Chapter 173 This is my first kiss!

"This thing has the effect of human flesh and bones. Not only is it useful for evil things like zombies, it can also help a green zombie advance into a hairy zombie! Even corpses that have just died have miraculous effects!"

"Of course, it will take hundreds of years to form coffin fungus, and if the zombies in the coffin can survive such a long time and continue to breed yin energy to nourish the coffin fungus, then their strength is definitely not weak!"

"It's almost the level of a zombie king!"

Uncle Jiu explained from the side.

Wencai Qiusheng and the two suddenly realized that no wonder the master was hesitant when he agreed. There was a zombie king living inside the coffin.

"Alas! Isn't it a pity to give such a good thing to Shi Shaojian like this!"

Qiu Sheng scratched his head, feeling that it was too much of a pity.

"It's just that, if it's used by a dead person, it's a waste, so it's better to keep it!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng hated Shi Shaojian very much and disliked him.

"What dead man?"

Uncle Jiu snorted coldly.

"I said it wrong, he is a bad person, a bad person!" Qiu Sheng realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly explained in embarrassment.

Qin Ze listened silently and did not interrupt.

The coffin fungus is indeed a treasure, but for Shi Shaojian, it is of no use at all.

It's just that Shi Jian wanted to find an excuse.

Qin Ze didn't explain this either. Everything would be clear later.

The group continued on their way, walking for more than two hours, and arrived at a mountain dozens of kilometers away from Renjia Town.

Uncle Jiu looked at the green light coming from the mountain, and his eyes twitched: "It's such a rich yin energy, it's probably much thicker than Jiuyin Mountain!"

Looking at this mountain, Uncle Jiu's eyes couldn't help but become solemn.

"Master, what kind of mountain is this? You can actually see Yin Qi!"

Qiu Sheng knew that yin energy was invisible to most people. If you wanted to see it, you needed to use specific tricks, such as wiping your eyes with willow leaves and applying cow tears.
Only when the yin energy is strong to a certain extent can it be directly seen with the naked eye, like now.

"Coffin Mountain, it is said that a hundred years ago, a group of bandits occupied this mountain and became kings. They burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil!"

"It's just that all these zombies were killed by the officers and soldiers who suppressed the bandits!"

"But because of the special geographical location here, many officers, soldiers, and robbers and bandits died, and the gloomy atmosphere was overwhelming. Almost all the corpses buried underground turned into zombies!"

"A year ago, there was a heavy rainstorm, and a mudslide occurred on the mountain. All the coffins buried in the ground were exposed, which caused the yin energy in the entire mountain to surge!"

"Among these zombies, there is a zombie king, as well as many green zombies and black zombies. Their strength is terrifying!"

Uncle Jiu briefly explained the situation.

As soon as he said this, Wencai and Qiu Sheng were immediately frightened.

A zombie king, many green zombies, and black zombies.

That's too scary!
"Senior brother, why didn't you mention this to me?" Although Qin Ze knew that there was a coffin mountain, he didn't know it was outside Renjia Town. Otherwise, he wouldn't have waited until now to come.

"Uh, did you believe me when I said I forgot?"

Qin Ze: "."

Soon, the group reached the top of the mountain and saw coffins standing there in a forest.

At a rough count, there are at least twenty or thirty.

In the center of these coffins, there is a coffin made of hundreds of years old locust wood, which is extremely conspicuous.

As we all know, the locust tree is called the ghost in the tree and has the effect of absorbing the yin energy of heaven and earth.

Zombies sleeping in such coffins will also practice much faster.

Although it's not much, over time, it's terrifying. "Master, there are so many coffins? What should we do next?"

Qiu Sheng looked at so many coffins and immediately stepped back subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid, these zombies are all sleeping now, and the moon happens to be covered by dark clouds tonight, so there will be less trouble!"

"For coffin fungi, you need to have mouth-to-mouth contact with the zombie to suck it out. Remember, you must not take it with your hands or other objects. If it falls on the ground, it will dissipate!"

Although the coffin bacteria was useless, he still wanted to get it. This was his explanation to Shi Shaojian about the matter.

From then on, he and Shi Jian were inseparable from each other.


Qiu Sheng looked at the master who was staring at him, and felt a little nervous in his heart.

"No, master, you won't let me go, will you?"

Uncle Jiu snorted coldly: "Otherwise? Let me go as a teacher?"

Qin Ze echoed: "Otherwise? Let Master Uncle go?"

Wencai also wanted to talk with a sullen smile, but he was choked by Uncle Jiu just in the middle of the sentence: "Wencai, you have to go too! The coffin bacteria are extremely negative, Qiu Sheng can't last long alone!"

"Ah? No, master, I'll go too?"

Wencai was immediately dumbfounded. How could he still be here?

You can only suck it with your mouth, doesn’t that mean you have to mouth to mouth with Qiu Sheng?

"Master, it's my first kiss!" Wencai trembled all over. Thinking of kissing Qiu Sheng, he felt sick in his stomach.

Qiu Sheng also protested strongly and refused to give her first kiss.

"Are you going? If you don't go, my master will throw you over. I don't care if the zombies are awakened by then!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked pitifully at Qin Ze.

When choosing who to help, Qin Ze chose to look up at the stars.

"Still not passing?" Uncle Jiu rolled up his sleeves, feeling that he would have to throw the two of them over in the next second.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Let's go!"

The literary talent Qiu Sheng suddenly felt angry. It was just a kiss. A man could bend and stretch, so what's the big deal?

Taking advantage of the fact that the zombies were still sleeping, the two of them tiptoed and cautiously walked toward the coffins.

Soon, the two passed through the upright coffins on the side and came to the flat coffin in the center.

Qiu Sheng carefully opened the coffin lid, and a zombie with a black face and a hint of sinister energy lay inside, and in his mouth, there was a green ball of air that was slowly squirming.

"Who's coming?"

Qiu Sheng looked at Wen Cai and asked.

"It must be you. When the hero saved the beauty before, you said you would be the first to do it next time!"

Wencai shook his head like a rattle.

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he was speechless for a moment. He originally wanted to use rock, paper, scissors, but he didn't expect that Wen Cai's memory suddenly became better and he became smarter.

"Come on!"

Qiu Sheng didn't care anymore. With a sudden heart, he opened his mouth and kissed the zombie's black iron mouth.

hum! ! !
With a sudden breath, he sucked out the coffin bacteria in the zombie's mouth. In an instant, a biting coldness appeared on Qiu Sheng's body.

He was shivering all over because of the cold. At this time, he didn't care about whether it was a man or not. He hugged Wencai and started to eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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