Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 174: Kill zombies! 1 merit points per punch!

Chapter 174: Kill zombies!One punch earns [-] merit points!

At the same time, he also vomited the coffin bacteria in his mouth to Wen Cai.

"Huh! So comfortable!"

Qiu Sheng felt like he was alive.

It turns out that life is so beautiful.


This time, it was Wencai's turn to turn green.

In pain, he stretched out his hands to grab Qiu Sheng.

"Wencai, just be patient, I believe you can do it!"

When Qiu Sheng saw this, he ran away, cheering Wen Cai on while running.


Wencai covered his mouth and quickly chased after him.

However, at this time.


The dark clouds in the sky suddenly disappeared at this time for some unknown reason.

A bright moon appeared on the top of the mountain.

As the moonlight fell, it illuminated the entire mountain.

At this moment, all the coffins seemed to be wrapped in a layer of silver.

boom! !

boom! ! !
In an instant, all the coffin lids were lifted.

As zombies jumped out of the coffin one after another, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were instantly surrounded by zombies.

"Damn it, zombie!"

"The zombies are awake."

Qiu Sheng was so frightened that he called out quickly.

However, when he opened his mouth, he didn't realize that Wen Cai had already come to him, hugged him and kissed him.

Then, the coffin bacteria also spit out.

"Wow! So comfortable!"

The literary talent who was not aware of his surroundings couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

Looking at Qiu Sheng covering his throat, he couldn't help but laugh.

However, at this moment, a loud roar of zombies came from all directions.

"Holy crap, the zombies are alive!!"

Wencai's scalp suddenly became numb, and he broke out in horror towards the position where there were few zombies.

At this time, Qiu Sheng also chased after him.

The sudden scene made Uncle Jiu's face instantly become serious.

The sky was obviously full of dark clouds, but why did they suddenly disperse?
In the end, the zombies woke up.

Uncle Jiu had no choice but to draw his copper coin sword and rush out in one step.


The leader of the zombies chased behind Wencai and Qiu Sheng, roared angrily, and bumped into Qiu Sheng's back.

The speed is so fast, the power is terrifying, and with the cultivation of survival, there is no way to hide.

If it hits.

If you don't die, you have to lose half your life.

"You evil beast, get out!!"

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Uncle Jiu came.

With a loud shout, a sword struck the zombie.

The copper coin sword is surging with vitality and stands on the zombie's arm.

puff! !


The zombie's arm was cut off directly.

The fracture was flat and black blood oozed out.


The zombie whose arm was cut off let out a painful cry, then changed its target and rushed towards Uncle Jiu angrily. Not only him, but several green zombies also came towards Uncle Jiu. .

Just as Uncle Jiu was about to bite his finger and use blood to draw talismans on the sword to deal with the zombies.

Qin Ze's voice came suddenly.

"Brother, step back!"

The voice is as rich as a bell.

Almost subconsciously, Uncle Jiu tapped his toes on the ground, held an apprentice under one arm, and retreated more than ten meters away in an instant.

He knew that his junior brother was about to take action, and he even knew that the damage would be very high.

This is indeed the case.Seeing the zombies waking up, Qin Ze's eyes showed no trace of panic except for the joy of an upcoming harvest.

That's when the words fell.

Qin Ze stepped forward with one foot.

A violent aura instantly enveloped the entire mountain, and the invisible domineering mat spread in all directions, straight into the sky.

Even Uncle Jiu, who was dozens of meters away at this time, couldn't help but feel his heartbeat speeding up, his energy and blood flowing back, as if there was a huge force pressing down on him.


next moment.

Qin Ze clenched his fists together, and the knotted muscles on his arms stood up inch by inch, bang bang bang!The heart beats powerfully, like a war drum roaring, and the dark body releases terrifying energy fluctuations.

The domineering energy around him was restrained to the bones of his fists.

The entire arm instantly turned dark black.

at this time.

Qin Ze was completely opposite to his previous friendly temperament.

The whole person was extremely terrified.

It's as sharp as a supremely sharp knife.

The next moment.

Accompanied by a muffled sound.

Qin Ze punched out.

The majestic energy spurted out like a tsunami, and the black air waves blown out were like black scythes harvesting life.

All the zombies swept by the air waves fell down like wheat blown by the wind.

at the same time.

The terrifying strong wind swept out, like an invisible giant's hand, ravaging the area mercilessly, causing the ground to explode, gravel flying, and vegetation toppling over.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Jiu's mouth twitched sharply. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by this scene.

"Ding! Kill ten black zombies and five green zombies. Congratulations to the host, you will get 10500 merit points!"

The sound of the system sounded.

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

Just one punch can give you [-] merit points, which is so delicious.

Moreover, after the Armed Color Haki is upgraded to a high level, a flat A will have the same damage as the previous Bazai Jie skill.


Suddenly, another thunderous roar came.

Boom boom boom! ! !
The Yin Qi on Coffin Mountain seemed to be rioting at this time.

Followed by.

The coffin where the Zombie King was placed burst open.

A zombie exuding soaring gloom stood up from the ground out of thin air.


As the Zombie King awakens, the surrounding zombies who were knocked out and not completely dead all trembled and bent towards the position of the Zombie King to show their submission.


The Zombie King roared again, gushes out yin energy into the sky, and fixed his gaze firmly on Qin Ze.

"Master, the zombie king has also woken up. What should we do?"

The reason why Wencai can speak is because the coffin fungus has been contained by Uncle Jiu using a special Taoist instrument.

"How to do?"

Uncle Jiu said helplessly: "Let's just watch your uncle's performance. What else can we do?"

Although his strength is not bad, compared with Qin Ze, he is inferior, and it is not enough when encountering these zombies.

Qiu Shengdian was not worried at all. It was not like he had never seen this scene before. When he was in Tengteng Town, there was also a zombie king, and he was beaten to death by his junior uncle.

Now, my little uncle hasn't even used the magic weapon yet?

"It's better than the Zombie King in Tengteng Town, but it's still not good enough!"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows and didn't take the so-called zombie king seriously at all.

Maybe for other Taoist priests, they have to run away quickly when they encounter the Zombie King, but in front of him, it is just a merit point for walking.


As if sensing the contempt in Qin Ze's eyes, the Zombie King roared at this time.


The zombies around who had finally escaped with their lives rushed towards Qin Ze as if they didn't care about their lives.

"Good come!"

The corners of Qin Ze's mouth raised slightly, and as he clenched his right hand, he punched out again.


The entire mountaintop swayed.

(End of this chapter)

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