ze was lucky enough to survive in Coffin Mountain, he would still have an extra layer of insurance.

Shi Jian thought to himself.

Although he really wanted to kill Qin Ze and Lin Jiu and get rid of these two most threatening opponents.

But he couldn't do it in an honest way. After all, the identity of Senior Brother Maoshan was there. If someone found out that he had harmed a fellow disciple, his reputation would be ruined immediately.

Therefore, we can only lure Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu to Coffin Mountain and use the hands of zombies to deal with them, or use Shi Shaojian's matter as an excuse.

But now, someone is taking the lead.

why not?

Although he thought so in his heart, Shi Jian showed no trace on his appearance.

"So? You came in front of me and said you wanted to kill my fellow disciples. This makes me very embarrassed!" Shi Jian's face turned serious.

"I am a person who cherishes his brothers and sisters very much!"

"Taoist Master Shi, I know a little bit about you as a person, and I will definitely not leave any clues. When the time comes, please do not take action, but just watch with a cold eye!"

The leader of the Black Sect is really an old fox at heart. He obviously wants to get rid of Qin Ze, but he pretends to be very distressed.

Shi Jian raised his eyebrows and looked at Shi Shaojian lying on the ground: "Then let's see your performance first!"

"Of course!" Lian Ying, the leader of the Black Sect, smiled knowingly and waved the black robe on his body, and Shi Shaojian's body was immediately shrouded in it.
At this time, Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu and others had returned to Yizhuang, packed up and rushed towards Coffin Mountain.

"Master, what is coffin fungus?" On the way, curious Qiu Sheng couldn't help but ask.

"You don't know. I thought you knew it very well, and you swore to me that there would be no problem!"

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he said angrily.

"That, isn't it the mushroom growing inside the pipe?" Qiu Sheng suddenly spoke in embarrassment upon hearing this.

"Fart, if it was that simple, would your uncle have asked us to come over?" Upon hearing this, Uncle Jiu cursed angrily, wondering why this kid is not enlightened at all.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai suddenly shrank their necks and realized that things were not as simple as they thought.

"The coffin fungus is a spiritual creature produced by heaven and earth. As for the method of its production, it is very difficult. It usually only grows in the mouths of zombies!"

"As the saying goes, people take one breath of life, and some people die and cannot swallow this breath, and then they turn into zombie corpse gas, which keeps spitting in their mouths! After a hundred years, it will turn into the so-called coffin bacteria!"

(End of this chapter)

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