Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 176 Notify Shanmen!Elder Lin Tang goes to Renjia Town!

Chapter 176 Notify Shanmen!Elder Lin Tang goes to Renjia Town!
"Junior brother, after thinking about this matter for Master, you should still inform the Master!"

Uncle Jiu's words rang in Qin Ze's ears.

Knowing that Shi Jian had evil intentions, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. The great disciple of Maoshan was also his senior brother, and his strength was even more powerful.

Now that something like this happens, it’s natural to be very panicked.

Moreover, no matter what happens, you have to inform the master first.

If anything happens, Shanmen can send someone over to handle it.

By the way, I would also like to announce that my junior brother has entered the underworld to serve as the Yin Commander.

So that all the junior brothers who are out there can go more smoothly when they encounter unforeseen circumstances in the future.

Qin Ze was silent for a while.

To be honest, he was not worried about Shi Jian's methods. This was due to the confidence given by his strong strength.

But considering it from Uncle Jiu's point of view, it is indeed better to inform Shanmen first.

"Okay, senior brother, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Back in Renjia Town, Uncle Jiu did not go directly to Shi Jian's residence, but returned to Yizhuang first.

In fact, according to Maoshan's regulations, any disciple who becomes a messenger in the underworld can use the Maoshan messenger to notify all Maoshan disciples.

Usually, as long as the brothers and nephews are around, they will come to congratulate you.

However, there were fewer people holding positions in the underworld, and it has not been used for a long time.

The last time someone took on the role of undercover was three years ago.

Of course, some people are too lazy to do it.

Uncle Jiu came to visit the memorial tablet of his ancestor, while Qin Ze watched silently.

next moment.

Uncle Jiu drew out his mahogany sword, burned a yellow paper talisman filled with talismans, and threw it into the incense burner in front of the ancestor's memorial tablet.

hum! !

In an instant, the incense in the incense burner was lit.

Then, Uncle Jiu held a wooden sword and began to recite a spell.

And as the incantation was recited, the green smoke turned into several parts and flowed rapidly towards each tablet.

And after the streamer shines into the tablet.

A burst of golden light bloomed in front of Uncle Jiu.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Jiu knelt directly on the ground, saluted and then slowly spoke.

"I am the 18th generation disciple of Maoshan, Lin Fengjiao, nicknamed Yimei. Now I would like to ask the ancestors to pass it on to my junior brother. The 18th generation disciple of Maoshan, Qin Ze, is nicknamed Qinglong. I have become Yin Cao Si Yin Shuai to all Maoshan masters. brother!"

"In three days, Wang Neng will meet at Renjia Town."

Uncle Jiu said all his requests loudly.

Then, he knelt down to the memorial tablet of his ancestor again.

Buzz! ! !
As Uncle Jiu finished speaking, the talismans in the incense burner burned out, and all the tablets shook crazily, then calmed down.

"Thank you for your help, ancestors!"

"Huh! It's over!"

Uncle Jiu stood up from the ground with a smile.

at the same time.

In a remote, but quiet and livable dojo.

There was an exclamation.

"Damn it! Junior brother has become a shady agent of the underworld?"

"And he's still handsome?"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes widened his eyes in front of the Patriarch.

"Master, what kind of conspiracy is this? Which uncle are you talking about?"

Jiale on the side was a little confused when he heard his master's words.

"Of course it's your Uncle Qin. I didn't expect that kid Qin Ze to become a gangster in the underworld at a young age, and he is still in a high position! Great! From now on, your master and I will never see those gangsters again in the future. You have to give them some face!”

Taoist priest Simu said with some excitement.

"It's a pity that we can't go to Renjia Town now. We have to start back to the mountain gate. Otherwise, we must give our junior brother a good talk in person!"

Outside the Forbidden City, in a camp.

"Southeast, northwest, how is the situation nearby?"

Taoist Master Qianhe looked around at the four disciples who had returned from investigating the situation nearby. "Master, it's okay!"


The four disciples spoke in unison.

Taoist priest Qianhe nodded: "Okay, we will take turns to keep vigil at night, and the rest of us will rest first!"

At this time, he had sent the royal people on the border back to the Forbidden City, and now he was heading to Maoshan.

However, although the royal zombie incident has been resolved, he has remained [-]% vigilant since experiencing this incident.

As long as you are camping at night, you must do some investigation in advance.


along the way.

Nothing unexpected happened.

"I don't know, how is Junior Brother Qin doing now?"

Taoist priest Qianhe thought to himself.

Suddenly, a message reached his mind.

"What? Junior Brother Qin has become a handsome man? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That boy is really amazing. He has achieved such achievements at such a young age!"

Taoist priest Qianhe exclaimed in excitement.

They were originally planning to go back to the tent, but after looking at each other, they quickly walked back.

After hearing Taoist Master Qianhe's explanation, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"My dear, Junior Brother Qin, you are only about 20 years old!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the gap between humans is really bigger than that between humans and pigs. From now on, it will be really big!"

Maoshan, after receiving the news, was even more shocked. The junior fellow students who were still studying in the sect started talking among themselves.

Elder Lin Tang, on the other hand, looked a little unhappy and went straight to the head brother's room.

"Senior brother, do you know that Qin Ze became the Yin Commander of the Yin Cao Division?"

Zhang Tianshi nodded happily and said that you know about this, how can I, as the leader, not know about it?
"Qin Ze, this kid, can always create some different surprises!"

"It was indeed right to let him enter Maoshan in the first place!"

"Being able to become a Yin Shuai at such an age has never happened before in the entire history of Maoshan!"

While drinking tea, Zhang Tianshi narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth crazily.

Qin Ze was the disciple he recruited.

Qin Ze has achieved this, and he naturally feels proud.

The most important thing is that the old guy from Maoshan, the northern sect, always liked to make trouble for the genius in the sect who was famous in the world of immortality.

The teacher also boasted that at such a young age, he was working as a first-class ghost in the underworld.

Now, look how he still chokes himself.

Lin Tang paused and said, "Senior brother, in addition to the matter of Senior Nephew Qin Ze, there is news about Senior Nephew Shi Jian!"


Hearing this, Tianshi Zhang asked, "Where has he gone?"

"Renjia Town!"

"Renjia Town?"

"Lin Jiu and Qin Ze must be in Renjia Town now!" Zhang Tianshi frowned slightly.

Lin Tang nodded silently, and then explained the information passed by Uncle Jiu.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianshi felt dazed for a while, and then he sighed.

He knows his apprentice's temperament best.

At this time, he ignored the major events in Maoshan and chose to go to Renjia Town, where Qin Ze was located, alone.

Purpose is self-evident.

"I didn't expect that this disaster would happen in Renjia Town!"

Zhang Tianshi sighed a little: "Junior brother, put everything aside for now and go to Renjia Town. Remember, no matter what happens, you must ensure Qin Ze's safety!"

Lin Tang nodded: "What about Senior Nephew Shi Jian?"

"Everything has its own destiny! You will know the answer when you arrive!"

(End of this chapter)

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